Why do Redneck dystopian shithole states vote against their own economic interests
Also known as the black belt.
Your confirmation bias lies within your taunt.
This guy gets it
It isn't the rednecks
>the black belt
Give me a Christian Theocracy and all of those problems will go away.
All the problems listed at the bottom are the result of niggers
>le nigger meme
you know its where 95% of all nigger live, right?
Came to post this.
I wish niggers were only a meme
But they're very much real
If there were no niggers we would have the same standardized test scores as western europe and the same gun crime rate as luxembourg.
just so happens to have the highest population density of blacks in the nation.
really makes me think
>gay, divorce, teen pregnancy, meth, poverty and hiv mentioned
>new york and california left out
wew lad
if this was posted on facebook or something you could easily manipulate the scene by claiming its offensinsive because thats a majprity black population and the poster should be ashamed i mean those things are not right??
maybe they care about more than there economic interests.
it's better than voting against our race's interests
See: map of black population in USA
Isnt the "bible belt" full of niggers?
Well it was posted on facebook, judging by the "we fucking love atheism" watermark
Because its full of rural and suburban retards,all the intelligent city people voted for Hillary
Came here to post this, posting supporting evidence instead.
Because their conscience compels them not to vote for baby killers.
If only
Why do we pretend that the inhabitants of the Bible belt are all white Christians?
>Redneck dystopian shithole states
you mean nigger states right?
It is niggers, you dumb fuck.
you mean kick out the illegals that drive down wages?
its almost like they're voting FOR their economic interests.
mfw I live in a state that's only light yellow and white
>be democrat
>have to rent shipping containers because even working full time and making six figures you can't afford housing
>call red states dystopian when even fucking McDonalds cashiers there have cars and homes
>buy a trailer
>cover it in expensive siding and call it a "tiny house"
>laugh about trailer trash even though you effectively are trailer trash
I'm tired of hearing about what my "economic interests" supposedly are, this argument might have carried some weight in like 2002 but in 2017 when the GOP is fighting outsourcing and immigration it's just fucking stupid. Democrat controlled areas have wealth disparity on par with Russia circa 1910, not everyone wants to live in a broom closet in exchange for the privilege of living closer to the rich and powerful.
>Why do people who are forced to deal with Americas worst problems voting for people who can fix those problems
That's liberals, m8. Everyone who actually lives here knows how it is.
That's why we call you Libtard.
Then, why you believe in the bible belt? After all, correlation doesn't imply causation.
Also known as the racism belt.
Well yeah you'd be racist too if you were around niggers
Jesus saves, OP. Despite all things you mentioned, it's still a better place to live with better people all-around than some commie shithole like CA or MA.
Some memes are just better than others.
But my graph clearly shows an undeniable correlation between racism and poverty. Racism must cause poverty!
>People that live around blacks are more racist
What a surprise.
Thank god I'm not in the Bible Belt since I'm in South Flo
There's probably some truth to this, actually. In the Jim Crow South, blacks were denied access to good paying jobs, good education, good housing, etc. It makes sense that we would still be seeing the effects 50 years later.
no the niggers cause the racism and the poverty
Because #AllLivesMatter.
>Conservashits will never admit racism held back blacks for so long
And literally every one of those things besides meth use and, maybe, gay porn are objectively due to the sheer volume of niggers in the south.
cus theys stupid
>and, maybe, gay porn
Have you not been around niggers? They're gay as fuck
>blacks are low iq
>blacks always talking about race
>place where blacks live is the most racist
>low iq people are usually poor
like i said they create the racism and the poverty
Woah, that explains why niggers, arabs and spics are so racist!
It's because of their low IQ's!
Thanks bro.
>making fun of those participating in/ or are suffering from all of those described in OPs pic is evil
>unless they're white and christian and male
also highering my taxes is not within my economic interest
yeah they sure fulfilled their full potential in africa
Bipartisanship is the slow death of this country. You are a fool if you truly believe that either "side" is voting for the interests of anyone other than the elites that own us.
How do know their economic interests you fucking faggot?
>from a red county on your map.
You fuckers in yellow and white counties need to stfu. Yall aint got to live with these niggers.
it doesn't imply it, it explicity states it. idiot.
you sound like the retarded cig companies who said the same thing when it was figured out those who smoked had a higher chance of getting lung cancer
Because these "redneck" areas also happen to have the highest concentration of niggers in America.
Funny how people always forget that fun fact.
It's where a massive portion of the black population lives as well
this guy gets it
I was thinking the exact same thing.
First off, the South is have tons of new business show up since the North and West coast rape everyone via taxes.
Second and most importantly....niggers.
Oh yeah, if only conservashits weren't around, blacks would reach their full potential like in Haiti, and Africa.
Check the maps in this thread, it's literally where like 95% of our niggers are
Hello fellow Best Dakotan.
> muh niggers : the convenient scapegoat for failed Conservashits economic policies
not an argument
ever been around blacks?
I'm /montana/ actually
It is goddamn surreal.
Actually brilliant computer people are duped into working in San Francisco and are blow all their money on rent.
Meanwhile, literal 80 is mouth breathers can start their own businesses picking up scrap metal and junk cars. They can build empires because their homes and lifestyles are so cheap.
Crossover Attack
>muh pets-- I mean nice black people are poor so we need to increase welfare
>no my pets- whoops again blacks aren't poor its the conservashits that completely BTFO us in the recent election
Those maps tell us that if the Confederacy had won it would be a majority black nation today. Mainly because slaves were being bred to market. They wouldve ended up slaughtering all the whites at least by the 1920s and would almost certainly have been a communist nation like Cuba during the Cold War era. The rebel flag would be a nigger flag.
Kinda sad to think about.
Oh hey, I like you guys too. Stay based.
>Space Coast, Florida
>Bible Belt
Were sciencefags here m8
To myself, yes it is sad senpai, but those maps also show us where to focus our firepower during a race war. Dont worry, son. the South really will rise again.
This means that in practice, a total idiot can build more wealth picking up people's trash and recycling it than an eco conscious liberal ends up with, just because they don't know how to spend.
I took the time to do what you were too stupid or lazy to do.
I analysed county level data.
Oh look, religious adherence is a significant predictor of single parent homes!! OP is right!! Stormweenies eternally BTFO!!
Except, oh no, what happens if you include black population figures?
Religiousity becomes COMPLETELY irrelevant.
FPBP: It should be called the Black Belt.
All because of niggers nice try though
I think we both know the answer to that - pic related.
>massive amount of nigs
>century of development burned post Civil War
>farmers impacted by the great depression more than anyone else
And yet people are still moving to the Bible Belt faster than any other part of the country
Your image implicitly commits the false cause, converse, begging the question, and appeal to hypocrisy fallacies. The causal relationship is questionable; no comparison is made, implying the image is implying those issues only or mostly occur in the bible belt; no support is provided for this implication; and it's irrelevant to atheist ideology. lel this is nothing but silly, angsty-teen-tier propaganda - fitting for atheists, actually.
>Why do Redneck dystopian shithole states vote against their own economic interests
loaded question seeping with butthurt but not an argument
Isn't this webcomic "artist" an ultra liberal?
Based Veetnam
What was your argument in the first place? That black people are stupid?
This. It's the Souths punishment for slavery to keep most of the unproductive blacks there
Northerners are racist too. Most of them just don't experience living around niggers 24/7.
Post civil war demographics are a bit odd. There was very little immigration into the south and yet the white population skyrocketed from the 1890s onward till many areas that were once majority black became majority white. Meanwhile the negro population kinda stagnated and even shrunk in some areas by percent of population and in real numbers in some cases.