Invasion of America

I made a battle-plan of America in paint. Basically the russians occupies San Francisco, Mexico invades Texas, Canada attacks Minnesota, Europe and UK blitzkriegs the east coast while Scandinavia pillages Florida and cuts of their Navy. Then the final battle will be the chinese merchant storming the west coast with their endless army.

I'd reckon USA would surrender within a month. Thoughts?

UK would invade Ireland before it invades us

Why wouldnt you just invade the US the same way you invaded Sweden, Ahmed?

>Invading Texas
>And not the other way around

Just send us Austrians up there, we'd take it single handedly in a few days

It will never happen u fucking retard

Why are the vikings coming from Africa? oh wait..

no you didn't, you stole it from a month old thread or even if you did make it, why are you posting it again you faggot? fuck off

What do Austrians typically do when they conquer a country?

work will set you free

>Europe invading America

This is some low quality bait

We send our handsome men so we just win wars by conquering wombs and prostates


A mainland invasion of the US is impossible. We have miles of underwater submarines just chilling out there, we have military bases in near every country in the world, which operate completely self-sufficiently and are completely supplied, we have NORAD, which would let the military know an attack was coming before it ever got close to anything of value, we have HUGE bases on the coasts, every armed citizen in the south would immediately jump to defend their property.

Not to mention our air force has its largest base in the dead centre of our country, and could be mobilized in minutes of an attack. We have the strongest navy in the world, we have the strongest air force in the world.

You could try, but this nation is impregnable from a land battle, and you would only lose. We also have a President not afraid to use nukes, so we would just start dropping them on our aggressors.

6/10 for making me reply

thin hair chin man's missing link with h. sapiens

Good luck getting past our Navy...and what the fuck will Cucknada and a bunch of subhuman indio mexishits do?

Texas alone would decimate our entire country

Russia has more nukes and can blow you fatasses out of the sky within minutes. Nice bait

You may have all of that but can you resist THIS?

Your country is so worthless militarily you're hoping that a stronger one will do the work for you, even in a hypothetical situation. The definition of a truly cucked society if I've ever seen one.

Swedes are garbage, we should just snap what's left of your nation out of existence and do the world a favor.

Good luck getting over hear with that amazing blue-water, amphibious-landing capable Navy Sweden cucks. Shouldn't you be reclaiming your own invaded nation rather than talking about Freedomland.

The entire rest of the world literally couldnt reach our shores if we didnt want you to. Canadain and mexican militaries are so small they could be dealt with using only civilians living near the border.

Considering we have the world's strongest navy (the top 8 navies in the world aren't even as big as our navy combined) this scenario is impossible, unless they someone destroy our Navy

>implying I won't backstab my fellow leafs to save my American brethren.



Nuclear warfare means apocalypse, everyone would suffer massive loses on an exchange of nuclear missiles.
Nice bait.

Fucking Habsburgs. See kiddos, this is why you don't fuck your cousins. Now, if only the muzzies would learn that...

Drag your cuckboats across the ocean if you can, sw*de. We will stand by with allies and cleanse your homeland with fire.

decimate means they would kill 10% of your shithole
who care ?


I'm sorry I couldn't read your post through the deafining sound of all our nukes arming.

> the russians occupies San Francisco

Fuck no I'm not touching that faggot town

Really, if you purged it, we wouldn't consider it an act of war, especially if special emphasis was placed on Berkeley.

Commonwealth and murica are led by the same kikes, fool

>implying we wouldn't get russia on our side and wipe the entire planet
>implying all those countries could win
>invading mainland america

Canada wouldn't even be able to take on the civilian armament of that area, let alone whatever military personnel are there.

>mexico invading texas

Jesus Christ it's like you want to lose. I could see the west coast being in a bit of trouble, what with the 2 strongest sides focusing on one coast, because the east coast's enemies are laughable at best.

Just hit it from afar, I think we might be """too late""" in establishing a defense.

There's no way Russia and the EU would be able to get past the US Navy to be able to occupy any coastline. The Mexicans and Canadians have a shit military and wouldn't be able to push past the borders, our police force is more militarized than Canada's army lmao. Besides, we have an armed populace.

occupy Sweden, Stockholm syndrome v 2.0 when?

Canada would never side against the US and definitely not with Russia

>yankee cucks

What are John and his wife's bf gonna throw starbucks cups at the Canadian tanks? Lol


How did you deal with the Navy?

We've got the only blue-water fleet left in the world.

me thinks your a 14 year old autist

>68 thousand troops invading the swaths of land and heavily armed populaces in Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Iowa

I'd be surprised if you fuckers took out 1 state.

>Cuckropean Union
>invading anyone


We would still win

Wisconsin is a territory of minnesota so we dont need to worry about that

just nuke yellowstone.

>begs for 1812 2.o
>names the lowest pop density states with some of the lowest populations

Your country is a cake walk compared to a country like Vietnam lol

>the bogs have always been here

This leaf gets stuck in the rake and get packed away in the garage instead of going to the dump. This leaf lives to leaf another day.

Don't you mean canadian tank?

Nothing is ever impossible in war, but it is highly improbable it would succeed--especially as envisioned here. You'd need a LOT of troops to occupy the vast territory in the unlikely event the conventional forces were defeated on American soil. You'd have to involve the Chinese and Indians for sure just for the man power. It would be a logistical nightmare once you get away from the coasts and into the fly-over states.

6/10 for being an interesting topic for a thought exercise.

You vermin dare attack the future galactic American empire?



Who is cucking who in the US/UK relationship

Feel like most people would think UK was cucked for being friends with people who stole our land and profiteered during wars

But US is basically best friends with it's former owner #UncleTomUncleSam

>tfw the entire industrialized world has to invade you to even stand a chance

Good luck.

Do you know what a second amendment is? So even if invasion would be successful, invasors would be killed in a guerrilla war like Napoleonic troops on Spanish invasion

is this another one of those fake quotes or is that one real

if so, neat

are you actually retarded or just a child on a website he shouldn't be on?