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It's like Mexico wants us to erase them from this planet.
oh shit where else can we get sugar from? what country has plantations on the same latitude as Mexico that produces a similar climate for producing sugar? we are most certainly doomed
Wtf I love Hilldog now
oh no!
only mexico has sugar!
whats that? TARIFFS on mexican goods? sad!
Gentlemen, it's time to restart the sugarcane plantations.
oh no! how will immigants get their "omg superior reel sugar mexcian coke" now? oh noooooo
do people forget that we're a High Fructose Corn Syrup nation? Sugar BTFO
Amerifats use cancer high fructose corn shit as a sugar replacement because you guys are so absolutely screwed over by lobbies and shit, so I doubt this matters.
Buy Australian sugar; free of xenoestrogens and CIA listening devices since 1870.
>Mexico threatens to make Americans healthier and reduce health care costs.
Where do we drop the nukes?
>American obesity rates drop down to the lowest on the planet
>Mexico becomes fattest nation
I'm okay with this.
Good. Get dieting you fat cunts.
The sugar jews arent going to be happy about this.
>from now on we refuse to accept American money
Mexican intellectuals
Mexico will just keep getting fatter and US fatties will lose weight
win win.
Mexican Coca-Cola products are delicious though
Keep digging your own grave Mexico.
Sounds like the sugar cane industry just got a big boost!
Thanks trump!
wtf I love Mexico now. they're teaming up with Trump to make America fit again.
Also, it seems to be an empty threat since it appears that the majority of American cane and beet sugar is produced in America.
D-delet this!
Fucking ADM, I hate them so much. The Farm Bill is the biggest piece of corporate welfare cancer.
Thanks FDR!
I'm sure Brazil and about 10 other Latin American countries are on the phone right now with US food manufacturers striking deals for their sugar.
Mexico is fucking retarded.
>no more mexican coke
oh no those poor hipsters wont have anything to drink now
>Mexico closes off US Sugar Exports
>US buys sugar elsewhere
>Mexicans lose job and impact economy
>More illegal immigrants
>Fuels more US anti-immigrant sentiment
>Trump builds wall even faster
Good. Our country doesn't fucking need sugar. We're fat enough. We should just cut that shit right out of our diets.
>mexico wants to fuck with corn
>mexico wants to fuck with sugar
So essentially mexico wants to fuck with the two worst things Americans do to themselves.
Anyone who thinks this is bad should put their head in a blender.
>burgers can't get their 4 galon cokes
>a civil war ensues
mexican art of war
This is the proper solution.
trying to virtue signal even if consequences will never be the same.
>mexican logic
>lets make america fit again to protest
trump always wins
>oh noes mexico punishes the us by reducing their trade surplus
>been going on for years
>still manages to blame trump in the article
>more HFCS in everything
On the plus side this might finally motivate me to stop eating so much crappy food
>where else can we get sugar from
>The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has provided Mexico with tariff-free sugar exports into the US market since January 1, 2008.
Wait, does this mean that Mexico just voluntarily pulled out from NAFTA?
The 2008 Farm Bill requires that 85% of sugar be produced domestically anyways, plus we have trade deals with the Dominican Republic and Brazil for sugar, so this is a win/win for America and only has demerits for Mexico.
>Corn syrup has replaced sugar in most goods, to the point where you already had to pay extra for goods containing cane sugar
>literally nothing will happen to most businesses due to this
apart from overpriced coffee from companies with virtue signalling ceos
>start own plantations
>more jobs
>more money
>trump wins everytime
Cancel corn you stupid fucks we are subsidizing it with tax payer cash.
Fuck probably sugar also good thing they are canceling this.
there is an import cap placed by the us to protect us producers
Mexico is about to go over that cap so it stops giving export permits to its producers
this is fake news
High fructose corn syrup is worse
Oh no, no more obesity powder.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Mexico is about to go over that cap so it stops giving export permits to its producers
are you telling me MSM lies?
my god, what is the world coming to.
Wait this is exports.
Good less sugar.
Yes it's not like Louisiana has 11 sugar mills, and just celebrated its 75th sugarcane festival.
US stopped using Sugar long ago.
All high fructose corn syrup now, only loser here is Mexico.
Cane sugar is way better than HFCS, but more expensive because muh corn subsidies.
This will only hurt Mexican sugar companies though, the US will just get it's sugar elsewhere.
Annex. Like Texas. Ya know you want it.
Not really.
Why do most of you Americans get so butthurt? These reactions are filled with autism
>invasion of Mexico for sugar plants in 3...
good. hope they cancel their drug, criminal, and taco nigger human waste exports too.
spic land is already fatter than the usa. their obesity rate is almost as high as the nigger obesity rate.
Oh no! How will the free market ever find a solution?!?
No, fuck slaves. Because then we'll have a civil war to free them and in 150 years we'll have a website called Taco'd featuring white women and Jewish women getting fucked by greasy Mexicans.
>what is hawaii
>still drinking soda
one of the worst things you could consume
Oh boy those Mexican intellectuals sure showed us!
Coke is made from corn sugar
Hopefully this gets more sugar refineries opened in the states... even though they smelled weird as shit for miles.
Except Mexican sugar-cane coke only comes in tiny ass glass bottles. Like 2 sips and the fucking thing is gone.
we will just buy sugar from brazil i guess, or some Caribbean islands maybe
>falling for the carb jew
Good. Sugar is bad for humans.
not butthurt.
just looking at the positives.
>find out about this
>Enjoying my bowl of sugar while amerilards have to resort to drinking "sweet" maize sludge
i feel bad for you, tyrone
>be mexican
>be poor
>become even poorer because "muh feels"
>meanwhile the US keeps buying cheap sugar from another third world shithole
why are mexishits so retarded
Honestly this could bring sugar production back to hawaii, what a great thing to happen for the american economy.
We already set quotas on how much other countries can import.
So set Mexico's to zero and increase the amount other countries can ship instead.
Mexico has no monopoly on product here, so if this turns out to be more than a few week's interruption, supplies are available elsewhere.
Mexico stopped exports because they reached the quota.
Mexico isn't trying shit they are actually following the rules but everybody is shit slinging anyways.
arent your natives there gonna complain sugar cane fields are on some ancient burial ground or some other sacred place and put the whole thing on hold for 15 years?
The US rarely uses sugar cane in it's food industry. Our national sweetener is high fructose corn syrup, all out soda's have it in it. Only Mexican soda has sugarcane sugar in it, that's why coke in the bottle tastes so damn good.
Good. Let the spics get fatter. America doesn't need anymore sugar. We're fat as it is.
Nah we're going to kick them off the plantations soon and force them to become actual americans.
Spics have a higher obesity rate than Americans already.
While I will miss Mexi-cokes, soda is the nutriontional and literal jew and the american wallet and healthcare system will benefit. Trump wins again.
Who the fuck sips straight sugar from bottles?
Are you fucking retarded?
Trump is a hog
Plan won't work
He'll crawl before the based Mexican
>implying this won't initiate the long economic and political process to bring back sugar at a cheaper price and have us finally fuck off corn syrup.
>implying this won't help make America healthier exponentially in the long run.
Going to miss real sugar cane Mexican coke for a while, tastes way better.
Thank God.
>tastes way better.
This is totally in your mind, you pretentious faggot.
Fine. Mexico isn't the only source of sugar, and the overwhelming majority of manufacturers use corn syrup as a sweetener now, anyway.
Boo hoo, Mexico. Keep your sugar, and your shitstain illegals. We don't want either.
BTW, we'll be shutting down the border, and blocking all shipments across. Enjoy the embargo - which will last longer, the US without a little sugar, or Mexico with no food and goods?
>Come here on a visa that should only lasts 60 days
>Overstay for 40 years
>Shit out multiple kids
>Take advantage of benefits, schools, health, etc
>Work impossible tasks for shit wages and fall for the "hard worker" meme
>Bring down wages for everyone
>Lobbyists with last names like Reyes, Garcia, reap the benefits of said cheap labor
>Why do Americans get so butthurt.
I wonder why user, I wonder why.
>oh shit where else can we get sugar from? what country has plantations on the same latitude as Mexico that produces a similar climate for producing sugar?
Hawaii and Florida for starters.
Then ALL of Central America, and most of northern South America.
Cane sugar is a differnt form of sugar that tastes way fucking better than distilled corn syrup that's been rotting in a chemically lined bottle for months, but you wouldn't know know that because you been sucking down then liquid jew since you fell out of your mom's rotten diabetic cunt.
Now how am I going to snack on a bag of sugar cubes ;_;
Mass quoting would result in you being put to death if this user sweeps to power.
the only american """"""goods""""""" mexico consumers are entertainment and software and those dont need physical transport
90% of our devices are korean and chinese
most of our misc imports are chinese or south american
even american-branded foods are from local producers who are owned by murican companies who its really our own goods
I used to work at a dialysis center, and let me just say the vast majority of people receiving treatment were mexicans, not in their 50s or 60s, but fatass college students who pull out their burritos while they are getting dialysis, fat ass burritos packed with sugars and salts.
This is why they are working on a bioartificial kidney, which should go into human trials in the next 2 years, because the amount of money it takes to treat these people vs the amount who have ESKD.
Fuck sugars and salts, nothing cheap is good and as far as I can remember Salt and Sugar have always been cheap,
they can have it.
its actually psychosomatic
you only think its better because the bottle is nice old time glass and shit
dont be a fool
I've had Mexican coke. Aside from being a fucking ripoff because of how overpriced it was, it had nearly an identical taste with regular coke. Also, what evidence is that cane sugar has been stored any differently than corn syrup? Face it, the evidence is not there to justify the higher price sugar commands on the market, and aside from being able to store sugar as a powder, using it any other way is an unnecessary waste.