What position will women be in in 100 years Sup Forums?

What position will women be in in 100 years Sup Forums?


Missionary for the purpose of procreation.

>tumblr filename

you have to go back

i don't need to say anything about you

Sucking Chads cock on exchange for resources, since society will most likely have crapped out due to their ancestors sucking Chads dick for free

its a foot fag all on top of that.

you know you're bad when a leaf makes fun of you

when worst countries try to make eachother feel better

Fuck you faggots, anime footpussy is the ultimate redpill.

The streets will be full of cheap hookers who couldn't land a man because of sexbots and artificial wombs.

filled with rapefugees , got fucked because MUH WE WUZ STRONK WE DONT NEED NO MUDDDAFUKIN EU NIGGA , one of the most bluepilled countries, produces nothig of value
produces maple syrup , is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and has non retarded people in it

Mes côtés.

Footpussy is the woke man's fetish.

Please kill yourself.


Is that an Italian or a Spanish flag? Spain right? Sorry... hard to distinguish between the two worst countries in Europe.

When Amerifats or other Eurocucks insult the UK it's okay cause although they're in the same shit positions as us but are inherently white countries. You don't have a leg to stand on faggot.


i bet you live in a northeastern shithoke and fap to animu daily so you forget abiut the kikes that are stealing your water

Doggy Style



What women? Once we perfect androids that can breed, they will be gone.

That one where they hang their head off the bed and you fuck her throat

>has non retarded people in it
They elected Justin Trudeau your point is invalid.
And don't even get me started on you huemonkey.


Degenerate mexicans have to go

sauce on gif op

oh pleade , do call me a monkey , that's a really nice and well constructed argument , considering your flag that is

you are such a monkey
you've chimped out the whole thread

feetfags should be gassed

That's not a good way to speak to your hegemonic overlords.

Will we have robot lolis by then?

Gas the footfags, fetish war now

The same one I put my wife in every day.

What is your hands name?

We aren't all degenerate neets. I am 26 and married m8.

The same as nowadays


day of the closed toe shoe when


Face down, ass up?


Probably non existent, or mentally augmented to be basicallly just men

>gay future

>assuming everyones gender in a 100 years


fartfags should be killed on sight

>he posts in an ANIME WEBSITE

obligatory fpbp

Femdom future

It will start when a liberal prince comes to power in saudi arabia and ends all the restrictions

i can't get it up anymore :<
>only 27