What's the best European country?
What's the best European country?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bullshit map
is it another weird fetish?
>how do I tell if someone is a terrorist
If this map has any basis of reality, this one is incredibly sad.
>help the less fortunate
>get a loan
>tell if someone is a terrorist
>get a job
>fight ISIS
>avoid Roma
>immigrate to Germany
>regain kosovo
Shut up, you would-be American!
>all of the ex-AH nations
Where did we go so wrong
>get a loan
Its not even funny anymore...
>South Slav countries
Kek'd, the MVP goes to Slovenia imo
Slovenia on suicide watch!
If by "European" you mean in the general area of Europe/the continent Europe then it's gotta be Switzerland.
>stand up to my wife
I thought Balkan people weren't pushovers.
And if you get caught you won't spend nearly enough time in jail.
I hate our justice system.
Winland stronk. Only positive thing on the whole map. It reflects safe and healthy people to aim for the olympic games.
>implying monteniggers are people
This and Russia :3
Why do the UK'ers want to immigrate here?
Bayern and Liechtenstein
>pic related: Bavarian Nationalist "Hans von Seeckt"
I hope Austria annexes us soon
>I hope Austria annexes us soon
Are you sure you want that?
I guess it'd be better for you since you'd have more to say than you have in Goytschland
>How do i stop scratching my butt
>Bosnian intellectuals
Also solid kek at Germany's brothel.
Yes. Bavaria is the only state in Germany where being rightwing is normal and most people here don't hide the history of their familyin shame like most in Goytschland
>pic related: Arriving in St. Poelten, Österreich after the Anschluss
Bullshit, I just tried it and the first result was "how do I talk with a live operator of X phone provider" (yes, all of our phone providers are notoriously shitty, they steal money from everyone without warning all the fucking time).
Seriously though, if any of know how to time travel that would great.
Based Irish
>immigrate to anywhere
My sides are in orbit.
Based Ireland asking the REAL questions
We just want to travel back to 1933
Ireland and Netherlands confirmed for only worthwhile countries.
>How do I Stand up to my wife
guess we're not the only ones in a hole
It is a fake map
>immigrate to USA is also funny
No but really how do I travel through time?
Requesting someone post the US states version
>star in pornos
why are czechs so degenerate?
It's not the most googled thing, it's the most googled thing that other countries don't google.
why do Ireland and the Netherlands have the same one?
>buy a gun
I-I cannot, america-san, becasue shit law in Poland. I'm so sorry, that I failed you.
"how do I shower"
>muh 1-2 kids per family
>meanwhile copperniggers having six
i feel you my man
The real goals are to travel to an age yet to come, see what segments of our age survived, return here and shitpost about the inaccuracies.
Germans proving their autism once again.
croatia- have sex? since when lol
Our air most be really bad.
whats the "how do I help defeat ISIS" state?
>Belarus: how do I learn Russian
fake map, everybody speaks russian in Belarus
Why are montenegrans such cucks jesus christ
Hungary based as fuck
Everyday the news coming out keeps getting better
Too bad economy is shit
Surprising lack of women in Italy.
lol Scandinavia looks like a drooping taint
>help defeat ISIS
Wtf I love Pennsylvania now
Poland, Russia
pls no bully
there are no masterminds, it's always personal crimes - mental issues and killing a friend/family member with a knife
they get caught or turn themselves in
this too
Estonia is objectively the best country to have ever existed. In fact, it would be the best country that could conceivably exist, if it weren't for an infestation of Russians.
Where there's will there's a way.
You can get one legally but its a pain or you can just buy an AK from a ruski.
guise pls don’t bully
>How do i ... learn to swordfight
Fuck, yeah, Austria! Germany go choke to death!
Big houses, good weather and you speak the same language
>how do i catch the Pokemon
How do i immigrate to the USA?
BASED Penn state
>how do i get a job
>how do i die
Funny enough, a lot of people just hang themselves here.
Here in the old continent there are many countries having lots of good qualities & nice people. Lately many countries gone down the drain mostly because elite has not done what's good for people. In my country for example business elite and politics are involved in refugee business, therefor not working for the people.
Icelanders on the other hand have taken charge of their own country and gave the fuck for IMF and (((business elite))) fixing their economy.
So I wold say Iceland.
Success in soccer was not a surprice, Iceland really is base.
>how do i avoid roma
romanians are white, i swear guys no gypsie at all, nope, no sire
Is it possible for us to not be grouped with Europeans? We're our own continent now.
Case Closed.
>we Asia now
>fight ISIS
Dutch irish atlanteans confirmed
>Massachusetts can't into showers
Switzerland>Norway>England>Italy>Poland>Baltics>>>>Francalia > Swedryia > Germanistan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Belgium"
Top kek
>How do I fight isis ?
How can a country be so based is over my head
>how do I rock
>most often googled question
>How do I use google
I think the uk one is true honestly, I was searching for that only a few hours ago...