Other urls found in this thread:
>FAR LEFT: beating the shit out of a retarded kid for being white like donald trump
>democratic-socialists are far left
FAR LEFT: literally waving Soviet flags
Didn't Nazis try universal healthcare?
Nazis want "free" healtcare, but for white folk
>Anne Applebaum
frigid, foaming at the mouth Russophobic kike
In America they are.
These people have no idea what far left and far right even means
They did, also paid vacations, paid maternal leave, paid sick days, day pay for job seekers
It also left the country broke, annexing their neighbors was usually followed with them shaking the entire country dry for cash
I mean how can you even deny it, Sup Forums ?
Not wanting to belong to the fringes of politics don't make you a centrist
>free health care for all
>also, kill all those who disagree
>pol still thinks there are real communists anywhere but north korea
>Far-right doing nazi salutes
>Far-left carrying Soviet Union flags and beating people up with them
user, she is the wife of our former foreign affairs miniter Radosław Sikorski and currently she is actively fighting against "fascism" in my country (ie. against our centre-right government).
>far right makes harmless hand gestures
>far left steals my money to pay for niggers and spics
It's just basic logic mate. You'll get the best results by trying to forge a compromise between the two extremes. People on both sides exaggerate/lie about problems and thair cause. Go with one or the other and you won't find the true solution.
Somewhere in the middle, or slightly to the right or left of the middle is almost always the best and most efficient solution.
no, dumbass, the liberal left do that, the far left GULAG the unemployed niggers and spics
FAR RIGHT: concerned about individual freedoms and the upholding of the rule of law.
FAR LEFT: if you are white and male you should be euthanized.
LIBERALISM: these are the same
>gas the kikes, race war now!
>dont gas the kikes
hmmmm, we need to find a consensus, lets gas half of them, amirite ladies?
>TRS takes issue with the bottom comment more than the top
Not surprised
Appeal to moderation fallacy.
The only similarities between the two are authoritarianism.
far right: stop taking my money for your healthcare, i earned it
far left: give me some of your money for healthcare, i want it
>Slavery is good
>slavery should be abolished
We should compromise, right?
FAR RIGHT: being proud of their race and loving themselves
FAR LEFT: Theft through taxation so that your leftist fatties and feminists can stay alive
ME:Op is a fag
onto the oven she goes.
far left, supporting an ideology which led to 100s of millions of murders.
Where all these people doing nazi salutes?
Or is it some Jewish thing where it's all real in their minds?
Far right: nazi salutes
Far left: pepper spraying defenseless women in the eyes
Libertarian: "lefties are faggots"
>far left: literally condemning entire families and their future generations to hard labor for life in the gulag for even the slightest suspicion of dissent
>far left: we are the good guys though
>literally doing nazi salutes
as opposed to figuratively doing nazi salutes?
>free healthcare
Nazi Germany had that
this poor attempt at a meme doesn't even make a point, it's just screeching "muh nahtzees!"
Same crew going around putting swastikas everywhere!
at least with the far-right, you can count on them to be honest with what they really want.
>We just want free health care for all, you filthy disobedient goyim!
>taking money at gunpoint for (((free))) healthcare
> far left: destroys windows
> far right: pays for windows
> liberalism: thinks windows are oppressive
>being this retarded
Perhaps jews are a problem, but genocide is not the solution. The vast majority of normal jews are not the cause of the problem. The few jews in control of media and massive corporate empires pushing their agenda are. Remove the top 1% of the jewish population and we have our solution :v)
Slavery is bad, but we should not allow freed slaves to live in our country, and they don't deserve any reparations for their labor. They should be shipped back to africa, but at a rate that allows the plantation owners to make a transition to payed labor.
it was a joke, comrade burger
Faggot millenial detected
Niggers aren't far left. I bet nome of those niggers know shit about politics, they are too dumb to have a political identity, they just know they hate Trump because some rap song said fuck Donald trump.
FAR RIGHT: If governments have to interfere with people's lives, it should be at the state level
FAR RIGHT: Weak people should be hospitalized for strong opinions
LIBERALISM: Fucking nazis amirite?
America will Never fall to Communism.
>we should not allow freed slaves to live in our country, and they don't deserve any reparations for their labor. They should be shipped back to africa, but at a rate that allows the plantation owners to make a transition to payed labor
I could agree with that
The bottom one is real tho
So, does the creator of this image consider herself, (because it's almost certain a woman), to not be a liberal?
Do you even know the meaning of Left and Right? Or the fact the Nazi was the German socialist workers party? I guess not
I guess compromise isn't so bad, is it? :v)
>communists don't want to crush the opposition, you guys!
>w-what's a purge??
commies are such weasels
The far left is shouting communist slogans and attacking police and citizens in the street. They want to end the First Amendment and free speech rights for all citizens.
Literally Nazis are better, and I really, really don't agree or like Nazis.
>we should respect their chosen pronouns you guys
>calling yourself socialist makes you one
Are you a child?
Centrism is pretty fair to be honest.
>Literally Nazis are better, and I really, really don't agree or like Nazis.
Fucking cuck, I bet you're a merchant
this for the most part. some blacks know their shit. definitely not the majority though.
next time, we pick our own.
>the free market is bad
i am 100% wish a nigga would mode right now
You like freedom? That sounds like Nazi talk, get in ze gulag!
>doing nazi salutes
>violently attacking people
Throwing around sieg heils and poopstikas is not hurting anybody, except maybe their feelings.
>I literally want the exact opposite of all of those things but like them I will fucking kill you all if you don't let me get/maintain what I want
Such faggotry that annoys me. At least nazifags are willing to admit it.
Far right: Take pride in your heritage
Far left: Take pride in your heritage, except if you're white
Liberalism: These are the same
>horseshoe theory
This has been debunked hasn't it?
far left = free healthcare for all
far right = free healthcare for all
>compromise always gives the best results
Remember the 3/5ths compromise? That was so fucking efficient wasn't it?
Rake yourself
>far left are not patriotic af regardless on the ethnicity
nice memed
>races I deem inferior
>"National pride has no need of the delirium of race" - Mussolini
>fascism based around the word fasces, a bundle, centered around achieving strength through unity, believes division (including racial division) to be a threat to national unity
>capitalist economic system that allows a wealthy elite to enslave the working class
>fascist economics literally center around the system NOT being unbridled capitalism and instead having the government able to intervene and seize businesses which harm public interest and redistribute their wealth to the workers
50+ years of using the terms to mean "anyone who disagrees with my (obviously correct and reasonable) positions" has made it so pretty much no one knows what they mean.
There certainly are "real communists" they just haven't gained direct political power.
nah, real communists dont get elected, they make their way through revolutionary struggle
thats the basics of marxism and this kills the liberal
But that wasn't a compromise on abolition, which was the dichotomy presented.
So you admit to having no knowledge of Nazi policy? They had expansive social programs. It was completely in line with the notion of a "social democracy". Except with nationalism (plus some imperialism) instead of globalism.
w e w l a d
the soviet union was state capitalist. try again
Just because they haven't succeeded doesn't make them non-existent.
>social policies = socialism
But yes, it's in line with "social democracy" in that it's welfare capitalism, not socialism.
go back to leftypol
the ways they try to gain power define what they are
if you are not a revolutionaire - you are not a communist, thats it
liberals aren't leftist
Yes, social programs=socialism. Nazi Germany was socialist. In fact, due to their aggressive expansionism, they were more socialist than they were nationalist.
Yes they are. Fuck off to heftylol
And they view themselves as revolutionaries.
well, they are left, at least by economic politics
tell us about your special snowflake capitalism while you deny the fact that the CIA made sure leftist movements were fucking deathsquadded and leftists have never had a chance to fail because, well, the U.S. makes sure that they're murdered
Lefties actually have a shred of sense for once, moreso than the right seems to have. At least they recognize that yes, there is a difference between the far-left and the far-right. Getting really tired of the whole "THE LEFT ARE THE REAL NAZIS, ANTI-FASCISTS ARE THE REAL FASCISTS, HERE'S A FAKE WINSTON CHURCHILL QUOTE, MUH HORSESHOE THEORY XDDD" garbage regurgitated by half of you nu/pol/ retards.
this is a liberal economist. try again.
>this level of delusion
no. they aren't.
>Nazi Germany was socialist.
Is that why they privatized all banks and industry? :^)
ask yourself why establishment liberals love corporate money and corporate wars.
it's because they're fucking capitalists.
I agree putting your hand in the air is much less harmful than 'free health care'.
Getting real tired of basic bitch cuckservashits trying to pin socialism on Shitler.
>Ultimately under complete state control
Fuck off with the twitter shit make an argument instead of posting a single word.
really. i had not idea that marxists supported monarchs.
oh wait that's bullshit.
nobody gives a fuck what they think
I piss in the mouth of a liberal who ever says that
they are divided from the revolutionairy masses, they have nothing in common with them, they do 0 work in educating proletariat and spreading their beliefs
they dont prepare the revolution - they are not revolutionaries
>A MS comic changed my opinion!
>Moderate politics are bad now!