Where the fuck is the guy that usually makes the thread edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Help us Ceann Comhairle, you're our only hope
Where the fuck is he? Did he say anything?
How cucked is Dublin when can boated to cities like London, Paris, etc?
I'm curious
>can boated
t. Phone fag
Sort of cucked, a few liberal protests every now and then but it's not swarming with shitskins like other places.
Where is everyone?
Any local right wing groups?
>sort of cucked
What's the right wing like in Dublin? Is it in any way exsistant?
Just the NP, most political parties are cucked and people only really discuss conservative stuff with their family/friends. That's what we're hoping to tap into with the NP.
Daily reminder to subscribe to THE DON on Youtube. He's almost at 1000 subscribers...let's help him over the hurdle!
Jaysus, it's sad when half the posts in this thread are desperate bumps. I fear the eire/pol/ general may die out unless we step up our activism. Subscribe and support Right-Wing Irish Youtubers like The Don and shill for the National Party on Plebbit and Boards.
Speaking of which, do you guys still post on Boards? Opinions of the place?
Already sub him he's probably one of if not the best rightwing Irish youtuber out their.
Made a new thread with a better OP, thought this thread would be dead, should we move over to this one?
Not many people because the usual guy didn't make the thread so most probably just ignored this one.
Very true. He's not afraid to show his face either. I'm surprised the hysterical Leftist pansies haven't tried to doxx him yet. He mentions in one of his videos he knows it's inevitable and he's prepared for it.
Stay in this thread and stop dividing the audience and confusing people ffs. This thread is just warming up
I am here, I'm in Dublin.
Spent most of the day following the rabble of #Strike4Repeal.
I have to say, I love Dublin and all but I have seen literally every liberal/sjw caricature today.
The memes are real.
SO yeah, Irish news?
It's still terible but the weathers been nice.
The same duds making the same thread every day. Sad.
There are too many Happenings.
I can't keep up with Sup Forums.
I hate to agree with a fucking leaf the eire/pol/ general is becoming stale due to the same unfunny pintman memes every day and nobody is actually shilling for our cause. I haven't seen one single thread about the National Party on Boards.ie or Reddit yet.
Stop going to boards and reddit.
There was not much I could do lads, I went as a counter demonstration but I was outnumbered.
He's still small so he has passed under the radar of most leftys but it's only a matter of time before some antifa scumbags come for him.
How do you redpill normies then?
Begorrah tis like anudda shoah
Why can't soros and his organisations fuck off from Ireland don't they have Germany and Sweden to fuck up.
You can't. It just happens to them.
Like a moment of clarity or Act of God.
When get older you go far right.
It's just Natures way.
>step aside kiddo
How do we reach out to normies on other parts of the internet likeIs saying?
I think it's important to spread the word to other spheres, take r/the Donald for example
Reminder for people to join the Eire/pol/ Discord.
Forgot the link
Sup lads, I've been planning to do a motorcyclign trip through Ireland this summer, are there any interesting sights/roads on the west coast ?
I vaguely know the east coast as I've been there on a school trip a few years ago.
Also, is it hard to cross into northern Ireland ? Should I include it in a road trip, or is there nothing to miss ?
pic related
>when you get older you go farther right
I'm 18 bucko, how much further to the right do I have to go?
From what I've heard from other Irish anons, it appears as though you guys have a stale political system just waiting for a fresh new party, with genuinely different ideas, to take the stage.
Just get the word out about NP for now, and see how people react to them
The wild atlantic way is pretty neato through the burren parts, also the sky road is really nice. I never road through the ring of kerry but it's supposed to be lovely as well
That's the plan, as it stands they're pretty unknown. We need to get the word out that these people are there to represent a view that's ignored completely.
Wow mind yourself Pierre, if you're going the west coast, you might need a dirt bike.
You could try the Isle of Man TT.
You're lucky Bill lad you have Trump and Pence.
Also this, they would just get screeched to death in the street.
The border between Northern Ireland is non existent and the best places to check out are in the country side.
If you do it in the streets then you'll just got screamed down by liberals (become a martyr by showing how incompatable libs are with the people's values?) but if you do it in your own circles then let people spread it through their own circles then we could get something going.
Heard a load of feminazi cunts blocked Connell bridge today.
How can this be done? I think irl poster campaigns and engaging with people around you is very good, but also creating a lot of internet hype in order to get the attention of the Irish normie might be beneficial as well, memes such as these should be shilled.
Also, a bit unrelated, I have an OP with links if you want to use that for future threads if the regular guy doesn't come back, do you want it?
I live out in the countryside.
My city and colleges are already lost to the liberal cult.
Added to the construction work, it was typically Irish.
Thanks for the suggestions m8, I'll try include to include these in my roadbook then
>Isle of Man TT
To spectate maybe. I'm too young to die on the road.
Are the west coast roads bad, or is it just that the interesting ones are unpaved ?
I'm optimistic about Trump and Pence, but it Will take decades at the very least to undo the damage, if we are on the road to recovery, we have a VERY long way to go, not to mention all the (((road blocks)))
im gonna post some new dank meme balls for the men in green in here
I'd say that just spreading it around through your own circles will be enough to spark interest. It'll also be good to get the meme shilling going and get normies to "ironically" spread memes about them, then they become unironic and we've got some valuable supporters for the Irish Civil Meme War. I made a fag book page a while ago, got some people from here on as admins for it.
fb .com /makeirelandgreatagain
Oh shit! That other thread I made is starting to attract Brit/pol/ Shills, I think my fuck up may have worked in our favor!
I haven't been out that far west in many years.
You should get onto google street view maybe.
Ah lads, Facebook.
some more for the bants
and this is for the north posters that want to get a good laugh at the unionists
Is there an NP ball per chance?
>Protestant Times
>our bois
They are the best example of (((their guys))) in this nation
I remember Northern Ireland.
na didnt get the chance the thread archived also wanted a pbp one too but shit happens
Fuck was just looking at that freak show on facebook.
whoops sorry this for you---
my gran is irish and my grandad is scottish... c-can i post?
If you follow the hashtag on Twitter, they're all there.
Come Home Celtic man.
They're mostly shit but at least they've got the balls to say anti-abortion stuff.
my other grandad is from cornwall... i guess that makes me 3/4 a celt?
The Irish Times?
Anti Abortion?
You're alright with me although I hate the Alt- French.
DIXIE i.d.
I really don't want to trigger myself too much tonight to be honest.
Best not to m8. But do carry a crucifix in case of vampires.
However, there were wimmen everywhere.
What the fuck happened to the morales of society when people think it's ok to kill the youth because they will cause a inconvenience to you this would have been unheard of 20 years ago.
CANCER! was everywhere!
>that outfit
lol they're pro Mosley too?
Yes, they've taken Maynooth.
It was so the usual commie protesting scum could infiltrate.
Mosley is eternally rolling in his grave.
I actually go to maynooth. They were a fuckin mob at the library. Forcing people into arguments and chanting shite outside. You could hear them across the campus. The only thing they succeeded in was pissing off half the college.
I feel you bro, society has been degraded by (((them))) lucky for us, we're beginning to turn it around, whether it takes a few years or a lifetime
> pic related
My ideal world right here desu
Maynooth is not lost. All that these retards achieved was showing the rest of the college what retards they are. No one is taking them seriously
That's good that there were that many people not involved and or against it by default at least
You know what would be funny? If someone started pointing out the similarities between Mosley's look and these leftist fruit loops get up
Most of the ones in Dublin came out of Trinity.
It was organised by alt-males and nu humans.
I would have a field day arguing and trolling the Cunts.
I'm assuming these protests are in some way involved with Soros and or foreign entities, would pointing that out piss people off?
If you spent half energy you use attacking white unionists on the niggers and pakis instead of WHITE unionists Ireland would be a better place
The women here chanted and harassed people. The nu-males did a silent protest in the north campus. They just stood in lines outside of the arts building for an hour. I have yet to figure out the point of it.
This is the way they think, it's very confusing
The only thing all that will accomplish is pissing people off and pushing them to the right so in a way these protests are a good thing shows people the lefts true idiotic colours.
The statue on Wall Street annoys me
Not because it's wimmins day or whatever, that's fine, it's the fact that STATE STREET put up a statue of a girl facing down the bull, which represents a strong economy.
So is the symbolism that women should block capitalism? Surely the Occupy Wall Street shit took place in protest at the BEARISH economy that the banks had caused, not the boom times that preceded it, during which jobs and money were plentiful.
I just don't get it, MSM are promoting this as the best shit ever, but it doesn't make sense. If it had been a grill pulling the bull forward, or literally grabbing it by the horns, THAT would have been a good symbol
Was watching a documentary on pro abortion cunts in dublin and alot of them where English, American and even a few blacks and other foreigners.
They're all batshit insane
So what if some info graphics were made for online shilling and poster campaigns to show people "who's really behind the abortion campaign in Ireland"?
I don't know lad. I think abortion is a really fucking complex topic and the Marxist retards on repeal the 8th dipshit squad think it's an easy yes or no answer. It's not. You're taking about the life of a child. I'm completely against "muh oh shit I forgot to take the pill lol better abort it XD". That's fucking murder right there. But I have nothing against say if the mothers life is in danger or there the child is retarded or something along those lines.
do irish people have small dicks?
Would be a good idea.
Nothing worse than seeing a white woman with a niglet.
On that topic: why are Eastern Europeans such coalburning cunts? I know of SO MANY Poles and Lithuanians with little nigger kids in Ireland. Fuck off and bring them back to Eastern Europe so they can get bullied to death. Jesus Christ.
>Slavs/Balts are the saviourz of Yurop an' SHEIITITITI
Yeah right...
The funniest thing was watching the chink reaction to it, (they come over here to finish degrees because a degree finished here is worth more than a degree back in China). The protesters would try to talk to them but all that they would get in response was a burst of angry Mandarin. Today was a good day.
You ever read any of Chesterton? I think he and Pearse have great ideals for society (chesterton a more general view, Pearse a specific view along the same lines for Ireland)
I haven't lad. Link?
Posting an OP for the next thread if anyone wants to use it
Idk where the guy who usually makes these is, so I'm making this one as an interim with a proper OP
>Join National Party
>Degeneracy runs Rampant in the streets of Dublin
>More depressing news out of Dublin as pregnant Mother and children die in fire
>{{{ANGLO}}} News paper suggests Ireland isn't a real country, Bizzare!
>Dangerously handsome killer accidentally released from prison,
The National Party is irrelevant and never will be relevant.
They didn't have interned back for n those days, Chesterton was alive during Pearse's time, even still he hits the nail on the head with most of the shit we're facing
Here's a pic
True. Ireland is dead,
Their entire culture is perpetually hating on fellow whites for the crimes of old.