Why do white women hate Asian women?

Why do white women hate Asian women?


>he couldn't get a regular girlfriend so he had to get a gook

What did she mean by this?

Does this statement really hold some weight? Are there really dudes out their who end up with gooks purely because they couldn't get a regular girlfriend?

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Because white women are fucking awful.

Cuz yella' pusy tighter than a mf!

my hypothesis is that deep down they hate race mixing too its just that its a double standard that they can do it but men cant.

2/10 try again


>White men go for non white girls.
>Less resources for white women
I think that's it

>He has to get a gook
Based Aussie banter

Women in the Anglosphere are complete and utter shit.

Because they are so much cuter than white women can ever be, and they do it effortlessly.

Fix it for ya

white women are upset because only niggers want to date them

We hate race mixing when white women do it. They hate it when we do it. Everyone wants to own all the mates.

More like less BWC.

yet this is what white men get

I'd take that chunky monkey to a pig party and win fo' sure!


Hahahahahahaha this creature.

PRODDIE explain

if you find 12 year old boy bodies cute I guess.

And this is wmaF

Why do they both look like nu-males?

Pol btfo

Fuck off to Plebbit, you assblasted gook.

Doesn't matter women are hypocrites, we can't get gooks but they can get niggers. I don't support either but they're just jealous themselves.

That is WMAF

and this thing is going to play Barbie?

Yeah they're both sexy.

This is wmaF


Because they keep stealing white men. So they have to put the blame on other thing instead of themselves. No different from virgins here blaming stupid shit on the fact they can't get pussy.



Ello el yuu Avon a giggle mate?

This is good

Kill white race

>not wanting a black t h i c c

what went wrong?

What does this mean?

Jokes' on you guys, she's actually a very succesful very funny comedian who you'll never match up too.

They're fucking ugly as sin; explained.


The same reason they don't like women who learn how to cook and clean, they are afraid they can't measure up. They know Asian women are desired more, why is up to the eye of the beholder.

If you ask me, it is because they tend to be smaller and more feminine than what modern white women are.

It isn't just Asian women, it is any woman that falls outside of the party girl lifestyle. They don't like competition, because all they have to offer is sex so if another girl has something else they'll lose every time.

PRODDIE contradict early Christian

What went wrong?

She's a kike

Martin Schulz get the fuck off of Pol.

End alt right

You mean the son is good looking and has a better beard than any Asian on Earth?

And wmaF is this

Any good examples of Hapas? I know Sup Forums likes to cherrypick like absolute retards.

Pol is dead

Deal with it

Looks more like wmam to me mate. Definitely some feminine benis shenanigans going on there

Jesus, look at his eyes. His soul is dead. No waifu can heal the hole lost in this man's heart. He knows how pathetic he is.

pls just somebody
care about me

Most of these couples are pretty attractive you butthurt gook. Quit being a racist. Show some respect to England you freeloading cunt face.

Maybe we need more white men to get with ugly asian women to make more

Hi user

>Straight hair


How wouldnyou know?

I don't understand this meme. Every white girl I know loves east asians/k-pop. The more white men go for asian girls, the more asian boys for them. Asian boys are much more loved then you think, Sup Forums.

That being said, if you want to only birth ugly halfus that look nothing like you, will hate you for making them half white in a world that hates whites, and cuck up your lineage then that's on you.

>he can't handle her witty shock humour

If a woman doesn't know how to cook or clean I know immediately she is only pussy worthy, not wife material. Seriously these things are basic as fuck, I do them myself. I actually expect every fucking human these days to know how to do these things, you have to be a spoiled brat to not know.


Thanks CIA, at least you care... your the only one who ever did

He is just making a thug face you autist.

It's called a perm or a wig.

Bs kys

White girls go for black men

I have a white gf. whilst i find some Japanese girls are hot (the rest of the asians i find usually very disgusting somehow i think japs look diffrent correct me if im wrong.) but i just would never be able to go with someone with a diffrent culture. Who "might" not speak my language. Aswell as just the things like their face structure and hair and smell weirding me out. I hung out with a Chinese girl since childhood and she liked me but i didnt like her. ( shes batshit crazy)

I care about you my friend.

>tfw friends fell for the Asian meme

how do i save them

She looks like an Uruk-Hai


She's actually useless and that's why you have never heard of her.
Fixed that for ya bro!

Nobody even talks shit about Asians. It's just your own inferiority complex

Threatening to their value.

>He couldn't get a real woman
>He's a virgin lmao

Anything that threatens their value.

>quit being racist

Newfag detected.

Maybe in Sweden it is different, but I've boned college girls here in the states that don't know how to make ramen noodles without reading the directions. They are very, very spoiled and I'm honestly shocked they don't starve to death. Then again they do eat out all the time, courtesy of their boyfriend(s).

You mean a 5 6 manlet is a cuck who gets used for his money? No way. Italians aren't white anyway.

And both of them are ugly asians

Whats wrong José? Something wrong with your safe space?

It's not okay to be racist towards whites.

WmaF btfo

No bullying!

Sad wmaF dhill can't handle reality


Hereeeee we go again
Why is this spastic not banned

Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Give kek your energy!

PRODDIE destroyed

thank you comrade


people still use that word unironically?

When I was deployed in Japan the girls there smelled like strawberries and they all cooked for me, even if I don't like Japanese food that much. It was great. When I tell my current gf about that, she literally laughs and says "I'm not cooking for anyone but myself".

>ugly sweater

Ok. I'm the autist. Sure.


Ohhhhhhhhhh. I get it now.

This is a porn meme, I have only seen one single black man/white girl relationship in my entire life, and I'm not from a small town. Go outside and spend some time away from the internet, chanting over and over that white girls love black guys simply isn't true. They're afraid of them and only pretend to like them in order to virtue signal.

White women will never truly love monkeys, and I feel you faggots know this deep down. Keep pushing for mixing though ahmed, maybe one day you'll believe it.

>makes off topic thread
Kys hypocrite

png of women child is Yumi King


channel related with hapa son and plastic surgery Xiaxue her supporters ironically are all asian women that would die to get a white husband or boyfriend


Robert no Deniro BTFO!

so true

Because white women are genetically inferior to asian women.

As a white man, even I hate white women with a fucking passion.

>Has a folder of white men who fuck Asian women and their families

>LARP 101
Meanwhile IRL

Why do white males hate black men

And I see pol getting BTFO ALL THE TIME

>he couldn't get a regular girlfriend so he had to get a gook
This is a really funny meme and I have no idea why white women still think they're at the top of any sort of pyramid when it comes to desirable females. Sure people in the third world fetishize them, but even nonwhites in America and Europe rarely view them as proper relationship material. They age like milk, can't cook, hate chores, are incredibly entitled, and have their heads so far up their collective ass they think they should be treated like princesses even after they're 30 and all used up