Ok, let's settle this once and for all.
Which of these two was worse in history?
Ok, let's settle this once and for all
fuck off chad
At least these two countries have historical relevancy
None of your business, Roman wannabe gypsy from the butthurt belt.
Whose cock did you prefer to suck?
Ottoman, Austrian or Russian?
They're both nice countries.
russia din du nuffin
the only thing you can argue against russia is gomunism
but commies were german agents, spreading a german ideology that murdered millions of russians under a georgian with jewish dominated state apparatus
Russian empire actually tried for centuries to liberate the balkans from the muslim, while germans were either neutral or downright allies, and only lifted their hands to grab a sword when their capital was threatened
Germany is the scourge of europe, the eternal enabler of muslims and internal strife of the european peoples
Only one of these exists as a country. The other was eaten by global interests and joined the Socialist European Union.
Pay your debts, Giorgos. :^)
they ve both done awful things throughout history,but at least russia is trying to correct its mistakes while germany is hell bound on destroying europe for the 3rd time in less than 100 years
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
I owe no debts, Jörg :^)
Holy crap stfu
Definetly Germany.
>Sending bolsheviks to Russia
>Refugee crisis
>implying germany did something wrong
Go be a proud roman somewhere else, Vlad.
15% muslim
Germany by far.
In addition to starting two world wars, they ruined the Roman empire by invading Italy like the barbarians they were.
>Romania throwing shit at Germany and Russia
>Romania throwing shit at anyone
Gypsy get back in the oven.
90% romanian
Everybody knows they're identical when you look from far enough.
Wrong flag(s) user.
For what it's worth, we fought the most brutal war ever fought on the fucking planet with a front length of over 2,000 km.
What do we (Russians and Germans) learn from this:
> never fight each other again
> as symbiotic partners we probably can achieve anything, starting with the 14 words
>Says the rape baby of mongolians
Sure german commie agents killed 20 million Germans. Sure.
Fuck OP and fuck this thread. Who is worse? German Jews or Russian Jews?
German Jews
>Weimar republic
>stabbed Germany in the back
>dragged America in WWII
>still running Germany
Russian Jews
>gulaged by Stalin
Germany, because they didn't finish the job on you sub-human gypsies.
it spiraled out of your control ofc, like everything you start in this continent
austria-hungary started WWI
> rape baby of mongolians
those would be the finns
you should learn to differ between flags
You mean like your economy?
Germany. The only thing Russia has going against it is communism but the Germans invented it and sent it to Russia to weaken them.
>Implying Mongolians stopped before reaching bulgaria.
I'd say Russian Jews. Germany at least had some brilliant jews in science like Fritz Haber, who gave Germany the glory that is chemical warfare, most Russian jews on the other hand were parasitic and destructive towards Russia
Romania, they had thousand of years and became fucking nothing.
>implying we didnt just hide in the mountains and left them to go freely to rape the bulgarians
>Implying the Mongols didn't horseback up mountain side to rape, then gallop down into bulgaria.
Love you greeks tho
Worse? Mate. Many of you guys were some of our greatest allies in WW2. Especially the people from the area of Siebenbürgen.
Here is a book you should read written by a romanian SS volunteer writing about the time before the war, during the war and after the war.
>pic related is the book
>Implying germany did nothing wrong
>>Implying the Mongols didn't horseback up mountain side to rape
>implying we wouldnt just pelt them with rocks and hide deeper into the mountains/forests like we did we the hungarians
it's all bantz bro
we're all gonna make it
They weren't Germans, but German kikes. USA kikes were also involved.
>still butthurt
Impressive tactics my Roman friend.
>implying hungarians can into battle
How come more US WW2 veterans who visited my grandparents who were Waffen-SS Vets always said the following:
>"We should have joined you against the Commies before the Battle of the Bulge took place"
In fact, american Veterans who fought against the 6. SS-Division "Nord" in January 1945 only have great things to say about us, co-authored by an US Brigadier General.
The book is:
>pic related book cover
I suggest every american to read this, it is also part of the US Military library concerning strategy in winter warfare
>3rd time
i hate this meme
how is taking over filthy slav countries and commies, while also genociding the jews considered "destroying a continent"?
if anything the american anglocucks destroyed europe by fighting for the jews and collaborating with a commie that murdered 20m of his own ppl
hey,as long as they work
well,yeah,they cant
Is there a more JUST country than France?
>how is taking over filthy slav countries and commies, while also genociding the jews considered "destroying a continent"?
it is considered when you loose
I mean seriously, Russians and Germans had pretty decent relationships for a long time. Royal ties, a lot of Germans settled in Russia.
But kikes decided it's no good, let's set them against each other and fuck up Europe for good.
Hungary btfo
The Russians by far
Probably modern Germany, but let's not talk about the present, it is too depressing. the past is far more comfy.
One of them is subservient to the other. Enough said.
england, sweden, germany, canada
19% immigrants
>asked a question
>butthurt german is mad
germans ...
t. Francois al-Abdul Surrenderoux
Too bad Germans worship their American masters.
Germans still jealous they don't have relations like us.
It's just bantz, François. Nobody is butthurt anymore. You can keep Alsace-Lorraine, they are smelly frenchies anyway.
Exactely. Not Germans. Jews.
Even our royals mixed.
You should have let us kill the Jews.
They make family kill each other.
Both were both glorious and terrible.
I've thought you stormers do not consider us white?
Anyways, our nations are dying out. Even with monstrous influx of Asian migrants, our birthrates are stalling at best and we are supposed to maintain largest country in the world. Depression, bitterness and escapism were always part of our "culture" but now it's a norm and no one expects a happy ending.
We just like watching the others dying too, so we don't have to feel left alone.
at least we have history.
Canada is just a gay version of the USA anyway.
wow is this true
Nah, it's actually around 9-10%. Still fucking high but not as bad as Titus Romanus Rex over here claimed.
what kind of retarded logic is that?
>you were trying to genocide jews, but we stopped you from doing that, so youre responsible for everything bad the jews have done now!
no,what i meant was more of the likes of
>if you win you need not explain how,if you loose you need not be there to give an explanation
Wasn't Romania on nazi side in WW2?
yes,but dont you dare tell me that we didnt pay for it
USSR is the biggest disgrace to our country so replace the flag and it's all sorted.
100% gypsy
Этo твoй глaз?
Marx was a (((Germ))) too
Romania ofc, the only thing you are known for is gypsies
How does common people in Russia relate to the UUSR?
their internet is pretty good I've heard
>Wehraboo porn book
No, thx
oh boi...
>oh boi...
We are sorry kasimir
It pretty much correlates with education and possibly age. Smart and open minded people regard ussr as cancer that is still proliferating despite its official death in 1991. Old people will always see more pros than cons because of "muh good old days". Stupid and uneducated people still worship soviets even tho most of them have never witnessed it. The latter represents the most subhuman,yet most stereotypical image of russian Ivan. Well we've been successfully deporting and gulag-ing our brightest minds since 1917 so I would not expect anything else desu.
> Smart and open minded people regard ussr as cancer
Hey, you just could have said that hating USSR makes you feel like a special snowflake and gives you feeling of intellectual superiority