Why do white people age like milk ?
Why do white people age like milk ?
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Candle, twice as hot, something something twice as fast.
you misspelled "drug addicts"
Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
you misspelled "Womyn"
Because you presented us with a shit brand.
Choose your products, Pierre.
Not all of them do. A lot of it has to do with drugs and alcohol.
She's 82, you fucking nigger.
Alcohol, tobacco and coke
she wasn't very attractive to begin with.
you don't see blacks living that long.
This. Thanks Norway
thin skin
She's pretty fucking based though. Read this:
Let me give you a quick run down
Why do black people look like shit to begin with?
Partying too hard in their 20s and no efforts to stay healthy.
She has been looking old and busted for a long time
this is her 35 years ago
White people who spend time tanning will always age like shit imo
>niggers age better
Norwegian Miss Universe 1990.
black dont crack
well her skin looks miles better, the only awful part is the double chin but that's because she became obese, not the aging
>She's 82, you fucking nigger.
Oh come on, Friends was a while back sure but not THAT long ago !
>crack is whack
Say a little prayer for her, she could use it.
Helen Mirren looks pretty great
>Additionally, in a section in the book entitled, "Open Letter to My Lost France", Bardot writes that "my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims".
>For this comment, a French court fined her 30,000 francs in June 2000.
Norwegian TV personality.
71 years old in this pic
there a 1/4 black. Which by Sup Forums standards they are malik Obama black
FUCK YOU. Fuck everyone on this site. Every single day someone posts some meme about a person and the entire thread expounds on the topic of said person and more memes bounce back and forth. Meanwhile - I'm sitting here fucking PISSED because nobody has it in their right minds TO INCLUDE THE PERSON'S FUCKING NAME. At least give me a clue of who the fuck it is, then I can at least google them for the latest bullshit and try to piece together what you fucking retard memeing autists are even god damn talking about. WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO FUCK YOU WHO
stay out of the sun.
Sun(in tropical countries)
I want my future waifu to age as gracefully as this
>DOB: September 5, 1940 (age 76 years)
the sun is the unfortunate enemy of the white man. that bronzed skin carries a heavy price.
Sally Struthers spergy.
I need a quick rundown on these two. anyone?
They don't, it's drugs you moron.
She was 8 when she won.
That's the power of Mediterranean Europeans. Nordic Europeans age like shit.
>DOB: December 22, 1945 (age 71 years)
Nice meme
>46 years old
Her name is in the filename my dude
That's not even the point! Eventually yeah someone like you will finally fill me in but fuck why can't people just establish who the fuck it is so I don't have to wait for someone else to tell me or refresh the pfucking page every 10 seconds so I can google a name
I'm guessing you're a nigger, based on your inability to do basic arithmetic.
((( )))
>Born: February 2, 1954 (age 63 years)
Even her wrinkles are cute. As much of her attractiveness lies in her charisma as in her looks though.
It's not very hard to guesstimate how well a girl will age even from a young age though. Mila Kunis for example has all the hallmarks of someone who'll look like an absolute hag when she's old.
Not worth spazzing over. If I see some young pop culture idiot I don't recognize in a thread, I just ignore it because "who gives a fuck"?
I don't know, but Christie Brinkley and Jane Seymour are both older than my mom and I'd sex them both unmercifully.
Norwegian economist. Not even a celebrity.
>yfw black dont crack
Black people don't usually live long enough to look old.
You used to be white France. Guess you'll age like coffee with 2 spoonfuls of rape
My mother in-law is in her late 50's and looking pretty damn good.
My wife looks like a splitting image of her mom when she was young.
She will make a fine milf.
Why do black people look like apes at every age?
Not white, you fucking dumbass.
It all depends on what type of life she had, if she had a nice calm life found a good man and kept herself in a relationship with no problems expect her to look young and beautiful even at 60 or 70, if she was a whore and had oppression or depression expect her to look old and used at 30 years old. Though after 70 years old when the skin starts to sag you just cannot keep the beauty unless you really lived a almost sinless life.
Christie is a goddess at 63.
quit spamming this ya tardo
Pics pls..
commit sudoku
Dutch sort of celebrity (67)
Recently in the news because a video was leaked where some guy found her mouth first instead of a toilet
This is really only true for the subset of white women who have nothing to offer but their looks. As they approach old age they frantically cover themselves in clownface in a vain attempt to preserve their former beauty, not realizing it makes them look even worse.
she looks pumped full of chemicals bro
You mean white women.
White men age like wine.
Hey retards, I know you're pro-white (which we should be) but a bit of intellectual honesty goes a long way.
Whites age badly. THIS IS OBJECTIVELY TRUE. Anyone who's been outside knows this.
I know we're hot when we're young, but that flame fades quickly (as some user above said)
It's why we're successful-- we have to make up for our fading looks by producing things of value.
Get over it.
We are great, but no need to lie about things that we objectively fail at.
You're all fucking dweebs.
She's fucking 82 most people are corpses at this point.
have no problem getting an handjob from this young woman
Why do black people age like feces?
>I got BTFO
Sure thing, Ali.
>no one can look naturally good without chemicals
haha i get it
you compared them to feces because their skin is brown
hahaha funny joke xDDDDDD
Are you two incapable of thought? Like any thinking?
Also, Romanians age well only because they're barely white
I thought that was Rhonda Shear for a second. I wonder whatever became of her and her tig ol' bitties.
Shut up nigger
>She's 82, you fucking nigger.
This woman is 83.
quick rundown?
Hurr durr I can't make any criticisms of my race.
You're so fucking stupid, Mahmoud.
Saying white people DON'T age badly is like saying white people DON'T sunburn. It's factually incorrect.
He took the bog pill.
>>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>>In contact with aliens
>>Possess psychic-like abilities
>>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>>Own castles & banks globally
>>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>>They learned fluent French in under a week
>>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
To be fair, Asian people are more plastic parts than people by that point. Japanese people will probably evolve into body pillows within the next 200 years
Norwegian queen.
Don't you have a goat to fuck, you brown rat?
But hey, way to buy into Jewish memes made to discredit white people.
Guys, Asian men are sucks when young. We know that.
But are you incapable of seeing? Or are you literally blind (in which case I'm sorry--but how do you type?!?) Literally anyone who has seen any other humans knows FOR A FACT that whites age badly. It's not our fault. It's why we're not lazy, actually.
But I am very unimpressed with your lack of basic fucking knowledge about the nature of the most basic fucking things.
She's 82, idiot
I doubt you even reach this age, Ahmed.