Friendly reminder that liberals are the good guys
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>airy fairy shit that's exemplified by science FICTION.
Sounds about right. Got anything that works in the world we actually live in?
This is what everyone wants faggot.
So tired of your fucking virtue signaling.
Also StarTrek: Discovery coming late this year!!!!
>inb4 one post by this ID because OP's too chicken to actually engage in argument
Everyone wants this, but this is literally a meme.
Yeah okay, call me when they invent replicators.
Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is a fairly common ideological flaw.
Say something OP
But they don't want to better the lives. They want to leech off others, blame others for their problems, and live selfish lives in which they work as little as possible.
sounds a lot like fascism to me
So it really is true.... liberals cannot think of abstract concepts except in terms of pop culture...
Well you can have it as soon as were all rich then eh?
>Not realizing that future was reliant on an abundant economy
>not realizing that with the invention of replicators it would literally be impossible to have a capitalist society
>Not realizing that shit cannot be forced on a population.
It's very simple really, you cannot use force to obtain an out come. It has to arrive there with stability to maintain an equilibrium. If you force communism on people, and it needs to be enforced with violence due to scarcity, you have an oppressive system. If you have abundance communism will happen with out revolution, it would simply be an inevitable evolution as capitalism cannot function without scarcity. Solve the scarcity problem and you will get communism.
>liberals are striving for a fantasy only made possible by infinite resources while reality states resources are finite
>OP will probably respond "ebil corporations holding us back"
Sage this fucker.
Janeway > Kirk > Picard > Sisko
wtf I'm surrounded by commies?
Janeway was a fucking idiot more often than not, her crew had to constantly fix her mistakes.
Meant to say "better themselves" not "better their lives"
Have you ever seen a stupid nigger in Star Trek? There have been very few smart blacks, yet nobody knows what happened to the stupid people in the past, where the hell are they? They are no longer needed in that society, they only drain resources, wtf are they doing, where are they?
They even had to put in "low IQ aggressive people" in there, i.e. Klingons, yet even they had honor and moral standards... unlike niggers.
I fully believe that they achieved this through eugenics and killing off the unwanted, leaving very few blacks left.
Sisko had his moments. I'd rank him 3rd but then again I don't like the first series at all.
so close, we could have been friends but fuck you.
Picard > Kirk > Janeway > Sisko >>> Sam Becket
>altruism is communism
But it literally isn't, communism has killed more people than any other ideology.
except you forgot to remove whites from the future, yeah, because you are only promoting diversity in white countries....sooo, when africa gets a rocket program you might have a chance, till then, hold your breath.
Sounds like every collectivist ideology ever. But it would be funny to point out that fascism would fit into the utopia they've envisioned
Once we hit post scarcity and develop a warp drive I'm down for socialism.
Thank him for his service.
The Federation is the most sterile and uninteresting faction in the galaxy, the characters have no personality, no deep motivation, nothing other than duty and hierarchy. ALL good characters are from alien races which depict the interesting parts of humanity. Ferengi, Klingon, Cardassian, are all 1000 times the characters that Humans are, which exist only as a foil to show how a grey, dreary, lifeless and characterless leftist utopia devoid of joie de vivre compares with the vitality and drive of a mercantile, warrior or roman-militaristic civilization. The Federation are walking corpses.
friendly reminder that liberals are "being good" on the back of a black swan event they dont have the courage to recognize. Unlike us. That is the fact of white supremacy.
>We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity
lol who tills the fields though...
100% right
The mick with the potato head who ran the transporter was GOAT fuck those other nigs
As usual, the definition of 'better' is the key issue.
The pursuit of wealth is what makes ourselves and the rest of humanity better. This is capitalism 101 and what liberals don't understand. All the wonderful shit around us, all the things billions of people depend on every day, from food to cars to medicine to computers, are only there because someone, somewhere was trying to make a buck.
No, that's what Fascists want
So how did they get rid of the jews in the Star Trek universe?
Exactly this.
They didn't they became the Ferengi.
Yes, but the system is currently rigged through regulations and taxation.
If we have a popular market, lets say smart phones, why aren't more companies trying to exploit this market? How about food production? The worst part is, these are thing people don't really need to live. Look at the housing market, water, electricity, gas. The prices are high because theirs simply no way a new company can exploit the market and drive down prices.
Then take immigration, a pretty useful tool for these assholes. They expand a market by increasing the population, thereby increasing demand. They don't increase production, other companies are kept out of the markets, so they increase the price due to scarcity and can increase profits for free.
Were being screwed. We can only hope Trump does something and sets an example for the rest of the world. Capitalism is the best system at the moment, but looking at the ever reducing number of large companies, being bought by conglomerates and being put under a single umbrella, the future is not looking good.
It turned out they were Ferengis in disguise the whole time.
People wouldn't work to "better ourselves" if we didn't have to work to get food on the table. Current government welfare shows you will just generate a massive amount of NEETs who complain about every minor detail they don't get handed to them.
without profit and gain, soviets create lack luster goods, with profit and gain, style and craftmanship sells better. no socialist space dumpster for me.
Isn't working to better themselves and the rest of humanity also acquisition of wealth?
Yeah work to better ourselves by fleeing the muzzie shithole right captain.
I'm so pissed. They're trying their hardest to make this show fail right from the start.
It just so happens that he acquisition of wealth is the best motivator to make everyone work for the betterment of humanity.
Liberals are Traitors
>bettering themselves
pick one faggot...bettering yourself and encouraging degeneracy are not the same thing
conservashits are corporate bootlickers
Janeway was ok but suffered from the most inept crew in the universe. Every episode they were being locked out of their own systems by random aliens.
She was also too idealistic and religiously devout to the prime directive. Picard is best captain.
>What Liberals want:
Beautiful Socialist Utopias like Star Trek
>What Liberals Beget:
Shitty Society Bloc nations and the current collapsing shithole that is Sweden
>Sisko > Picard > Kirk > Janeway
Sisko - btfo'd the Cardassians
Picard - acted like a fucking statesman not a Pumpkin Pinochet
Kirk - stuck his dick in anything moving while doing his job
Janeway - stumbled from crisis to crisis (many of her own making) basically relying on others to help her/fix the problem
Noice effort, have some Troi boobs for your trouble.
Star Trek is communist propaganda
This would literally destroy humanity the same way welfare destroys its recipients.
Liberals want fictional utopias more news at 11
The massive problem with this lefty show is that they believe logic can be applied to every situation. Sometimes problems *couch Muslims* can't be fixed by talking it out.
At least there are still space jews.
Picard > Kirk > Sisko > Janeway > Quantum Leap
Going solely by best captain status, not best show.
Yeah that's a babby's first leftist position. It holds no value in the real world. I used to be like that too! Grow the fuck up.
It didn't help she starred in the most boring "Trek on autopilot" show in the series... until Enterprise anyway.
Blame Roddenberry. Dude was a socialist who demanded TNG be set in a post-scarcity communist future. The series improved after he died.
>basing an ideology off of a sci-fi tv show
>believing this shit can work in reality
completely agree
>actually knowing who Janeway is
I don't specifically know what that's all about but I think you all need to kys you're selves
> being so young you don't remember Voyager
> kys you're selves
> kill yourself you are selves
>he's never admired species 8472 for their ruthlessness.
The ENTIRE federation fleet couldn't defeat a SINGLE Borg cube at Wolf 359
Janeway destroyed Unimatrix 01, basically single-handedly, and dealt a crushing blow to the Borg, killing billions of drones with a single ship. This is also why Voyager is bullshit btw
Most races in Star Trek are jews one way or the other.
Nobody forces you to "gather wealth" you can go hunt animals and grow your own food.
>bb..but that's impractical
Exactly! Hence why people trade.
gl with that
>basing an ideology off a 5000 year old fantasy book
>believing that shit can work in reality
I never watched Voyager because I don't think women have any business being in command of a start ship.
I actually agree with you in that Sisko > Picard but Kirk is the greatest. He went and did what every man on planet wants to explore space for. To fuck alien babes.
I'd say the real order is Kirk > Riker > Sisko > Picard
Knowing what's best for yourself is one thing. Knowing what's best for other people is something else entirely.
This is what liberals do not understand.
>Unimatrix 01 was destroyed in 2378 when an alternate future version of Admiral Kathryn Janeway disrupted the collective with her neurolytic pathogen.
Soooo, she had to rely on a future ver. of herself using future tech (transphasic torpedo) to fix her own problems...
ITT: No one likes Johnathon Archer...
>This is what liberals want
>Its not what liberals do
>picture of a multimillionaire actor
And there's nothing wrong with that
Wealth is simply a tool of measurement.
All this commie fag is saying is:
>we no longer work to have the biggest dick, but to open our assholes to the biggest dicks going.
I like Archer, in a ''I 100% don't know what I'm doing, just act cool'' kind of way.
Only due to the amount of people on the planet.
>in fiction
It's all such a lie. Even in the Star Trek universe, they have credits to use the replicator. The captain has a nicer quarters than the crew. And sickbay hogs up 20% of the ships resources despite failing a lot of the time.
Systems where people have been driven by the acquisition of wealth have often also led to the betterment of humanity better than any other political system.
>wants to better society by letting degeneracy and blocking innovation
>computer recreate 1 million Adolf Hitler and transport crusher to the holodeck
>Safety off, execute
Trip and T'pol were the only really interesting story arc in the whole series. Everything else was just bolted on.
>he didn't like Flox's whimsical stories about his family.
>And sickbay hogs up 20% of the ships resources despite failing a lot of the time.
Thanks Obamacare.
Get ready we're going take back the board!!!
>We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity
>and the rest of humanity
Sounds nice, but it essentially translates to
Apparently the goal of humanity shouldn't be to reach new frontiers, but rather to import people from the third world, then spend decades and fortunes trying to get them to our level.
A nobel goal. Whats wrong with it?
Too hopeful. Not racist enough.
I belive they all or at least most of them have good if not great intentions it's just when their idols proclaim every little thing a social justice obligation then it becomes the most dangerous thing. Tyrannical actions justified by their own sense of morality
It doesn't matter how many people there are. Not everything is renewable, and thus things will be worth something, with some worth more than others.
Post Scarcity means we've developed technology to the point where we can fabricate all our material needs. Which is completely science fiction.
>that episode when Picard accidentally called him 'Broccoli'
First act as captain was to get lost on the other side of the fucking galaxy.
The correct list:
Picard > Kirk = Sisko > > > > > > > > Lt. Barclay > > > > > > > > A Tribble > > > > > > > > Tribble Poo > > > > > > > > Janeway
Star Trek is not communism, when you have replicators that can make anything you want for free and out of nothing there is no need for wealth.
Unfortunately this is nonsense fantasy, so for now we need to acquire wealth to buy things.
This is what they want but will never achieve. Only through conservative, productive values can we ever hope to achieve a post scarcity society. If it's even possible. We'll have to WORK HARD if we ever hope to achieve this. Not bitch and complain about muh 1%.