What kind of Protein would you like?

>be me
>go to restaurant
>order Basil Curry noodle dish
>pic related asks me what kind of protein i want
>me: do you mean meat? Because I want some MEAT on my food.
>Sir, what kind of PROTEIN would you like.
>me: fuck this gay world where people can't even say the word meat.

Impossible. You live in the land of the free

a fucking leaf?

I'd ask for her to flip up her apron and give me the sweet protein stored in her pristine girl balls

only correct answer

Proper response isAlso, it doesn't hurt if you eat her ass afterwards.

actually I cut off her head and fucked the stump

It's because tofu is also a listed option, sperg.

meanwhile i can head down to the fish and chip shop and the owners, upon sighting me, immediately get me my regular
it must be horrible to live in america

Well done, Ahmed.

Why don't they ask, do you want that with meat or vegetarian style?
Am I missing something? Are there various veggie proteins or something?

can I bring it to the white house?

Cancer pls go

meat isn't a protein.
it is a SOURCE of protein.
same with tofu.
kinda petty but it irks me that people can't be bothered to even say MEAT.

> Beans
> Tofu
> Chickpeas
> Chicken
> Beef
All of the above are protein. OP is a faggot. Sage


are you autistic? it's likely because the restaraunt serves other forms of protein such as tofu or whatever. but you clearly knew what she meant and could have just said beef/chicken/fish etc

consider necking yourself, faggot

no, stupid.
those are SOURCES of protein.
what do you expect from a fucking syrup nigger?

they can say meat, they're just not full blown autistics that reee over stuff like this. seriously, you can't understand that it's easy to say protein instead of meat, bean patty, tofu, etc?

Nah, nigga. You gotta send that off to Styxhexenhammer, so he can make a bowl out of it.

>What kind of Protein would you like?

actin, please

how about we stick to saying meat like we have done for ages?
Protein implies jism.

Holy shit you're an actual fucking retard. "Protein" refers to any meat or meat substitute, it is a very common term in the culinary world when referring to recipes and plating dishes.

Example: "The perfect dish is comprised of a carb, starch and a protein"

You may want to inform your server next time that you're a retard so they don't use confusing words.

isn't starch a carb?

>Not asking for a thick load of semen from her bull.
smdh you have to go back.

Hormones are protein-based chemicals secreted by the cells of the endocrine glands. Usually transported through the blood, hormones act as chemical messengers that transmit signals from one cell to another. Each hormone affects certain cells in your body, known as target cells. Such cells have specific receptors on which the hormone attaches itself to transmit the signals. An example of a hormonal protein is insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas to regulate the levels of blood sugar in your body.
Enzymatic proteins accelerate metabolic processes in your cells, including liver functions, stomach digestion, blood clotting and converting glycogen to glucose. An example is digestive enzymes that break down food into simpler forms that your body can easily absorb.

Also known as fibrous proteins, structural proteins are necessary components of your body. They include collagen, keratin and elastin. Collagen forms the connective framework of your muscles, bones, tendons, skin and cartilage. Keratin is the main structural component in hair, nails, teeth and skin.
Antibodies, or immunoglobulin, are a core part of your immune system, keeping diseases at bay. Antibodies are formed in the white blood cells and attack bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms, rendering them inactive.
Storage proteins mainly store mineral ions such as potassium in your body. Iron, for example, is an ion required for the formation of hemoglobin, the main structural component of red blood cells. Ferritin -- a storage protein -- regulates and guards against the adverse effects of excess iron in your body. Ovalbumin and casein are storage proteins found in breast milk and egg whites, respectively, that play a huge role in embryonic development.
Transport proteins carry vital materials to the cells. Hemoglobin, for example, carries oxygen to body tissues from the lungs. Serum albumin carries fats in your bloodstream, while myoglobin absorbs oxygen from hemoglobin and then releases it to the muscles. Calbindin is another transport protein that facilitates the absorption of calcium from the intestinal walls.
Located on the outer part of the cells, receptor proteins control the substances that enter and leave the cells, including water and nutrients. Some receptors activate enzymes, while others stimulate endocrine glands to secrete epinephrine and insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.
Also known as motor proteins, contractile proteins regulate the strength and speed of heart and muscle contractions. These proteins are actin and myosin. Contractile proteins can cause heart complications if they produce severe contractions.

there's the protein teypes for you, asshole.
notice there's no MEAT protein???

nah, it really doesn't. are you this obsessed with being contrarian? meat doesn't cover the options they serve so they say protein to ask you which source of protein you want on the dish. literally anyone who is not socially handicapped would understand this and just say beef but you're vehemently set on trying to oppose anything normies come up with

Yes but when referring to cooking they are considered two different elements, a good way to remember is that starches(potato, yam, tunip etc) usually grow underground where carbs are above ground.

keep being proud of being wrong, faggot.

holy shit, there is an autistic manchild now spamming scientific protein types because he's this asspained about how he had to order his burger or plate.

we have reached autism singularity, alert, alert.

user is unable to unclench his asshole and accept varying word usage.

>Ovalbumin and casein are storage proteins found in breast milk and egg whites, respectively


Simple !

Ask for "meatballs".
Since hipster queen won't say "meat" She'll be forced to say, "we don't have protein balls".

BUT I didn't want protein balls. I want meatballz..!


keep being majorly asspained about minor word usage to the point where you need to run home and post about it on a mongolian throat singing board

>he doesnt want cum on his gay noodles

>Sir, what kind of PROTEIN would you like.

>not wearing a hair net or gloves

That's okay I'm going to get a burrito at chipotle instead.

the fuck

>be waitress at some trendy restaurant in an area infested with millenials
>high likelihood of triggering some vegan hipster fuckwit upon saying the word "meat" >want to avoid 20 minute rant about evils of agribusiness while waiting on 5 impatient tables, or potentially losing a customer that will pay $22 for a bowl of farro and broccoli
>strictly refer to "protein", and only rarely have to deal with real 'muricans who are going to have a problem with that

should have just asked her what she meant, over and over.

In the middle of the jungle during the Vietnam conflict, two US soldiers were dug in. They knew they were surrounded by vietcong dug in for the moment themselves.

During this standoff, one soldier said to the other, "I am so sorry man but I gotta take the biggest shit." They argued over whether they'd be able to deal with the smell when finally the would-be shitter offered, "Alright, fucking cover me, I'll go shit over there." He pops up, his buddy starts laying some cover fire, bullets are flying everywhere and he dives into the bushes.

A long time passes. The guy in the trench is starting to feel very alone. Did the guy get hit? Is he bleeding unconscious in a bush somewhere? Christ why didn't he just put up with the smell it's better than dying alone... when suddenly there's gunfire again everywhere and he instinctively starts shooting back himself, spraying randomly ahead, while his friend returns, diving back into their makeshift trench.

"Oh my god," he says, after the shooting stops, "sorry I took so long. I found THE HOTTEST number in that bush over there. I fucked her so hard. Then I got hard right away and fucked her ass, too. It was amazing."

"Jesus! Did you get any head?"

"No, she didn't have one of those."

Protein you half wit they could offer eggs or tofu

>>Sir, what kind of PROTEIN would you like.

"The muscular kind of animal origin kthx"

You just need to play their game lad

Why are you eating this shit?
Un gay yourself, OP

should have said "I don't believe in protein."

I love that Amazon does that