Millennials May Be the First Generation to Lose a Majority of their Jobs to Automation

Thoughts? I think we have to implement Universal Basic Income soon.

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Can't lose a job if you don't have one to begin with.

So we're the generation that goes apeshit and kills everyone? Nice.

Good. Nothing stops progress.

On the contrary, technological and social progress only thrives under the rule of law. Threaten that with high unemployment, and you threaten progress.

bots will help exterminate precariated proles and progress will continue only technologically

I'm afraid its the one of only way nationalised manufacturing/services can compete with the sweat shops of the third world via the false flag of (((globalism))).
Hopefully the governments of the world won't make the fatal pitfall of entrusting computerised intelligence with any form of weapon-however knowing places such as the CIA, one would not be surprised if the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie 'Terminator' was merely a grimly optimistic prediction

you cant tax a robot

Good this shitty ass planet can't fucking burn down soon enough.

Woefully optimistic

Bill Gates disagrees

>On the contrary, technological and social progress only thrives under the rule of law.
Explain more on this if possible.

>replacing shit-tier humans with perfect machines
how is this a bad thing?

you are a shit tier human

whos gonna maintain the bots when all the white people are gone?

I mean unless Asians migrate into Europe/America en masse and take over cause nigs and spics aren't gonna cut it

>Initial cost
>Constant electrical cost
>Inevitable replacement cost when a new, more efficient model comes out (To stay ahead of the competition)
I would argue the contrary

no Im a dog

Well, unless computers start programming themselves I think I'm in the clear.

Clearly, this is why we need to increase the flow of indio and arab peasants into the west.

>be millennial
>literal cancer cell
>throw fits over fake oppression
>protest for higher wages causing businesses to roll out robots
>get cucked by robots
>you're actually now oppressed
>don't complain
>somehow this is Trump's fault

Gonna have to cop that poupper pic you have is that cool?

Daily reminder that automation will benefit the west because labor will be less a factor than transportation
Its the third world thats fucked

>Braking news
>Programmer programs program to program programs

Well, I hope they keep quiet about it and keep up a charade of still programming things. EZ money dawg

Clearly, we need to nuke silicon valley to slow down the transition and minimize damage.

Also, fuck them.

Now subtract salary and benefits.

What's more, subtract the salary and benefits of SEVERAL workers replaced by one machine that can effectively run 18 or 20 hours a day, if not 24/7.

Training costs, HR costs,health and retirement benefits...just having a manager sit down and sift through applications to see who fits for the position is costly. There are MANY more costs to keeping human employees that factor in.

Also consider how many companies provide things like gyms, in-house cafeterias, vending machines, water coolers, and basic comfort furniture. Fuck, just replacing office chairs and monitors periodically. It's far easier to air condition one room with a big ass computer than it is a whole building full of data entry people.

Stupid minimum wage meme. This was happening no matter what the min wage was.

Hopefully (Hoppefully?) the robots start tossing ancaps from helicopters.


X is not equal to x

It's fucking hilarious that we pumped up the population of Sweden with 1-2 million unskilled immigrants (of which the biggest group, arabs and africans, are already 70% on welfare and jobless) with the guide that "We need lots of new people to fill up the jobs and keep the economy going :^) ", and now a lot of unskilled jobs will go away to automation. I expect a lot of homelessness, A LOT more crime, and just an enormous shitfest in general. It will be interesting at least.


all of those are taxes on the consumer

that will be counteracted by the increase of welfare and various governmental programs to curb the effects of crime, which will be passed onto the consumer
the effects of crime will also force businesses to spend more on security, which, you guessed it, will be passed onto the consumer

why do you leftist fucks think you can get something for nothing

>This was happening no matter what the min wage was.
Not really
if you can pay someone $0 then nothing would ever be automated

Still waiting on that robot girlfriend.
>tfw no steel shell being to snuggle with

If too many jobs are lost, elections will be won by far and middle left parties, so disgruntled people can get their income from the government

It will create more inequality, more niggers, but a more materialistic sedated population (flashy cheap technology)

so an exaggeration of whats been happening recently

Not anytime soon.

The poor will be culled because fuel cell is not sustainable.

why should millenials be the ones to lose their jobs
shouldnt boomers lose their jobs first?

The truth is ugly to most.

The realm of automation is coming very fast, regardless of what we do today in terms of wages.

The fact of the matter is that the only way a modern society can function with automated jobs, is if that society creates a sufficient, basic standard of living which is provided to every member of its population. Housing, food, energy, education, and healthcare.

For those who don't see why, instead of asking how will the economy grow given these conditions, ask yourself, when will the economy fail without them? An economy in which the majority of its jobs can be carried out by a minority of its population is not perpetually sustainable.

You mustn't understand robotics if you think you need 1 technician for every robot.
Foxconn went from 110,000 employees to 60,000 and their productivity skyrocketed. Where are those 50,000 jobs coming from?

shekels shekels shekels, that's all you heebs care about. you belong in an oven.

fpbp :3

Jesus Christ. Millennials have literally be served the worst hand in history.

No fucking jobs to begin with, loaded up with college debt, and sold cultural Marxism. Now absolutely no hope of employment in the face of automation.

Feels bad man.

There is not a fixed amount of jobs
If you just allow deflation to happen the amount of jobs will increase

yes it would if the robot produces more value

i swear elon musk needs to be beheaded over this shit, you cunts only came out of the woodwork with your automation spiel after tesla became popular

Okay now imagine this.
50% of all humans die, no matter what cause.
Production of primary needs can be halved while production of luxury could remain level. People would have access to much more luxury.
Now if population would remain the same as it is now and instead of removing the lower levels of products we would increase the more luxurious products. Sounds logical right?
But doing so would decrease the gap between rich and poor. So if the rich want to stay rich then they need to create the idea that we need more people in low end jobs.
This also coincides with the idea that you don't need education that badly, increasing obliviousness to the hand that rules them.
Your economic, political, and intellectual elitist don't want you to reap the benefits of this progress. They want to control you so you can bring THEM progress.
Make the people think that science is a waste of money and they will not desire the progress that it brings. They won't desire more from life than their simple jobs and shallow community.
The elitists want you to worry about your place in the mud while they decide our place among the stars.
So I don't think that technological process thrives under the rule of law, I think it doesn't thrive at all, period. When progress is kept to a select audience then that is not progress at all.
As for the high unemployment. I don't think it impacts for shit. Those who rule will simply appoint a scapegoat and the masses will be satisfied. "Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat—that’s the key."
How would it produce more value?
The robot will always cost something


Either we achieve communism with this or the whole system collapses because who the fuck is going to buy those services and goods if nobody has a job?

invest your time into a profession that can't be automatized, you scrubs


It's called capitalism, friend. Your country is one of the biggest proponents of it.

Good. Maybe "merciful euthanasia" will become a thing then and I'll get invited for one.

White privileged millenial scum in Vietnam without anywhere to go to reporting in, living on mercy of some local.
Love being a white millenial, my man. Imagine the thrill of failing a suicide attempt, or, say, never having earned a single dollar in your entire life due to being braindead.

I don't have a fucking home and feel like an outcast even on the internet, but I'll keep grinning until my last breath just watching cuckistans like Sweden being raped out of existence.
Hope you've enjoyed your manufactured lives, they're about to burn.

Is there a problem I should be made aware?

>Gen Zyklon nationalizes the companies and then gives themselves welfare, finally creating a traditionalist, luxury-communist state



dont be fooled by bill's apparent kindness. It is everything but. When full automation kicks in, even small businesses and entrepreneurs will partake in it. Guess who can afford to cut through the new automation regulations and tax rates? It won't be you or me.

>human produces 100$/hour
>robot produces 200$/hour and costs 10$/hour

Everyday these threads are filled with unironical luddittes, is it the leftypol invasion or is there something in the water worldwide?

That's how running a business works. Business is literally about money. That's why it exists.

The world is not a charity to support you.

marx was the one that invent the term capitalism
Then prices will just have to come down

They were a "hero" generation too, right?

if human costs

lolno you dumbass kid. look up: every industrial revolution ever. now stop complaining you little mommy-boy snowflake, get creative and do something. fucking useless millenial cry-babies.

>marx was the one that invent the term capitalism
not true
Ricardo already used the word
gtfo reddit

No that was there shitty kids
Though the both did fuck up the country there is no denying that they both also had it worse than millennials

When automation fully hits, the elites are not going to feed, house and pay the billions of unecessay people in the world. There will be a mass genocide to control the population. Be careful what you wish for.

the automation meme started as a Tesla Marketing ploy around 2012. musk wanted to push electric cars HARD, he knew that the existing automotive companies weren't interested in electric cars (for good reason), so he came up with the self driving car meme. which tesla is now trying to push. they pay people to astroturf in favor of tesla and self driving cars, spacex also has a similar thing going.
some people have not only bought into the musk meme but have started guzzling the kool-aid. a few influential cucks have tied together a bunch of memes into what amounts to the modern reddit philosophy, which is something like "science is cool, the left is great, yay renewables, nuclear bad, musk good, electric cars good, automation happening soon, give up all personal possessions"
i can tell you're from reddit because of the reddit spacing. you bought into the meme.

burger education

So tax the greedy fucker who owns them all and refuses to sell them to the common man.

I don't think you realize how advanced computers and robotics are. Most of the world's shipping, transportation, power, and manufacturing infrastructure relies heavily on automation. Even truckers now rely on computers to regulate almost every aspect of their vehicle's mechanical function.

Advanced algorithms process everything from call center traffic to major mutual fund transactions. Even security services use programs to track suspicious behavior on camera, and some companies are testing voice tone recognition to automatically escalate calls from angry clients just by the tone in their voice. There is not an aspect of your life that is not heavily automated, already, becoming more so.

>Be careful what you wish for.

Yes, I hate when people say "I wish robots took my job".


why is globalist rhetoric so fucking shit that it collapses even under the weight of its own individual arguments?

Get a load of this guy. What's your big plan Cesaro?

>lose their jobs to automation
>implying that you have such little competence that you lose your job to essentially lowest tier skilled professions.
If you think about it doesn't automation pretty much only damage minimum wage jobs/those who require the least competence of any?

So they spend vast quantities of money on useless degrees that don't have employer demand when they are done. And the complain that some minimum wage jobs are replaced by automation.

And then try to claim they are victims when they have so many opportunities but squandered them. And the entire world has to stop making things easier for humanity because they decided to take a degrees in social studies and as such need to actually employ themselves in very low skilled jobs who are threatened by automation (literally only the lowest tier of the job market/the least complex/the kind of job you can do almost immediately without any education or little intelligence at all is at threat by automation)

And then call for global communism and UBI and claim that this is now the reason they took that dumbass degrees in the first place? it's called upqualification, educate yourself in something there is demand for instead of insisting that the lowest tier of the job market and the most simplistic jobs should never be automated, so that it frees up humanity to do less laborial tasks.

These people in a different age would be arguing against the fucking washing machine because they might not be employed by some rich person to wash their clothes by hand! NO JOKE it's the exact same fucking thing.. So.. no washing machine guys, no dishwasher guys, or you are a victim! and need UBI instead of trying to find skills in a different profession..

I think Fight Club's description of our times is pretty accurate. Lack of adversity and with it meaning.

Automation will certainly produce hardships, but historically Luddites have always been wrong.

2.5 * 100 > 200

Basic income is inevitable.

They will. Look at how Bill Gates and Richard Brandon are always giving money to nogs in Africa.

No it not
There is never going to be a time when human labor is absolutely worthless

wew sweden really is declining

My childhood was stolen from me by the state to make me a productive little worker bee. I was raised to be a part of this system. I'm owed a seat at the table! I've played the game. I won't stand so a robot can take my place.

if you have multiple jobs just get more robots

At first yes lower wage jobs will make up the majority of the losses. But think of how much (((white collar))) bullshit could be done by a sufficiently advanced computer. Even a basic AI could cuck many "safe" professions.

>assembly line gets introduced
>millions lose their jobs
>modern agriculture with synthetic fertilizer and pesticides wtc gets introduced
>millions lose their jobs
fuck off you lazy unimaginative sack of meat

Which cost more

>Most of the world's shipping, transportation, power, and manufacturing infrastructure relies heavily on automation.
this has been the case since the invention of the microprocessor you dolt, don't you remember the F-14?

>Even truckers now rely on computers to regulate almost every aspect of their vehicle's mechanical function.
"wow guys an ECU is so technologically complex"

>Advanced algorithms process everything from call center traffic
simple dial tone tracker with some COTS speech recognition

>major mutual fund transactions
this has been the case for decades

> suspicious behavior on camera
NYC put a system for this in place right after 9/11

> voice tone recognition to automatically escalate calls from angry clients just by the tone in their voice
no they don't, they have simple speech recognition to recognize swear words. just start saying "cunt fuck cunt fuck" over and over and you'll get escalated. i've worked on these things.

>There is not an aspect of your life that is not heavily automated, already, becoming more so.
fuck off with your leftist hoighty-toighty bullshit

and which will still produce more net value than humans

Basic income doesn't mean that labour is worthless.
It just means that the current system is unholdable and basic income is a good solution. Some jobs cannot be automated though.

Although I believe basic income is a useless step. A society that can function with that system has no more need of monetary value in essence.

see this, i made my comment more elaborate. And no you are wrong, this is not a bad thing, this makes it much easier to live in society where these things had to be done manually in the past! You are literally arguing that the washingmachine or the dishwasher should never exist. These things you mention is just the next gradual extension of it. Automation only replace the most simplistic things in general, or things that are hard for humans to coordinate with precision unless having 100 people necessary to change a lighbulb.

You're not making a good case for ubi and global communism which is the only thing you are interested in with this kind of automation argument, and no that is not why you are unemployed because asside from communication and these things, it only effects the lowest tier jobs/the least complex, where repetitive tasks that would otherwise wear you the fuck down and made some of our ancestors die at early age completely worn down from busting their ass in those menial tasks, can be made to be automated. So that you can do things that has a higher skill ceiling.

We need to develop a system to equitably distribute income to all people, so that those forced out of the job market are still able to live a decent life as respectable citizens. We can produce everything that we need without the requirement that everyone must have a "job."

>Although I believe basic income is a useless step. A society that can function with that system has no more need of monetary value in essence.
unless you're proposing that we go full star trek and start giving people their own private planets, we will still need a monetary system

Just notice that behind every "muh automation" argument is a communist.

commie bastard kys

>Universal Basic Income soon
Gonna need to enact a mass extermination effort on the lowbornes first

I have ten dollars
I can either pay a robot to produce $200 of value or 2.5 people to produce $250 of people
Which one do I choose?

>State that automation is increasing as time progresses and will continue to do so
>Emu tries to argue with you by saying that automation has been increasing as time progresses

I know you're only a large flightless bird and not too well versed in human linguistics, but this is some fairly low level stuff.

Also note musk has not turned a profit on any of his businesses, the only reason he's not bankrupt is because of government payouts.

>Basic income doesn't mean that labour is worthless.
Yes it does
It means I dont have anything for you to do so I am just going to pay you to do nothing

>the sky is falling
>chicken calling emu

The age of the gun is nearing an end. To all the more prescient Sup Forumsacks, you must put 100% of your effort in acquiring wealth while you still can. The technocratic elites will have no qualm culling the unnecessary human population after automation becomes ubiquitous. You must acquire enough wealth such that you no longer need to work, or you will be culled like the rest.

and this is news to literally anybody how? you're acting like a typical leftist cunt.

b-but goy it'll turn out well in 4 yeaars!

You don't need to acquire wealth, just get into an industry that is automation proof, such as any medical field that requires human interaction.

Just don't make poor choices and become something like a truck driver or taxi driver because these will be automated in the near future.

no they fucking won't jesus christ, have you ever talked to a long haul truck driver in your life?