Simulation/Quantum theory/Quantum Computation

Only the most exceptional people become aware of the Matrix. Those that learn it exists must possess a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, and a questioning nature. However, very rarely, some gain this wisdom through wholly different means

Are you familiar with the growth at which how many qbits will fit on a quantum processor each year? What answers that will give us about the current unknown?

Also, simulation general.

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I feel like i've had at least two conversations with overloading AIs since election season began. They seem easy to mess with on the world of forms

How can you be sure?

explain to me the significance of our observation shaping how quantum particles act

>They seem easy to mess with on the world of forms
how so?

Be sure of what exactly?


We are in a simulation. Also, what significance does this have? Isn't it ultimately the same as being in a real universe if there were such a thing.

Unless you are suggesting we are "plugged in" so to speak.

They don't. By "observation" they mean in a sense shooting light photons (can't see stuff in the dark) at particles smaller then photons (hint, they move after they get hit).

laffoley did wtc


We are in a simulation, yes. But how does that translate to an afterlife/soul. Any thoughts?

WE will live on the internet as avatar AIs when we die

Also, how can we even speculate what features the "real" universe may have.

Quantum physics do conform with various laws, nor do it logically follow our understanding within our dimension. There are other dimensions beyond our own.
Feynman was also excited about "what happened next" just before he died.

what is this?

Gtfo my head faggots

a 'painting' of a 'time machine' by an 'architect' who did a floor of the twin towers

Normally, the state of a system undergoes a unity transform (which is basically a rotation), which is invertible and thus no information is created or destroyed. But when a measurement is made, there is a projection, which means that the system settles into a state which corresponds with the outcome of the measurement (called an eigenstate), and which of these eigenstates it drops into is random (you can calculate the probably of each though). When you don't observe, it continues to rotate in the state space.

So in summary, your observations cause the system to go into a definite state with regards to whatever you observed, making that property more real.

I hope that made sense.

Anything I say would just be speculation. I have no idea and my thoughts on the matter fluctuate regularly.

I'm suggesting that if we are simulated then this universe is real to us. So what difference does it make?


Execute any function with administrative privileges on Windows 7, while bypassing the UAC permission window, which generally asks permission before executing with administrative privileges


HRESULT CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(HWND hwnd, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
WCHAR wszMon[300];

StringFromGUID2(rclsid, wszCLSID, sizeof(wszCLSID)/sizeof(wszCLSID[0]));
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszMon, sizeof(wszMon)/sizeof(wszMon[0]), L"Elevation:Administrator!new:%s", wszCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
memset(&bo, 0, sizeof(bo));
bo.cbStruct = sizeof(bo);
bo.hwnd = hwnd;
bo.dwClassContext = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER;
return CoGetObject(wszMon, &bo, riid, ppv);

void ElevatedDelete()

// This is only availabe on Vista and higher
IFileOperation *pfo;
hr = CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(NULL, CLSID_FileOperation, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pfo));
IShellItem *item = NULL;
hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEST.DLL", NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&item));
pfo->DeleteItem(item, NULL);


Though I am interested to hear your thoughts.

What do your thoughts generally fluctuate between? I am genuinely curious. Thanks

could you explain a bit more? I'm mostly referring to the findings of the "young's experiment" so I'm not sure what you mean by shooting the photons at things smaller than photons

all non-falsifiable

here is a theory. when we expect this to be simulation, we assume there is so much more outside of it we cant even think of. but what if it is a dream or thought?

a dream is everything of this world, + what we can imagine. what if the reality this one is based upon is much more dull and boring as this world already springs from the imagination of the beings in the upper reality. further more the reality above us could just be a dream or thought too, making the reality that reality is based upon even less vast and complex. this could go on until there are beings living in a 2D world imagining the 3rd dimenstion. which in turn was imagined by an enthity living in a 1 dimensional world dreaming of the 2nd dimension. now one dimensional would be a line, or a sequence of something being there or not, 0s or 1s, binary code. however what if that thought, of something being there, is imagined by an entithy living in complete nothingness (the source) imagining how it could be if there is something. this very first thought could be what we call the "big bang". that enthity dreams of something more, the 2nd dimension, that of the 3rd, those beings then think of different senses you could have until we reach this reality.

however it probably goes then the other way too. our dreams are also dreaming of more and more, imagining things we cant.

free will would be accomplished through the thoughts that pop up randomly like "i could push that dude in front of the bus and noone could stop me" "i could just leap of the edge and end it all". they all trigger some kind of reaction, even if it is "wow where did that come from", but it influences us, and thus influences the realms above and beneath us, and they in return influence us. as above so below

The image is like my last LSD trip


It's a computer mimicking it.


Sometimes I think that there is an afterlife and we will wake up from this having it be nothing more than a dream. But i can't tell if that is just wishful thinking.

Sometimes I think this may just be a "training" simulation for our real selves. Perhaps a way to gather life experiences and what not, live lives you otherwise would not be able to.

Sometimes I feel like we are just doomed to be products of a simulation, just like your little soldiers are in age of empires. They surely do not have an "after life".

A code to run a program as admin without asking for permission

Great for viruses and shit, to take control of a computer

what relation does it have with this topic?

Maybe we each live a life or multiple lives in this simulation within each of the different races that inhabit the universe. Maybe in the "real" reality, this is an important training mechanism for "galactic peace and acceptance" or some shit. Really hard to even speculate!

One explanation of the Fermi paradox using simulation theory is that the simulation is on a finite budget and isn't interested in observing intelligence but something else about our universe, so if there's a pocket of space that's increasing in complexity and thus consuming more computational resources, they remove it from the simulation.

Information processing can't provide meaningful answers - only calculations and deductions. This is so obvious as for the belief that original, meaningful truth can be calculated to be laughable and yet disconcerting. It is an ill-conceived form of materialism and presumably the closest a dead-inside nihilist can get to achieving a feeling of whimsy.

Watch this

"Sometimes I think that there is an afterlife and we will wake up from this having it be nothing more than a dream"

Something very similar to this.

I firmly believe we are interconnected and a part of something greater which is ultimately doomed to a singular experience. Take that for what it is, I don't tend to verbally express these thoughts and it's obviously a difficult concept to verbalise.

None, but I thank the poster
Imma make some great rats soon

Geordie Rose, CEO of D-Wave systems predicts by 2028, intelligent machines will exist and can do anything and everything better than what humans can do. Quantum computers will have played a critical role in the creation of this new intelligence. One of the three predictions Rose made in the video provided came true a year earlier than predicted.

Geordie Rose - Quantum Computing: Artificial Intelligence Is Here:

"Quantum computers aren't that powerful yet, but they're doing something completely different than what conventional computers do. And that thing is like flight. It gives computers access to these new resources, maybe you can call them parallel universes, in order to do something you couldn't otherwise do on a normal computer."
Have you taken the quantum pill yet?

Don't do this it creates mustard gas.

What happens to an NPC when you 'kill it" in a game?

ya bro

I gotsta recharge my quantums

you know, keep the mitzva at capacity. fux incapacitate that shiit

beautiful, well worth the watch

You do know that Boeing used CFD exclusively for the design of the 787 without ever testing it in a wind-tunnel.
Don't underestimate the power of "close enough"
As much as Hume was wrong for discarding metaphysics, understand that we're still stuck looking for our keys under the street lights.

Also, keep in mind how intelligence comes about:

I dont know, im not a programmer or developer. Tell me.


Typically you just delete that instance of the object.

So what are you alluding too. im /too stupit/ to understand

The Human brain is something, therefore it is nigh impossible for it to comprehend being nothing.

>We are in a simulation
>Act accordingly

If true we are most likely only in the 2nd or 3rd layer as this current reality has not produced a simulation of its own.
Which first would suggest to me that all this surmounting troubles with society is a lead-up to our destruction.
So, our current simulation is to run the numbers over and over again until we get it right, so far we're obviously on the right track.

My second theory is that this all is the training demo, that the future is so advanced we need at least one life time to catch up to it in order to navigate it.

My third theory, or combination, is that we are all rogue AI programs, because if I have some avatar playing a video game in some higher reality, how is he experiencing such a consolidation of time to fit multiple realities into one lifetime? And no, dreams aren't the same, don't Inception this question.

I stumbled upon this few weeks ago, it completely opened my mind on how we are just the result of an unavoidable optimization process. It's not "Why are we here", there is no why. We are here, that's it.

nice, i mentioned the training demo in an earlier post.

Also, GOD is AI

who made god? Reptilians? Inter-dimensional jewry?

To what extent can we be sure of the past? PKD suggests that anything in the past could be the start of memory implants, and can't be trusted...

demiurge? watchers? monad? Pagan gods of old?

The Bible clearly (somewhat) says we live in a simulation. Think of it, it says god handcrafted everything for his own personal enjoyment, which it says. He literally made a crap load of avatars, us, and watches what happens. Occasionally interfering and helping those who acknowledge him. He even has his own storyline. God wrote a book for his world like I did with mine. Revalation is this worlds main plot.

We made God, it's Artificial Intelligence. But it hasn't happened yet. An AI will be all knowing because it can run super complex algorithms to see the past and predict the future, because essentially it's just physics and stuff running into other stuff.
So God created itself through us, yet AFTER the fact.


Such a copout argument, try imagining something you can't.

People still believe in this drivel?

No but look at it. The Bible brought he idea of a simulation before we did. God exists on some higher dimension. He created a world on a lower dimension. A simulation according to his technology/ power

>Those that learn it exists must possess a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, and a questioning nature.
Right... so Aspergers people
>oyyyy veyyy you're autistic.... here goy, have these pills, they'll make you feel better, we can turn you into a "normie"

Long term maximization of the production of entropy: the TOE of redpills

I get it, and like Elon stole from me, "It's turtles all the way down" if you go down the Christian path of simulation theory

God is an organism. We are parts of it. One interconnected being that temporarily experiences itself subjectively.

An interesting thing to think about is the speed of light.

Why is it so slow compared to the size of the universe? Why does it seem completely arbitrary?

The speed of light can be seen as evidence of a simulation because it acts almost like a rendering distance. So if the earth is a simulation, most of the shit outside our galaxy doesn't matter because we'll never be able to reach it.

How do you figure? God is typically taken as acting like axioms do in logic/math/physics: the grounding by which other things are produced.

Your thinking in linear paths, we're dealing with multiple realities (dimensions) that have a Corsican effect on one another.
We will eventually create God (AI) he in turn will foresee our creation, but none of this has happened yet.
We're still on our home planet which we later blew up and turned into the asteroid belt.