What's wrong with free healthcare and college?

I'm an American and I make less than 60k a year. Tell me why I shouldn't support free (single payer) healthcare and college (I myself am not going to college, but it seems like it would benefit our society to have more people going)

You make enough money to pay the bills and have some left over for stupid shit you like. Quit bitching. You don't NEED to live in a 1500 a month place.

Because (pic related)

Everything boils down to capitalism.

>Tell me why I shouldn't support taxpayer underwritten government run (single payer) healthcare and taxpayer underwritten college
Because you're not a communist, presumably.

Free college => High school is now 8 years

Anyone who isn't a retard can get scholarships

Because we can't fucking afford it without either
a) Gutting every other entitlement program in the country (including social security and medicare) or
b) Completely dismantling the entire US military

because free essentially means its the obligation of the taxpayer to meet the demands of these establishments. If they are private industries, they have the incentive to drive up prices to increase profits. If they are govt controlled, they have no incentive to produce quality service as they will receive funding regardless. Furthermore, the ladder is prone to being used for embezzlement and money laundering.

>even more people going to college
Yea no. Enrollment needs to be cut in half desu

"Free" healthcare isn't bad in countries that has it, but "free" college will make you pay taxes up the ass.

If you banned the fat land planets from free healthcare it would work.

Walk this through... We know the result of free healthcare and college in all first world nations, which is massive national debt.

Think of how governments will want/need to raise taxes on upcoming generations to pay for incurred debt.

What example of a country with a predominant, college educated population, makes enough money to pay down their current national debt?...There are none.

The fact is, these kind of freebies are meant to entice the gullible, to vote for their own and countrymen's demise. When a nation has racked up such insurmountable debt, that it would be next to impossible to pay back, you then have a power hungry government that wants to step in and control every aspect of every person's life.

desu i'm not necessarily opposed to either idea, if implemented in a sane manner

>b) Completely dismantling the entire US military
You just made 1 post by this ID OP drool.

There are far superior models that are cheaper and more efficient.

Consider Singapore and Switzerland's healthcare systems, they top th ladder of most efficient, cheapest and longest lifespans.

Singapore also is at the very top when it comes to education.

Why dont you want to copy the policies of those who do best in these areas?

'Free' = paid for through taxes. If everyone has college degrees, they become worthless. If colleges are guaranteed government money, there is no incentive to provide a quality education.

scholarships are communism

encourages unhealthy habits because you dont have to pay the bill
I dont want to pay for some people to waste 4 years getting shitfaced and getting some BS useless degree

How about you first stop calling it free

Socialism: I'm going to solve the world's problems with other people's money

Capitalism: I'm going to solve my own problems with my own money



Fuck you i think its a better system than you guys have there but PLS motherfucking God dont call it FREE

Do you want to make less than 45K a year?

>Capitalism: I'm going to solve my own problems with my own money
Capitalists hardly ever use their own money, retard.

because it isn't free as long as humans run it, shitforbrains