Is he the first weaboo-serial murderer?

Is he the first weaboo-serial murderer?

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omg, its disgusting. fucking freaks, man

murder isnt cool


what the fuck

What the fuck is this shit

Some German weeb autist wanted to Cobain himself. but was a bitch, so he killed a little girl and some woman. He is on the run, i think. A freak, a bad person, he is. He even, like, posted live streams on the deep webs. a bad person.

Weebs are worse than normies. However murders uncool, man.


Haven't they caught this cunt yet ?

"That is hikkykostajan grandma. Please note pen stick on the back"

im going to need some article on this

>that マ

He needs to be spiked his head.

What actual evidence, besides secret code words that were made up literally by Sup Forumsacks, do you have?

>elite sex rings

thee are real things, but a lot of pizzagate was disinfo to hide the real story and dilute da wikileaks

if society is going to start allowing people to do hard drugs in rehab centers, then we need to allow people a safe and legal place to kill themselves. How many people want to kill themselves and find the only option is either botching the job and ending up on suicide watch and in medical debt or going on a killing spree to get shot by the cops, killed in action, or dying in prison.
you should be allowed to do what you want with your body
at least be able to sign up to commit suicide, go through an intervention style meeting with family, get affairs in order, and then walk in and get the death shot or poison

Whats next ? A brony murderer ?

Nah, the Zodiac was a fan of the Mikado and was probably a weeb himself. Weebs are a violent plague upon this Earth.

That's a "ma?"

gonna need some live links

One can only hope.

Wow. What a faggit. Cant kill his weeb-ass self so he resorted to killing "weaker" targets than him.


Providing safe access to needles and drug use spots is cheaper for society and spreads less disease. Its objectively good.

I'm okay with euthanasia. freedom.

Ageist and sexist!

He was literally posting on Sup Forums earlier and posted pics of himself, still on the run and claimed to have killed 5

furfag exterminator

im still not following this story. sounds like a lot of hype and no sauce behind it

Forgot link

did they catch this faggot yet?

any news on the bandidos that were gonna find him ?


fucking animal, dude. like, ew

jesus, fugggg


>people are dead
>weeb is the killer

how is hype?

You gonna fuckin storytime or what

Hey I know a guy named Marcel. Wonder if it's him. Spooky.

im supposed to take your word for it...? post some sauce

That's actually a lot of serial killers. Many like the BTK killer were just weaklings who wanted to have power for once in their lives.


Did i say that, cuck? What yall niggaz were posting was straight disinfo, a lot of it. What do you got, that is better proofs?

search thread fag i aint watching that shit. its in all the euro media


link to bread?

his statement

Btk was an idiot, gets away with it but feels the need to brag about it even though he was already a suspect and then gets himself caught.

He's like a woman kek

Looks similar.


what a faggit

Lookup otaku killer for instance
Got any more pics?

If that's his real statement he sounds like a fedora

>nigga your phone

What does this even mean?

he sounds like every other kid his age on this site. Cut him some slack he's providing grade-A OC

I can't comprehend what drives someone to do this. The thought of those poor people's last moments is awful. That person was having a normal evening eating pizza before bald Idubbbz bust in their door for no discernible reason, same with the little kid. Those poor fucking families.

His friend posted to Sup Forums, there are continuous threads there.

so this cuck starts killing random whites instead of kicking off the race war?


feelsbadman.jpg *shudder*

pol is ironic.....

That might be the first pic I ever saw on Ogrish

at least the mudslimes are all fucked up from islam and war. when they allahakbar, its like, well okay. But 1st worlders acting like nigs is just an insult to everything.

He's finally cracked the mystery of who was fone obviously
>your phone
You are fone

Gilbert & Sullivan isnt exactly Hetalia.
His statement

*blocks your path*
*kills you*

he's done for and i'm gonna be alive for more time

who else with me?


why is he killing whites?

link to OP please?

>I do feel proud of becoming a meme tho.

It's Japan though. Weeb just means obsessed with Japan not necessarily anime.

>i do feel proud to become a meme

Not on my watch fucko, he aint Elliot.

he should not be a meme. and i will not endorse it.

He could have done so many things to help his country, but he instead decided to kill. Loser.

How the fuck can someone livestream through tor? Its usually slow as shit.

This smells like another false flag

Elliot knew not what he was doing(except for the murder). He did not know that he would be a meme.

maybe he felt it was more pleasant to his senses to kill fair skinned people, or was just afraid of non-whites because poor people are more street smart. or it was just who was available at the time.

Tch german posters. I agree.

>his day of retribution was stopped by a fucking door
Elliot was a shit tier murderer, go back to your r9k Elliot circlejerk threads

>false flag

for what purpose? Why cant he just be a fucking freak?

i dont do elliot memes. not my thing, too cringey, desu senpai

>made up literally by Sup Forumsacks,
well since you said literally it must be debunked

This guy is such a giant faggot and loser

>wants to an hero - fails
>kills little 9 year old neighbors son instead
>rant on Sup Forums how life is meaningless and this is what he wanted to prove and that nothing matters to him while boasting how about he killed the boy
>he is basically an attention whore

only upside to the story would be if the Bandido bikers gang where the stepfather of the boy, a 1%er, finds him before the police does and puts is torture death on liveleak

you have to go back.

elliot was just a r9k sperg, hes a meme because he was getting his "revenge" on girls

this guy is just a fucking loser + hes killing lolis. there is nothing meme-able about his story.

Where are the pictures from the thread? Waddafug happened? Explain pls I only saw this in the news what does this have to do with Sup Forums

edgy faggot retard

oh it was a boy

scratch the loli part

This is exciting and fascinating, you can admit that while feeling for the victims you dope. Go the fuck back to (r)eddit as well.

he is autist Sup Forumstard, and weeb.

What did I miss?!


Force me, faggot

yeah, though he ranted about he actually wanted to murder a girl and rape her
He's been posting on Sup Forums while on the run

>wow, what a loser! I do not condone this!

When did Sup Forums become Reddit

He killed more people, allegedly, 5 total. He also wants to be a famous meme. currently he is hiding out, using stolen ID for amazon and gay shit.

Nothing is fascinating about it, it's just some moron killing innocent whites. You reek of epic edgy Sup Forumstard, I suggest killing yourself.

he did murder a girl and rape her, and said he killed 3 other people on

he's not going to escape europe as he wants

>This is exciting and fascinating
Maybe if you're a fucking Sup Forumstard newfag.

pol is not b, scum.

>False flag

Fucking idiot.

>serial murder on the run
>posting on your favorite website and having a laugh about it all
it's fascinating. Take your feelings and fuck off. You have two posts and both are whining, seriously. Go. Back.

Is it proven that he murdered more people than the little boy yet? I dont think so

I want to see his blood drenching the floor.

its just too much to even larp as if this isnt plain terrible.
>Kaczynski had dream
>elliot was a pathetic failson
>that nord who massacred people did it for muh west

these are easy to meme. This story just too ugh senpai

hope not
the woman's body with the pens sticking out. so for sure 2

you're making it more difficult for germans to say refugees are bad by killing people, stupid.

>it's fascinating
It's degenerate, not fascinating you retarded cunt. It's literally just a kraut sperg killing random whites because he's too much of a pussy to be ethnic remover. A fucking 9 year old because that's the only person he can kill.

Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums

Pic related, it's you.

okay then, we'll know later

tell me more about it

ANIME will do this to you. Sad!

How is that fucking Ma?

>wahh he's not killing colored people
>wahhh why isn't everyoen a big brave keyboard nazi like me?
fuck off you're pathetic

>Sup Forums
What the fuck is "Sup Forums?"