Talking to ultra liberal roommate this morning

>talking to ultra liberal roommate this morning
>ask jokingly, so have you smashed all your electronics devices yet, now that it's out the CIA records everything?
>"I thought we already knew about that since Bush?"
>Well it goes back way before that, but now there is evidence
>"I feel like if they are doing that, it is only for terrorists and it really isn't that bad"
>you don't care if they record everything you do?
>"I'm not that interesting, why would they want to watch me?"
>it's not YOU, it's the hivemind. If they can see what the hive is thinking at all times, they can influence the political climate, push false narratives and have total control over the US/world governments
>"that would take too much time. the CIA wouldn't do that, they're too busy with foreign affaris. They don't have the man hours to write all that code"

Why do normies not care if the CIA turns everything into a hot mic and violates the rights of the individual? Is it because it is from wikileaks or do liberals seriously have such inferiority complexes that the just suckle the teat of the government and don't ask questions?

Can someone please explain why people would not care about these leaks, I genuinely do not understand how anyone can be ok with this.

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Ask them if they would feel comfortable with a radical figure they idolize being spied on? Force them to confront the larger picture they are ignoring for their own comfort and political continuity.

Because it was being done during the Obummer generation.
If it divulges that Trump has something to do with it, they'll care.
Liberals don't give a shit about anything that doesn't appeal to their virtuous affairs.
They're a bunch of smug cunts.

honestly i think there still a while until that comes into effect, what theyre doing right now is storing future blackmail for future political leaders.


This is what I thought, but regardless of political party, I am not okay with anyone having that level of control over me.

It is like a real-life deathnote.

Have a (You)

Yeah libs are ok with any outrageous abuse of power as long as the result (or perceived goal) aligns with their goals. They don't care about any standards, laws, or ethics they break along the way

They won't do or say anything until they are activated to.

>entire job is to cause discord
>"that would take too much time"

It's the movie eagle eye.

>They won't do or say anything until they are activated to.
This. They've taken everything which allows them to blackmail anyone who thinks they might be the one to enact change via political office, or other.

You think you can do anything about it? If you speak out, its because they allow you to.

Libbies don't care about the right of the individual dummy, they care about the share price of black cock

Only a small percentage of the population has actual free will.

People used to value their right to privacy.

Now they'll trade it in for a bigger tv and a shiny iPhone.

Is there a solution?

I couldn't work without a phone/computer.

It doesn't seem like there is an option here.

Back in the good old days, when we had no PC's and telephone landlines it took a court order for a wiretap and it was a pain in the ass, liberals fought this stuff tooth and nail.

Now that it is ubiquitous it's no biggie.

Libs are strange creatures.

this user gets it.

it's scary i cant figure out why they are so blind.

Who are they? Hillary and Podesta? Or is it the top x%? The people who are innawoods?

Can you obtain it?

Just got a "smart phone" in January current year.
Had a Flip Phone for 3 years before that, but Le Merchant didn't have reason for me to switch until recently.

Have 3 apps on new Android ops.... NIV Bible, USA Weather, Firefox.

No tinder, no fitbuddy, no whatever. I'm okay.

>older dude here.

Well, they are supporting communism. Yes, they are that dumb.

>complaining about liberals not caring
>"but at least we care about it"
What exactly have you done about it anons? Posted on Sup Forums about it? Updated your facebook status? Jesus christ you sound like whining sjw faggots

Certain genetic factors do apply, but mostly it's manifested by competent parenting, trial and error learning and recognizing human behavioral patterns (and knowing when to exploit them)

>Hillary and Podesta
They're high level slaves.
> is it the top x%? The people who are innawoods?
People who run society and those who reject society have more in common than you'd think.

We elected Trump

silly goy, former cia director went on (((colbert))) and said everything was ok.

Who's doing what where in the what now?

Alphabet soup gets the bullet, and liberals too.

Black dick is expensive.

check it out

What do you mean reject society?

Like live off the grid?

Its the right that are paranoid schizos thinking the govt is out to get them

Normies dont understand how this level of electronic and surveillance near gaurantees a permanent ruling class that can insider trade all their financial problems away forever and utterly ruin anyone for any reason.

If you actually think the CIA cares about what you do you're insane.

>US gov't tramples on 4th amendment spies on everyone
>"But goy I don't have anything to hide its not like we don't have free speech lmao"
4th amendment got fucked why wouldn't they fuck the first one as well?

Theres always going to be a ruling class, question is would we want a more educated one such as the left or the dumbed down frat boys that is the right?

I hate to sound like a goth in highschool but you are a sheep and I am a humble bridge merchant with the offer of a century

Not too concerned about CIA spying/gathering stuff to blackmail me. I am however concerned that they used taxpayer money to create cyber warfare programs which they consequently lost and now every hacker has them.

Also the main point here is that Trump was right, he was being spied on, regardless of how much spying matters to you personally.

It's kinda different when you're running an entire country

>Can someone please explain why people would not care about these leaks, I genuinely do not understand how anyone can be ok with this.

Uh well because they're all:

-"There's nothing we can do about it"

Why even care? People have contributed everything there is to know about them through social media. If you think you're worth bothering spying on and you're not some fortune 500 ceo then you're just stupid.

Lefties around the globe are constantly trampling the 1st amendment.
>You do have free speech, but I consider it hate speech when you disagree with my policies so you'll lose your job and possibly get arrested
Fucking lefty cucks man, of course they don't care about govt spying, they've been voting for larger govt forever