Care to explain how Muslims are a problem for white people they own guns and cry about them so much?

Care to explain how Muslims are a problem for white people they own guns and cry about them so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guns don't kill people, Muslims kill people


how is this a sound argument?

slide thread

9/11 all u need to know bout muslimz desu

wat about the other 8%

According to the USA demographic statistics, middle easterner are white.



Nice source he's got there.

Just bc we have guns doesn't mean we want to import more criminals into our country

muslim *clap* is *clap* not *clap* a *clap* race

no but in our countries where that 8% occur we make it about us.

these fucks get more retarded by the day.

Yeah, in this scenario, it's totally white people who are the real bad guys.

>muslims aren't white

Thank you for stating the obvious.

92% of the people ISIS has killed are Muslims because most of ISIS is still in their shithole countries.

is ISIS /ourguy/?

Well Sah-mur thanks for providing your totally unbiased opinion.

Holy fucking shit, for the last time...


It's a major reason, but far from the one and only.

Jesus fucking Christ.

How exactly are they tracking this statistic? Is ISIS really that concerned with data entry on murders/people killed?

It doesn't matter how big or small the problem is. It's a problem we don't have to fucking put up with.
All Muslims will fucking swing

Is'nt a bit strange then only that the 8% are objective about the threat?

>92% are killed by ISIS
Top Kek, ISIS is but one symptom of radical islam among many.

Syria fell in six months while being propped up by a number of other supposedly important nations. if canada and mexico both invaded the US, they'd all be dead in the same timeframe.
white people are what everyone else strives to be. deal with it.

Mabe that's why we're colonizers and not the colonized.

Oh look, it's another episode of "white people need to put other people's interests before their own"
I do enjoy the fact that he clearly differentiated whites and muslims.

Don't you have a gay nightclub to shoot up, Sah-mur?

He was just regurgitating the new meme that "white people make everything about themselves." It's another standard subversion tactic among the critical theory (((intersectional))) crowd. Their goal, of course, is to unite all "poc" against white people, no matter how different the various groups under the "poc" banner are.

I guess that's why muslims fixed the problem themselves then, right, kebab papi?

How retarded do you have to be to post something like this? The problem is that muslims are flooding the west. Do you think they are going to come here and kill themselves off? Maybe after they've completely taken over communities, like what's happening in Detroit.

>lives in the west
>expects westerners to care more about random durkadurkas from MENA instead of their own

>99% of people who kill blacks are black, and they have the audacity to make it all about whitey

I like her logic

they're invading our country, taking a large influx of foreign money and listing no income while drawing on our entitlement programs. they reproduce en masse and don't think or act as though any religion should be allowed but their own. they are the most intolerant culture on earth.

i don't give a fuck about isis, or terrorists. it's islam i revile.

>hey those people keep killing each other, we shouldn't let them into our country

Guns dont kill people religion kills people

It's like this... the only thing I own is my soul and a knife.

Islamic culture is a blight, and must be stopped. Trump did nothing wrong. :^)

>100% of isis are Muslims this is the real problem

Aren't the countries that ISIS occupies like 100% Muslim?
Shouldn't that number be closer to 100?

The only acceptable amount is 100%

ugh... Canada, you've really turned up the disgust tonight

There will be more coming tomorrow.

Oh by the way, starting tomorrow I will also be working to ensure that I'm combat fit at my local gym. :^)

>97% of the people killed in America by Muslims were American citizens
> and Americans have the audacity to be pissed off about it

>90% of the people killed in France by Muslims were French citizens
> and the French have the audacity to be pissed off about it

Funny how that works out.

> rilly getz da stem cells dividing / 10

> French
> getting pissed off

It was a fucking metaphor, Sup Forums. Don't get all retarted about it.

With guns

I don't even understand what you are trying to do, are you trying to play an autistic Trump supporter to make us look bad?

Islam is a major threat to democracy.

>west is concerned with foreign aggression
how DARE they

Trucks and cancer.

So is Christianity.

No, my main interest is killing you specifically. Would you kindly give me your address?

I'm sure the thread would be very interested in finding out what your true flag is.

Guns are about #4 or 5 on the list. I'd guess knives and bombs are battling it out for #1, with trucks/cars about solid 3rd place.

Democracy was built on Christianity, Colts, and the remnants of the West Roman Empire. Maybe Greece, can't remember.

Who do you work for, by the way?

>>Hurr Durr
pic related

So bomb them where they start thinking its some test by alallah where they need to be more religous and spread islam because they wouldnt be getting bombed if they werent perceived to be not religous enough

Liberal detected.

Sorry, meant to say Celts. Colt would accurate as well though, ay?

no im too scared

kek, the biggest threat to Muslims has always been other Muslims. The biggest threat to white people is currently Muslims, too.

Sah-mur, you dumbass.

>Religious group vs racial group
I really hate whenever SJWs try to make this a thing.

Well shit. Better let them all in then.


>religion is designed to kill people on command..your god is a lie.




That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

The audacity of us to show concept for our countrymen.

Fuck us amiright

Meant to say concern. Fucking CIA hacking my keyboard

Muslims are a problem for society, not just white people. Just so happens our societies are the best and are being flooded with muslims.

>care to explain how Muslims are a problem for white people

whose countries are they currently invading?

So muslims flee from other muslims hmmm...

The whole area is totally fucked. It either needs brutal dictators or to be bombed into glass.

The trend has been for our friends to turn into total assholes after we give them support and build them up. It's not that we're total shit at picking friends; it's that literally everyone over there is capable of becoming a total asshole. Every little schism of Islam; every little ethnic difference; all of it is in a state of constant conflict. We think of them as being generally Muslim, but believe me, they see a world of difference.

Like Kurds are our friends! They're more secular! Except when they're not. But they're help fight Al Qaeda! Except for that whole Kurdish Al Qaeda thing. . .

We say the enemy of our enemy is our friend, but it's just a bunch of rag tag groups of lunatics who all hate each other and don't like us. You've got dozens and dozens of groups whose only scenarios for peace all start with "well, once we're in charge.."

They're all a bunch of murderous pricks, and the strategy of basically arming the Crips to wipe out the Bloods isn't going to lead to any kind of lasting peace. The current assholes will die, and then those relatively friendly guys will get enough control and power to finally get to be the assholes they've been dreaming of.

>needs brutal dictators


I'll explain if you're still here.
Mods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.

>shit in the toilet
>damn dude, that smells rancid. Good thing you made it to the loo

>shit on the kitchen table

>Muslims make the middle East not just unstable, but unlivable
>Muslims want to come to white countries now
>LOL what's wrong, infidel? This isn't about the safety of your country, it's about our country we left in ruins. We'll get it right this time
>no, we don't plan to integrate to your society. We want to do things exactly the same as the middle east

I think George W was actually a true believer and thought that, given the chance, they'd embrace democratic ideals and flourish. Even he knows how fucking wrong he was.

He'll never, ever admit that Saddam should have stayed in power, but I think he's said a few times that the whole democracy thing / spreading freedom was a flop.

> you can't be Muslim and white
Check mate, douche bag. The whole statement is a logical fallacy.

Iraqi kurds are based, turkish pkk kurds are not. That much is true. They're a fucked up ethnicity due to being spread across so many states with vastly different experiences. I feel bad for most of them but yeah, using them as a beacon of hope is pointless because their dream depends on 4 states giving them free land. Not gonna happen.

We need to enforce a containment strategy like we did on the commies. Cut them off until they're done throwing tantrums and killing each other (and us in the process).

I wanted to include him, but couldn't find a pic of him, Hillary and Obama. Either way, they should have learned from his mistakes, not repeated them.

>Cut them off until they're done throwing tantrums and killing each other

I don't think it's ever going to stop desu. I don't think Muslims are culturally capable of peacefully coexisting with a bunch of apostates and infidels of differing ethnicities and tribes.

A lot of it is possibly related to polygamy. They end up with a surplus of men with no romantic prospects who are easily radicalized and Islam has bad answers to their questions. I just don't see how every country's going to turn into the UAE over there with these chucklefucks. Sooner or later some dictator with a limited enough ambition for expansion is going to get power at best.

White people are being asked to let them in. When we know why Muslims are their primary victims. Because they suffer from the one affliction that is guaranteed to cause death by terrorism. Living near Muslims.

>Muslims only kills a few White people therefore you should let in hundreds of millions more Muslims so the Muslim on White murder rate will go up!

Sage due to 1 post by this ID sliding thread

Dont know what else can be done then.

Cant let them come here to be 'culturally reeducated' because they refuse to integrate and thus keep having explosive birthrates. Cant military intervene because thats the neocon strategy and it historically flopped. Cant cordone them off because they remain radicalised and find ways to arm themselves anyway. Cant ignore their armed conflicts because then they flood us with refugees when it inevitably goes wrong. Cant give them financial incentives through trading because they turn into shitcunts like KSA and pals. And obviously cant nuke them because that would radicalise the few "moderate" states like Indonesia and it would be morally "wrong" to begin with.

Seems like no available scenario is worth the bother.

meant for

For us, muslims are a security risk with their cowardly terrorism, ISIS being the most talked about group today. Yet they are also a cultural risk, because they refuse to assimilate. They live in their own neighborhoods, keeping their medieval culture as best they can to themselves. They limit their interaction with westerners to varying extents, and they try to run their communities like little insular enclaves, closed off from their hosting nations. The worst of these run on Shariah law and not the laws of the land. For all of the problems of muslims in the west, they can be overcome with adequate counter terrorism, and prolonged community outreach. For example, early immigration from Italy was at first feared, because of organized crime, and the immigrants were not assimilating. Yet the American mafia was broken by law enforcement, and within a couple generations, the Italians were assimilating.

The real problem with islam and the west occurs in islamic countries. They have a friction between superior western culture, which most muslims want at least part of, and their own medieval culture. Leaders of muslim countries know that given a choice, their people want western consumer culture over muslim culture. For them, it's a fight for their culture's very survival. That's why they have to hold their countries in the iron grips of despots, and indoctrinate their people to hate the west. If they don't, they will succumb to western values, culture, and standard of living.

>explosive birthrates

I read that as "explosive birthdays" and thought it was some cheeky British thing.

Shouldn't that be a reason for kebabs to stop supporting ISIS?

>92% of the people ISIS killed are Christians in the middle east.

Reminder that we prop up the extremist wahhabist saudi regime for oilbux, and they aren't even representative of how peasant-tier trade-wife-for-goats muslims feel let alone normies in the west

then those people try to speak up and they can't, really, because they're 1% of the population and the other 99% just sees the 1% of the 1% that are isis

That's why the West is trying to cut its dependency on gulf state oil. Sadly if we stopped financing the sauds then they'd get steamrolled by Iran which leads yet to more fighting and the sunni majorities will never submit to a shia ascendency. Just look how butthurt they are with Syria alone.

Also ISIS is literally only 1 insurgent group amongst many rising across the globe. Not all can be linked to saudi madrassa influence/bennies. Modern wahhabism is the fruit of the muslim brotherhood (which originated in egypt) moving to KSA after Nasser evicted them in the 60s. Hizbut tahir and pals also exist on the side and they arent saudi affliliated. You also have the jamaat islamiyah group in malaysia/indonesia funded by other 3rd parties. It's a full blown medieval revolution. While disabling KSA would help solve some problems, it really wouldnt address all of them and more would rise.

I can't complain about how Islam is oppressing Muslim people?

>we're killing each other at massive rates so why don't you want us in our country

Why do tumblrites think clapping is a good idea? It distracts from the message.

Just because we're #1 doesn't mean we have to help everyone.

It's a sassy niggeress thing.

>92% of People died in WW2 were non-Jews and jews have the audacity to make it all about themselves

95% of discrimination happens to non-muslims, and Muslims have the audacity to make it all about themselves

When my parents first got married, they were hanging out in Washington DC, and my mother ended up teaching piano to one of Prince Bandar's sisters or something in his family. She said that every day they wore new clothes, like brand new, and then would throw them away, and that they had delivery pizza all the time.

Most of the people that Germans killed were white, and jews have the audacity to make it all about themselves

they're not problem.

I'm pretty sure absolutely fucking everybody is trying to make it about Muslims. Because it's about fucking Muslims.

That figure is bogus. Majority killed have been Christians in Islamic countries. No actual figures exist because we don't know who is and isn't being killed.

Saudi, and the other super oil rich Arab states have the same conflict between islam and western values as the rest of the muslim world. They just settle this problem with lots of money. When they want some western item, they fly to London and buy it at Harrods. When they want to gamble, they fly to Vegas. However, when they are home, it's back to fundamental islam. You can see this on an international plane, as it gets close to landing in KSA, the burkas come on. This seems to keep the Mideast-West friction calmed down. They live in both worlds separately.

We ally with them for their oil, but also for their stability. Their monarchy isn't going anywhere, and people who chafe under its authoritarian rule, can afford to go take a break from it in the west. They are stable, because after 9/11 they basically listen to every phone call and read every email, making it impossible for resistance to organize. This stability makes Saudi somewhat more reliable of the two potential hegemons in the me, them and iran. However, the saudis see nothing wrong with fighting their wars with terrorist groups as their proxies. Just like all muslims. This has hurt them and more importantly, us in the past, but taking them out would just empower Iran. Unless we glassed the whole lot of them.

Syria and Iraq are 99.9% muslim and yet 8 percent of people killed aren't muslim
Wow, proved your point there eh?