Gamers & their resistance to Cultural Marxism

What is it about people who grew up playing video games more than the average person and their seeming resistance to Cultural Marxism, along with feminism and all the other similar bullshit? Gamergate was a good example of this. I wouldn't doubt that a lot of people here who aren't shills are gamers, too.

Why do you think this is?

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I don't think it has to do with videogame themselves. Plenty of normies play videogames.

It's everything else that comes with excessive videogame playing, mostly social alienation/higher IQ, etc.

Video gaymers are beta manchildren

If something doesn't involve them upgrading their sex box or having VR pixel tits in their face, they don't care.

>social alienation


>higher IQ

maybe, but they don't get demoralized by propaganda i assume. Not much of a GAYmer anymore.

They like to talk shit
Cultural marxists tell them they cannot.

Imagine ppl telling you cannot bantz anymore

Ya but lets drop this meme for a second. There are a lot of gamers out there who hit the gym, are in a relationship/married, hold a stable job, etc. A lot of these people don't subscribe to the idea of modern feminism, affirmative action, "equality" bullshit

Probably because they're people who sit around doing the same thing over and over for no reason other than trying to win. There's a natural stubbornness required to play video games to the extent that "gamers" do.

They know that you have to work to get what you want. Even though it's for some inane video games, it's still there.

its mostly because of the environment, in gaming throwing insults at each other is the norm. you get this super thick skin that desensitizes you to things that would make a normies head spin.

that and the fact everything gets put on their sleeve nothing is taken to heart. gamers in paticular have built up a tolerance to things like "harassment" "social justice" "racism" i mean how many times have we heard the word nigger or cracker or kike? those kinds of things stop having an effect and is turned into satire. and once something becomes satire in the eyes of the people it was made to insult, you can't see it as a serious topic.

gamers see feminism as a joke, and thus will never do anything other than snicker at it when the topic is brought up.

Too bad the nigger doesn't have a job either lol

Because they spend all day competing in their little pyew pyew games, so they are going to rage at women and their participation trophy attitudes

Funhaus and Achievement Hunter are leftist as shit and they've played video games all their lives

There neogaf gamers and then there's dwarf fortress gamers

This is a really good point. I grew up through my teenage years calling everyone a niggerfag online and having people call me shit like that back. It just rolls off your back.

You kidding me? I still play Counterstrike Source, a game that came out in 2005. Its mostly dudes about the age of 28, with sprinklings of teens and early 20somethings that got into it cuz their dads or uncles played it.

The general attitude on there is very centrist or leftwing. You get the occasional edgelord but there is literally no one redpilled

Gamergate didn't accomplish shit. It just resulted in more garbage sjw games like Mass Effect Andromeda and Watchdogs 2. You can thank reddit for fucking the movement up.

My theory is that many of those who grew up on a large amount of vidya either went two routes, desperate virgin beta cuck or content virgin social dropout. The cucks are already out there with the SJWs trying to get a glimpse of female armpit while the content ones continue playing their games without giving a single fuck about what SJWs say is right or wrong until it starts to affect them.

Maybe I'm completely wrong though

additionally id argue games are much more about the individual than the whole. I remember being younger I always tried to save civilians in games, make sure all my troops in RTS survived, etc.
You value lives as individual things. In multiplayer games it becomes a lot harder to work in a coherent team because you arent trained, often lack communication and have no authority over others. Everyone just acts as their own autonymous being.
I think that kind of behaviour is more common in games because there's usually not much in real stakes. No risk of getting fired for not doing your job, no hierarchy, etc.

Remember when people were claiming video games were like killing simulators teaching kids how to murder in cold blood. Well they were right and its a good thing.

They've still fallen to cultural marxism. They just aren't as bad.

Older games force you to use your brain.
You can read a book without paying attention and the book will not close half way trough and say game over faggot you did not pay attention.
Also older games were made by extremely good programmers that loved solving problems for fun and for work.

Newer games, especially after 2007. are dumbed down and tend to be just like watching TV or reading mindless bullshit.

Simple. People who actually love video games are passionate about it. They are used to being dicked in the ass by developers when they just want to enjoy the game and so they hate when any extra cocks are slipped up their asses.

Simple as that. Passion drives mankind.

You're completely wrong. There's many more types of people who grew up on vidya.

I, for example, learned English with Ventrilo & TeamSpeak, yet I banged over 30 girls (I know I'm a degenerate) and I have a steady job right out of uni.

Gamergate is when Sup Forums came to Sup Forums to cry about the (((MSM))) and got redpiled

t. Sup Forumsharbour veteran

it's becaus they're young men without interest in social support circlejerking. If you looked at car racing you would find the same thing.

Yeah, no. I know fucktons of left-wingers who are pro-refugee, pro-gun control, pro-government authoritarianism and whatever. I've been banned from servers just for saying I support Trump during a conversation that happened to touch upon the American elections.

If I'm being honest, I'm a little high. The second I started actually reading the thread I realized I fucked up

This is not a thing. Your run of the mill gaymerfag is a bluepilled neckbeard

Video games are a meritocracy, you don't get more points because of who you are.

No worries, Brosephine.

An overgenalization but yah

Old games are slower and tend to force you to think about your actions

New gamers are faster and tend to reward twitch physical reaction time over thinking/planning.

They all played MGS2

Yeah like Quake Deathmatch and ARMA 3

Probably because "gamers" have a counter culture of their own so they aren't as susceptible to normie conditioning, they probably don't watch much TV either.

>he's never played a game with a badmin or been in a guild where the leader's girlfriend/RL friends play

That guy in the middle is ruining for the two other guys.

If it was just the other two it wouldn't look half as pathetic.

Like i said, overgeneralization.

But compare best sellers of 1999 to 2010

Cod vs like some platformer

Fucking this! Also MGS3 SoP is pretty much the whole globalist agenda.

People that start gaming at a younger age learn critical thinking before they are completely brainwashed giving them resistance to the mental conditioning

actually blacks like and play video games lots more, most of the whites think it's waste of time, even if they play.

Probably the same phenomenon that you see with athletes, being in a competitive environment all the time (the opposite of the university snowflakes) you develop a rational worldview.

Good point

nigga I won't sperg on and argue with you but I simply disagree with where you're going.

I find the real difference between older games and modern games is older games were designed by coders who wanted to make something fun and modern games are put through a flowchart of how to maximize profits.

I'm not saying older games didn't want to make money but they at least had some scruples rather than charging money for horse armor dlc etc.

I feel like the people these days who make that shit popular are the easily led faggots who support modern sjw feminism and shit (ala the gone home crowd) where as the other side of the coin are the people who didn't buy into that shit (ala the Counterstrike crowd, good example bad example idgaf but you get how I mean).

I'm not being a faggot and calling you wrong but yeah, disagree.

it's a subculture that we swayed right

yea we are beating you libtards on every front get used to it

vidya gaymes the most red-pilled shit in the world

does (((Milo Kikopolous))) play vidya?


does (((Hillary))) play vidya?


does Mr. President Trump play vidya?

no, but he buys the kwisatz haderach gaymes, which is close enough

does (((Trudeau))) play vidya?

if it's not tyrone's cock, he doesn't know what to do

let's face it, playing vidya is red-pilled as fuck, especially those $20 dlc packs you can download on the x-box one for call of duty, amirite goyim?

I grew up playing quake against other people and all I knew about them was their ping and skill level, sometimes their country of origin
there was nothing but shit talking and banter
it's kind of hard to inject identity politics in to an activity that doesn't reveal the participant's identities

>flowchart of how to maximize profits.
Yah and most of that is twitch reaction gaming.

Like moba and Overwatch tier shit. Where older games, by the coding priority and skillset, were slower and focused more on puzzle/problem solving shit.

True enough, most newer games I play to kill some time and relax by mindlessly killing things. If it's multiplayer I socialize a little bit, make my own fun etc. to pass the time.

A lot of gamers are social outcasts

A lot of gamers use the internet and become redpilled overtime
A lot of gamers understand the dangers of the real world so cultural marxism can't work on someone who can't be brainwashed, gamers can see past the lies of the mainstream media..

A lot of gamers are autistic too, Autistic people have potentials to become really smart because their minds work differently, you can't control a mentally strong mind, that's why ADHD kids get given Ritalin, they don't engage in school and can't be brainwashed by the schools agenda so they give them these drugs that makes them submit to the government schooling system.

>be doin my vidya thing when not with friends, at work, or at college
>watch some of the normie hits on my TV while eating and shit
>family member hooks me up with their netflix password out of the blue so I can watch some other normie shit
>never watch anything because it will eat my bandwidth and TV is pretty boring in general compared to vidya

define "Gamer"

if "Gamer" means (new) online multiplayer addict, they're very susceptible to Marxism since they work on - build their artificial online profile more than themselves in the real world that they want to escape for some reason
assfaggots (moba), assfaggots (tf), assfaggots (ow) and assfaggots (cs) are these such "Gamers"


One time I ended up reading some gamergate infodump site and it was all nicely referenced and brought up some alarming conflicts of interest.
I've never seen any of them brought up by people arguing for GG. It's all Zoe Quinn this, SJWs that. If the movement was all based off nicely referenced websites then it might have been something, instead it was just a bunch of whining.

Hardly redpilled.

I own over 150 video games but don't consider myself a "gamer." I don't think gaming really has anything to do with the uprising resistance to cultural Marxism. If anything, I'd argue that anime had a bigger impact in that regard. Ultimately, I think it's mostly just coincidence that gaming coincided with the turning of the tide and that it would have happened either way because people were getting increasingly upset by political correctness as its advocate become more and more radical. I think it's more a rebellion against censorship than anything, which nobody likes. The founding fathers hated censorship so much, outlawing it was the 1st fucking amendment they wrote.

Exceptions to the rule.
Fuck Anarko and his bitch though.

your identity doesn't matter when you're playing a virtual character, true meritocracy

higher IQ for sure. my competitive sc:bw phase is probably responsable for 10% of my total brain weight.

If you had been paying attention when it happened, you'd understand better. Gamergate is a part of the reason that Trump won the presidency, in my opinion.

>video games
>competitive in any practical function
kids should be forced to play sport and compete physically and mentally

>over 150 video games
Fucking casual

Yup I agree completely. Maybe this is why games like Dark Souls are so popular

I first played Quake 2 in spring of 1999. and am playing Quake 3 since 2001.
Using your brain is half the victory in Quake 3.
No matter how good your reflexes are, if you do not know how to move fast, and to be in the right spot at the right time you will always lose.
My response times have deteriorated since I am getting old and am at 300+ ms now compared to 200ms or less when I was younger.
But I win most games against younger ones that grew up on shit like modern warfare, new batllefields, new cs...

My point is that older games made you ask questions that you were not supposed to ask.
All games today are used for social engineering, but some of them fail and create a person that ask to many questions.
I know a lot WoW players that grinded throughout their teens and early twenties, and they all work in big corporations today. Corporations love them.

Nice bait

As someone who was apart of the Gamergate/NotYourShield movement in the beginning I think I can explain.

Gamers by and large are isolated from the msm social media bubbles that normies live in. They are outcasts who don't really care about going along with a popular narrative and doinig/saying what is hip and trendy because they have never been apart of mainstream society.

((((They))) Know this and attempted to subvert them by pumping feminism in their hobby against their will. We didn't notice when feminism and marxism invades every other aspect of society because we don't participate in society.(((They))) attacked the only thing we care about. This causes them to begin to notice everything else feminism and marxism has infected and soon we revolted They we feel apart of something real. The fight against (((Them))) to be honest is al ot more fun than playing a video game. When I walked away from GG for the first time and looked at the big picture I realized that even if they left video games half the country is already infected by this virus and the win would ultimately be meaningless.

It was kinda scary at first because it reminded me of one of my favorite movies "They Live"
A bunch of nazis and racists were like "Will you put on the fucking glasses?!" We said no and then when Sargon discovered Digra a lot of us went back and said "Hey do you still have a extra pair of those sun glasses lying around?

TL;DR Marxism and feminism is so toxic that anybody with half a brain and isn't already "infected" can't help but notice something is horribly wrong even if they can't put their finger on it.

i'm an sperg & i've read studies that autists don't feel 'God' the same way so we become agnostic more easily. i never understood it growing up in church.
always had to understand things in a logical basis rather than learning from authority.
even if my reasoning was incorrect or based on faulty information it was always about reason.
but it also means i don't have the built-in social ability everyone else has. i have to learn it manually instead of naturally knowing what to say.

i discovered Sup Forums in maybe 2009 & i was startled by how blunt & rude people were. but i couldn't stop thinking about it. raw unfiltered opinions of what people really thought about my ideas, never seen anything like it before.




>*bing bing*
>*1 UP*
oh look, user's on his nintendo boy again... why doesn't he grow up?

It's like this, OP. When you weigh down your argument with a dishonest presupposition, and then are sure to not anchor that gibberish to any data, you ensure that you sound like a moron.

What are some other good redpill games like this? I completely forgot about how awesome the old MGS were

Yah, the poles make the only good servers

Gamergate was Sup Forums egging the gaymers into not being cucks for once in their fucking lives. After we got what we wanted out of it and left, they fell to D&C tactics within weeks. Since then, they've become fully pozzed.

Ace Combat

They were isolated from the social memes and were only affected by their own subculture memes. Praise KEK!

Yup, I have this visualization of everyone I meet online and it's always the same generic white guy that looks kinda like me.

It is label. Similar to 'alt-right'.
I play video games, among other things in my life. Do not be a being that can be defined by one retarded label.
Globalists love to label their enemies. When someone is labeled as a nazi they can do things to him that they couldn't get away with if he wasnt.

Played Ultima Online growing up. You learn a lot about people in what amounts to a free-for-all Libertarian simulator.

MGS2 was literally the 4th game I bought for the PS2

this is where it started for me too

Video games condition you to meritocracy. If you're good, you do well. If you're bad, you don't. If you want to do well, you get good.

Cultural Marxism is about destroying meritocracy. The philosophy is fixated upon the idea that everyone must get the same result and that things must be changed if this isn't the case.

Not hard to see where these two points of view may not be compatible.

You are very very correct.

Its kind of like Sup Forums. we see the word "faggot" all the time. If someone were to come on this website and say "oh my god that's so horrible, how could they use such a word on someone else!" we'd find it very strange, we're exposed to it so much, and we know it's not really serious.

Most "gamers" that you are talking about are undesirable to women. The entire cultural marxism relies on taking advantage of women's weaknesses. Since gamers can't get women because they are not desirable for women, they have no need to pander to women and thus are free from the influence of the conditioning.

Of course Alpha males can also be free from conditioning but their case is different from the beta gamers.

LITERALLY the 4th game you bought on the ps2?
HOLY SHIT, THAT'S INCREDIBLE. Have you contacted your local newspaper?
kill yourself worthless cunt


we'd probably just call them a faggot too

173 to be exact. I stopped collecting when the when the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube generation ended, so it's mostly "retro". Rarest game is probably Rule of Rose (PS2) but I have some others.

>you get this super thick skin

>October last year
>Be in raiding guild during Mythic EN
>Stuck at Cenarius, guild frustrated
>We were doing a Mythic 11 Tyrannical, Necrotic, and I forget what else Maw
>We cannot down last boss because people got one shot by tentacles
>One of the attempts someone blames me for not healing enough (they were right)
>does it in a sarcastic, snippy tone
>I tell them to fuck off and gquit on the spot

tfw I never developed a thick skin...

I was just proving his point that all gamers have played MGS2 at one point in their lives. What is your problem?

some people just can't take criticism. but usually those are the people you're kinda thankful for because they leave of their own accord saving you having to boot their ass

They're mostly autistic or at least introverts. and online gaming communities are almost 100% male, mostly white or asian, and higher than average IQ (generally speaking of course). It's basically the polar opposite personality profile of your average SJW.

Even if they didn't hate cultural marxists, the cultural marxists hate them for being male and non-negroid. They're natural enemies.

woah, your personal anecdote proves an absolute? You must be a big guy

kind of a banality, but definitely play deus ex if you haven't

>What is it about people who grew up playing video games more than the average person and their seeming resistance to Cultural Marxism
they have experience of being in a world which is built around a false, created narrative and can tell the difference between what is and what they are told is.

modern society is just a computer game: you are a character who you can create or change to an extent, you must follow some rules and there are goals to reach which allow you to continue.

normies think that they have power over life, where as computer games have conditioned us to know that we are just the main character in our own story.

tl:dr- those who grew up playing video games can see when someone is manipulating them.

>Imagine ppl telling you cannot bantz anymore

This happens everwhere SJWism gets involved.

>tfw did a lot of pvp during vanilla
>early arena in BC
>skin like iron after that
Those twelve year olds had quite the vocabulary, wonder what it's like now.

The worst part is that I was always #1, or #2 in raid situations, healing-wise
I never fucked up mechanics, either. I just didn't like this guy's tone, and I felt super attacked. Like, I do everything right? Why are you fucking with me?

But anyway

>What is it about people who grew up playing video games

>be gamer
>play online multiplayer games
>play coop mode
>play in a klan
>get all kinds of shit and play like a boss
>half your klan sucks at gaming and gets p0wned all the time
>lose all the time because SOME team mates don't pull their weight and expect you to win the day for them

And you wonder why they hate cultural marxism....

dota 2 is like that tho. there's more strategy to it

I was very surprised at the concentration of Trump supporters in BF1. In spite of it being niggerfield 1 (swedish company). Lots of players have swastika emblems which, even if they're trying to be edgy, they probably still like Trump, Lots of Trump 2016 stuff, Deus vult stuff. Chat is usually similar to Sup Forums. I sort of suspect that this particular games setting (The Great War) brought a bunch of /k/ommandos due to the amount of weird guns that you don't EVER see in other vidya that's featured in bf1.

As a side note, The everyone is a winner attitude is frowned upon by anyone who games a lot. There are a few people that say

>It doesn't matter if I win or lose, only that I had fun.

Having played with a few of them, they're full of shit and get pissy if they're losing, and they should. Losing is for losers, under any circumstances.

The basis of almost all videogames is that you trade work and effort for results. Sometimes you can use real world resources to bolster your ingame performance (P2W whales) but the process is generally the same. Can't be economically Marxist if you are trained to appreciate the value of hard work, getting fairly rewarded for the work and despising those who expect free shit (eg. hue hue gib mone pls, etc etc).

As for the resistance to subversion through cultural poisoning, perhaps gamers in general have been trained to appreciate the differences in cultures and have a developed sense of both morality and tribal loyalty? Especially for multiplayer games where one might end up very dedicated to your faction, your "tribe", in whatever unique form it might be for each game. If a player joins a certain tribe because its lore motivations matches his own rather than its meta gameplay performance, then they may be the type to be thinking and judging as to why one tribe is better for himself and maybe some other tribe might be fit for another player, rather than imagining a tribe that tries to be inclusive to everyone (including diametrically opposed ones).

Almost all workspaces now, it's no wonder you have males stepping out of society. I'm honestly more depressed now as an engineer than I was working with my hands before/throughout college. Can't banter at all, always walking on egg shells, need to watch every thing you say.

quite relevant