Quebec love thread

Come in this thread to share your love for the only based province in Canada

>newfies need not apply

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Best titty bars in Canda.

>Goose Bay is the shit though

Dropping images to add to my point

>The author of the book dedicates the book "To the youth of 1935" obviously in reference to the fascist rise across the globe.

>shows an history that could be considered biased or romanced today, but it is stuff that is not mentioned in what kids learn todays (French canadians heroes, for example)

It's still Quebec, user. No need to post images of battles, just slutty Canadians.

>St. Johns is the shit though

J'adore et je déteste le Québec. Je suis un pur laine. J'adore le Québec pour notre potentiel et notre fraternité mais je déteste le Québec pour notre paresse et pour évidemment... nos 2 référendums.

Point well made. Also, they are the most refugee friendly in Canada.

>American flag
>Understands me

Where did you learn French?


>first province to have shed blood against muslims in the [current year]
>generally tries to ridicule them too, by putting bacons on Mosque door handles
Thank you for your support man. I've met overall nice american tourists in Quebec.

I didn't learn French. I'm not a moron and I can infer things in Romance languages based on common wording.

Enjoy your superior bilingualism while I enjoy my superior intellect.


Well, I did not know google translation was that advanced.

I really like Quebec and the Maritimes in general. Best part of Canada, and I've seen Ontario, Alberta, and BC.

I really got a kek out of the car heater outlets and gambling eskimos in Labrador, though. Probably my favorite part of your great nation.

It's not, my froggy friend.

>Read a book
>Read a book
>Read a motherfucking book

As my african-american friends say.

I can perform the same trick in German, Italian, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and Portugese.

>entire social structure is based off welfare of the other provinces
>says they are based

I was under the impression that it was based on forced language assimilation and the threat of cessation.

They have some pretty cool forts to explore though.

You're too intelligent for your own good, my Good Friend.

Well, I'm here at midnight, so I can't be that smart :)

Here is something, A bait that should bring someone we all know and love.

I prefer Nova scotia to Labrador though.

Mostly cause I got friends living there

It's called cucking.

We're not based on walfare. We receive less investments from the Federal than the Rest of Canada. We receive, as we say in French '' les miettes de pain'', which means we receive what the Rest of Canada does not need.

Trou-Rivières reporting in

Pretty much Pic related.

They forced multiculturalism upon Canada, they opened pandora's box and look where it took us. They give us elitist morons like Trudeau constantly, yet claim he's not one of them.

Also prepare for the victimhood complex to kick in. They will tell you they want separation, yet they had a fucking vote for it and could not pass up the welfare they get and voted it down.

Quebec might have some nice historical stuff, but based they are not.

I have millions of dollars in my Patrimoine, either you could be here and not work and be a poorfag or you could be here and be very rich too.

Hey, we aren't all stupid burgers, just like you aren't all stupid leafs. The power of Sup Forums compels us.

I got Screeched in Nova Scotia.

Also, I've left my home state gotten the opportunity to enjoy Canada.

St-thérése reporting in.

j'ai un ami de troi-ri qui vit à MTL, il travail dans un hopital, tu en connais un par hasard?

>only based province

Frogs are worse than muslims

Oh, I get the Quebec thing. One of my best friends is French Canadian. He left as soon as he could though.

Which is? I'd guess Maine or Connecticut.

Ritrouski, manning the thread.


Didn't see that coming, did you!

Remember when the language police cracked down on an Italian restaurant for using the word "pasta"

Seriously, wtf...

>Stupid anglo love being cucked by the BFC so they give in billions yearly.

Why is the rest of the Canada giving them so much money. More importantly why did the rest of the Canada bussed in thousands to stop they from leaving.

>t. angry anglo who's wife left him for many québécois


Nope juste une chick blonde qui travaille dans un hopital, pourquoi les infirmières sont toujours aussi hot ?

A paki in Calgary.

Do you even Canada?

Les grosses sont pas capable de faire des shifts de 12 heures mal payé.

West Coast fag here, I love Quebec City, probably the best city in Canada.

Faque les boys, Y faut se concentrer sur un parti prochaine elections.

Je suggère honnêtement le PQ. C'est sur que c'est un vieux parti mais Lisée va apporter du changement, Un referendum en deux mandats, c'est une bonne affaire pour éduquer la population sur la question.

Vous en pensez quoi?

Nope I didn't!
So, How's the propane and propane accessories business?

muh sa va etre le moins pire encore une fois, puisque aucune alternative viable

>Most work a 12 hour shift to make any money/

Am I close?

It does really well when I'm selling internationally .

>Fuck boys, you're worried about elections.
>You're voting for PQ, it's not a party for change. We need two referendums, it would be good to allow the people to decide

How close am I? No Google Translate, just curious if I can figure French out. I'm really good at German.

Ya Legault,

Ou Rambo, Si quelqu'un icitte vit dans la circonscription de Rambo gauthier, Votez pour lui. Y va brasser la cage un peu là bas.

Lisée a la réputation d'être un nationaliste identitaire qui veut limiter l'immigration. C'est mon choix. J'ai jamais été ben intéressé par la souveraineté mais le Canada est rendu tellement cocufié qu'on a plus le choix, faut quitter le navire avant qu'il coule imo.

>It has a reputation for nationalist identity and limiting immigration. It's a choice. I am interested in a choice for all of Canada.... I can't figure out the rest.

Let me know if I'm close, I'm curious.

You understood the idea, that's impressive ameribro !

He actually meant that we needed to pick a party to back for the next election, and then he referred to Lisée's plan, which is to hold a referendum after two terms.

>So (Faque is a weird expression we use) boys, we gotta concentrate our efforts on a party next elections

>I honestly suggest the PQ, Sure it's an old party, but Lissée is gonna bring some change. A referendum in 2 mandates, it's a good idea (to take the time) to educate the people.

Il n'y a pas d'identité sans souveraineté l'ami, cf géronimo

Vive le québec libre

Thanks leafbro, I have been trying to use my knowledge of German, Enlgish, and Spanish to interprest most Romance Languages by reading them. I can't speak or write anything but English, but I am really trying hard to be able to read other languages. I suck at foreign languages, btw (took French and Spanish secondary school).

We need more threads like this and less burger/leaf shit.

Here's the exact translation : Lisée is known for being in favor of a form of nationalism based on identity. That is my choice. I've never really cared about separatism but now the rest of Canada got so cucked that we need to leave the boat before it sinks.

C'est sûre. Mais y faut pas aller 'overboard' non plus
>Casterman a essayer de faire un tintin en Québecois,
>ceci est le resultat.

BC man here.

You faggots are alright.

Certes, certes. Comment se porte la France hors Paris ? Je suis les actions de Génération Identitaire et ils semblent bien s'en tirer ?

Thanks for the translation.

>J'aime beaucoup essayer de comprendre le français, car il est si proche et cher à tant d'Américains du Nord.

Thanks to Google for that one.

Sometimes, we get invaded by butthurt albertans though.

Etant parisien, je vais avoir du mal à répondre. On chevauche le tigre, faut croire.

Avec les éléctions en mai ça va peut-être bouger.

>Génération Identitaire
La grogne monte de tous les cotés, les gens n'accepteront pas 5 ans de plus

tfw ur ancestor left the french quarter to move to michigan to be lumber barons bitch in exchange for land but all the land was gone before you were born and now you are displaced from your culture and have no land or culture and no legacy

I suppose Alberta is a great place if you like paying $20k/yr property tax for a small square of farmland, but it's not my thing. At least that's what I know of the Calgary area.

Canada is great, BTW. I love it up there. It brings a touch of class to us. Thank god you guys don't border a latino country or it would be a shitshow, but I do enjoy my time in Canada. I got my kids hooked on TimBits cuz I bring them back to them every time I visit you fuckers.



also how catholic is quebec cuz my grandpa was "punch degenerates in the face" tier

Are you fucking retarded^

Older generation were all cathocucks new generation is all islamocucks.

The church used to run everything until the 60s

>"Je vous répondrai par la bouche de mes canons"
>Was raiding Iroquois at the riped age of 74 years
>Used Iroquois tactics against them so such success that the Iroquois begged for peace
Frontenac was a fucking badass.

Mes condoléances, de plus en plus de touristes reviennent au Québec pour nous dire que Paris n'était pas ce qu'ils croyaient. À part Lepen, il y a des options ?

It depends my man, Montreal is a multicultural hellhole filled with arabs, niggers, jews, and worst of all, SJWs in their 20's. Elsewhere people are not very religious but they still feel very attached to catholism as a part of our culture.


Reminder to you fucking squareheads.
Poutine is from Quebec. Don't you dare call it a canadian thing. It's already enough that you took the flag the anthem and the name, don't tread on poutine.

>Mes condoléances, de plus en plus de touristes reviennent au Québec pour nous dire que Paris n'était pas ce qu'ils croyaient

J'ai bossé à l'UQUAM et j'ai vu les étoiles dans les yeux des gens avec qui j'ai parlé. J'ai pas vraiment osé leur dire que le rêve était mort.

>À part Lepen, il y a des options ?

Pas vraiment, mais elle a ses chances, de toute façon si on se bat pas on a perdu d'avance

Get out Queebs you lost fair and sqaure. By right of conquest we rule over you.

Queebs live only because of the mercy of the Anglos.

Je te vole cette AWOOOO pour le temps des élections. Bonne chance !

a sappelle tu noemie

fight the anglos.


I thought Canada was Anglo top tier not French frog white flag tier?

if im a 30/30/30 split english - french - german

and 6"1 very light brown hair and blue eyes hooked skull and roman nose which genes won

any help identifying features by a euro wud be appreciated, in the US we cant really tell distinctions at all

The book burning is what pisses me off the most.

the ones that didnt make it to the egg

Spent some time there (and had some of the best sex of my life with a gal there), would certainly visit again.

I regretted not getting a chance to hit up one of the local coffee shops.

Fuck you whinny bitches! Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!

thanks for actually giving it cuck

Anything that paints one historical group as 100% complete and total victims can be immediately dismissed. ESPECIALLY when it comes to North American history.

Italians not integrating and forming their own ghettos was the first step for later mass immigration, either they adapt or they fuck off.

Nice foken flag.

Fair. W/e
Good job persian faggot, you must be proud.

Fucking mongolian le anglo