
She was an underaged feminist looking for attention in all the wrong places by pretending to be one of us.

Other urls found in this thread:


no, we are just cool and people want to be like us

why are normalfags so set on emulating our ways and why do you beta orbiters always fall for it?

why is her hair so greasy?

She had dreadlocks.


Shes disgusting


>Nappy ass stinky dreads

Not even with a rented dick.


>not wanting crazy pussy



Some things just need to stay on the internet.

Guess her mental illness


girl on the internet syndrome

She's a pig disgusting, hypocritical normalfag from reddit, just like every other cunt that uses "normie."

Hippy bitches love to fuck.

>calls other people normies
>is a normie themselves
love this meme

and the best part about it is that she probably doesn't even use Sup Forums

Hippy bitches love to fuck and usually get STDs in the process. Good luck with that, user.

She was a Sup Forumstard


god, im in love. wat species are these ppl tho? new mexico seems to create a weird breed of ppl. they are all crust punkish/trailor ppl or something

The fire Rises.

Was that a hippy chick?

Season 1 was based though.


that white cuck and stolen valor were so fucking annoying.

i think she just need an bitch slap

She was rollin hard for Pepe, but it was more an act than a true femanon going full redpill.

She had the RHEEEEEEEEs, but she never used them to actually BTFO a normie. And she was arguably not pro-Trump or any kind of right winger at all.

The over the top Hitler and Columbine stuff could have been an attempt to make us look bad. Who knows, she had her day.

oh wait thats not stolen valor. that was that proto-shia faggot. they are very similar violent wigger thug types.

Now pepe and reeeeeee its a normie thing.....


No, Pepe is still the "NAZI Frog" user. Don't worry.

On February 10, 2017, the Museum of the Moving Image abandoned the project.

On February 18, 2017, the project relocated to a wall outside the El Rey Theater, Albuquerque.

On March 8, 2017, the project moved to an unknown location. A flag emblazoned with the words "HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US" will be flown for the duration.


Is technically back up anons, but the location is "undisclosed"

that's a lesbian m8s
carpet snuggling
box disassembler

What's wrong with her hair? Does she not wash it?


all women have these

daddy issues 100%

No, she definitely does not wash it.

>Nasty woman shirt

Definitely not our girl

Sage for off topic

>girls who are revolting look forward to getting laid.

Wow, shocking.


this is a diamond in the rough... a little shine and that girl is a 8-10...

shes a leftie feminist that is undercover as one of us, fuck off you newfag beta cucks wanting to get yo dick in that filthy thing

Degenerate but I like it. Very strong voice & long duration. A+