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nice try spooks

This is a cool LARP project,


Pic very related.


Wikileaks has always been CIA

That is why they are never wrong they are the CIA

> Stay in hiding until you feel that it is safe, and activate the deadman's switch.


Not buying into the meme

But I hope Julian stays safe, I would be legitimately sad if he were to get BTFO

>Wikileaks is now under CIA control.

Sure thing CIA.


I ahve activated deadmans swithc. CIA is now under wikileaks control!

Pic related

Thanks for the warning. I'll keep my damaging information about the DNC quiet and stop believing anything wikileaks posts.

last part

CIA shill thread

Just be skeptical you moron. Use third parties to verify information. Do the decoding work yourself. Just don't hear and believe.

>Wikileaks has always been CIA

...but who was dog?

What if the third parties are also CIA? I think I'll cease my whistle blowing just to be safe.

Do you just wanna continue to be a jackass or do you have anything of substance to contribute?

>I think I'll cease my whistle blowing just to be safe.

Tweet tweet muggerfugger.

I'm going to download on all ur gigabits.

I dunno, but i do know this is correct The whole thing is psyops and it is a combination of real information with fake. Then the Government does not deny it is fake because they are the ones putting it out in the first place so they wan't people to believe it is real.

WTF! I hate proof now

Did you not watch the videos?

Espionage 101

CIA have lost all respect and credibility due to Wikileaks
CIA have breached wikileaks, wikileaks no longer has any respect or credibility.

Its essentially espionage equivalent of ramming are crashing plane into the enemy.

>double "i" in the link
>two eyes
They are being watched.

sage goes in options field

>Muh disinformation
>Anyone providing a reasonable counter opinion is a spook

You fucking spergs are the reason the deepstate gets as far as it does

si did trump pardon him?

Did it pay out for your hero to support adolf trump?

A "plane" you say?

With "no survivors"?

Good. I'm tired of Russia fucking with our shit.

So this could be going a number of ways:
1. Wikileaks are still in 100% control and its all real. This is just a likely as it is unlikely.
2.( this is pretty unlikely due to the fact that it would have taken a lot more time to perform this level of breach and control)
3. OP idea, that CIA breached Wikileaks months ago and have been in control ever since.

Thing is if this is all a sham then why would MSM barely cover it (possible that they have pulled their heads in and figured out how the online community works) But the big question is, if the Wikileaks was compromised months ago and this i s a sham then why release such "damaging" info on themselves?

>anything about wikileaks
This is Sup Forums we don't deal with fake news

>Adolf Trump
Butthurt leftist fags continue to make zero good arguments.

That's the thing. Most of it is stuff anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew about already. The rest is overhyped garbage. Nothing was really as tremendously damaging as certain alternative media outlets would like you to believe.

In appearance the CIA is the victim, when in reality they're using the leaks to instill mass paranoia and create an panopticon. The leaks only contain minor truths, but cause major panic.

This is a board about politics.
All threads should be about politics.
If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get reported and banned like the subhuman shitposter you seem to represent so well.

Makes sense, i was talking to a work mate today who was "shocked".

I asked him why he was so shocked, like we already know the NSA have mass surveillance within the US. Thats the NSA not even the CIA, so why is it such a surprise to people/

IDK man somethings fishy tho, for now i think its best for Sup Forums to just watch it unravel for a bit. See what else comes out and dont jump to any conclusions just yet.

True. Thanks for being chill about it and being willing to hear out an argument.

Oh no reported and banned. Like you in real life with gov. Go lick some black official boots, bro.

Snowden as well. It´s all the Panopticon. They realized they couldn´t control the internet via normal means - so they control us via Fear instead.

As they always have, in various forms and ways. There is only one cure for fear, autistic rage and loss of hope = nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Posting your own shill-shit from the bread created just recently by yourself as some kind of proof.

Concern Trolling is real folks. Observe.

The damage control is real.

As FBIanon2 said: The best is yet to come. This was just a clickbait primer for the normies.

>You are a shill therefore you are a shill

Cool non-argument

Snowden was just the CIA playing a power game against the NSA. All these deepstate, alphabet soup organizations vie for power against each other, and that was just the CIA shafting the NSA.

Well, I'm now convinced the CIA really do shill here

It's sad how fucking desperate they are

You absolute retard.
Did you watch any of the videos?
Read any of their arguments?
Did you even try to step out of your little echo chamber?

Funny isn't it
The Schrodinger's Assange SHILLS
who seek to denigrate the (100%) reputation of Wikileaks
Only appear AFTER Vault 7 drops and changes the landscape.

>Multiple concurrent threads
>No new evidence

@shills, you know you're only making it worse for your own cause, in every action, lies its consequence.



It's certainly not like people have been claiming Assange has been dead for weeks now, and that that allegation is now more relevant than ever!

Because that would prove you wrong and you would look like a retard!

thanks cia you sure told him.

IAs have been compromised by The Deep State


Good thing you retards aren't discrediting this entire board or anything..


That isn't OP you moron.

>Misuse of Sup Forums lingo

shill confirmed

>He made a typo goys shill cunfirmed

you retards

yep i herd he got raided in the dead of night and was taken out the embassy

You know you could be responding to a CIA agent right now?

then my theory that the CIA hires morons with 4th grade educations would be proven true

WikiLeaks is compromised!! I am not CIA!

Where is Julian?????

I'm so happy you've decided to pull this assessment out your arse and share it with everyone.
How useful.

Literally not a single shred of proof in any of the 3 videos

Yeah, nothing concrete I concede.
But you can't tell me a wikileaks personnel final contact and the odd graphical clipping from Assange's interviews isn't worth being suspicious of.


Wikileaks is probably CIA.

DMS probably went off into immutable blockchain.


See threads in unzipped png image for details


Oh nooooooooo, We've angered the CIA shill.

>Anyone with an opposing, less hysterical view of vault 7 is a shill
Thanks for using all those reasoning skills they taught you back in second grade, pal,