What's Sup Forums stance on trump's affordable healthcare act ?

What's Sup Forums stance on trump's affordable healthcare act ?

It looks like obama care but in shittier

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It still has revisions to go through. At least people don't have to pass it to find out what's in it in the first place.

>It looks like obama care but in shittier

Cause that's literally what it is.

Looks shit, but it's not as bad. Still it's a fuck over.

Trump is not that conservative and republicans are weak faggots as always - worrying about political fallout from individual cases. Take some risks!

Apparently it's shit. I feel like over the years they are inevitably going to end up with single payer care.

How is it not as bad ? The only thing they did is weaken the system and give tax cuts to rich people while removing subsidies to the poor ones

It's the same as Obama care except for two areas;

1. No tax money for abortions unless incest, rape, or medical emergency

2, you get to choose from multiple providers of insurance, instead of a monopoly, so you bill is lower than before (free market!)

What's wrong with that?

completely fucking shit

gives more money to insurance companies

does not get rid of the mandate

costs more money for less benefit

Gives rich people a tax break and offers a little bit more aid to the middle class at the expense of older people and poor people. It's unsustainable.

>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.


>you bill is lower than before (free market!)
A monopoly would actually protect the people from being used by a bunch of corporations who will definitely make agreements between each others so that the bill remain as high as possible..

>caring about anything but own interests
Anta baka.

that was a figure of speech
The monopoly can be a state one. The state provides health care and you don't have to go through shady private corporations that will DEFINITELY make deals to maximize their profit

Government needs to stay out of healthcare.Just pass legislation on a few things:
1. Insurance companies cannot deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions
2. Insurance companies can operate nationally eliminating the DOI's of every state. Reduces bureaucracy.
3. Children allowed to stay on parent's policy until the age of 21. Not this 26 bullshit.
Let the free market do its work.

>now that we have total control over every aspect of this area we will now do everything from now on in your interests instead of making ourselves rich at a minimum of effort
>this is what cucked euro statists actually believe

It's a ruse, a 4d chess move. The Emperor is allowing the cucks free reign to introduce their terrible bill which will fail because it has no support. Once the smoke clears he will ride in with three real plan introduced by based Rand.

Doesn't address drug pricing / procedure pricing

Free market won't fix it. You'll end up with shittier coverage for more money. Pre existing conditions will drive premiums through the roof, like they have with Obamacare.

Look at this from another insurance perspective, car insurance. A person who wrecks their car every month will not be able to get car insurance. Pre existing conditions are essentially that.

love how all the "news" dumbfucks are bitching about they "don't know how they will pay for it" then the current POS was never financially workable.

Just morons

Cruz, Lee, Paul & Freedom House Caucaus should be running USA

Constitutional Conservative Party

that's the problem - we all have to pay for someones pre existing conditions

that's like selling auto insurance to a blind guy who's drunk all the time

there is no easy answer - but if you choose to allow it - we all pay for the "problem" people

4D chess.

>Allows Paul Ryan to push his ideas
>Paul Ryan gets rejected and humiliated
>"Pls help me Trump"

Did the same thing with the wall. Allowed flimsy Paul Ryan to humiliate himself and then confirmed that the wall will happen.

No worries.

Full repeal needs 60 votes. 51 votes for smaller changes. Reps have 52.

The plan is to push "small changes" in three phases until it's what Trump wants.

It doesn't work if you have healthy people not joining.
The insurances are gonna be filled with sick people costing a lot of money.

The current plan is more financially solvent than this plan.

The mandates help pay for it and increased taxes on the rich.

This plan taxes people with little or no money and gives all the benefits to rich people and young middle class people.

Since the chief argument of any Republican opposition to anything is how will we pay for it, it is quite hypocritical for them to push through legislation that costs even more money than Obamacare.

What you are describing is called fascism (actual fascism, not the "wah you hurt my feelings you are a fascist" brand of fascism). Certain past event make fascism unpopular and unlikely to happen anytime soon.

>my premium is cheaper
>I have more coverage

Seriously though when did you all get so cucked, why the fuck is suddenly everyone on Sup Forums for Democrats.
My premium is set to drop by over 100 dollars a month.

mine will increase by $400 for substantially less coverage.

>does not get rid of the mandate
All I needed to hear. Burn this abomination and start from scratch

It's not gonna work

What's worse is that instead of paying the government a fine for not having insurance, you pay insurance companies for not having insurance.

So this is just funneling more money into the insurance companies.

It's bait, leftists will fight it and call it shit, even though it is still shitty ol' Bamacare

Obamacare took away my grandfathered health care plan.

I don't care what Trump does. He can't fuck me any more than Obama already has.

>Government needs to stay out of healthcare.
>Let the free market do its work.
>Insurance companies cannot deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions


state monopoly on health care is not a defining feature of Fascism

indeed it is a socialist ideal - and manu countries have it that are not and have never been fascist.

so, nah, you are wrong there mate.

>why the fuck is suddenly everyone on Sup Forums for Democrats.

because we have brains?

The republicans don't want to do separate vote on repeal and then replace after. They are afraid cruzmissile, rand and others will gridlock the whole thing and pass nothing.
I think the only way forward is to work with democrats. What originally went wrong with obamacare was that it was entirely drafted and passed by democrats. The bill needs to have the support of both of the parties, if not, it isn't going to survive.

>why isn't everyone on Sup Forums blindly supporting this garbage bill?

Obamacare is a good step in the right direction, it just needs tweaks and we need to address drug pricing.

Since the republicans have vehemently opposed it, they simply cannot have it in any form, which just ends up fucking people over even more.

It's not the state in control, in the Obamacare context. It's the state being the muscle to force people to pay into insurance companies even as they shit out worse and worse plans.

It's not going to get better cause they own the legislators. It's always going to fall apart in practice until the entire insurance industry is abolished.

yeah the concept of health insurance is pretty shitty

you usually get insurance if something catastrophic happens, like if you wreck your car or your house burns down.

You buy insurance to protect yourself from a disaster that might not even happen

What is guaranteed to happen is that you will see a doctor and you will get sick or hurt, so the concept of insurance is destroyed here and you get crazy high premiums because of it.

The contents of my house are insured for $100,000 and I'm insured up to $50,000 for my car and $1,000,000 for the other person / their car and I pay $60 for all of it, because all of that has a low possibility of happening. Not so much with health care.

Even if obamacare was literal perfection, the republicans would oppose it. That's the political dynamic at play. Also works reversed where democrats and republicans switched places. To avoid the political stalemate, the bill needs to be drafted and passed by majority of both parties together.

and that shit won't happen, due to dems wanting to give more power to the government and repubs wanting to give it to the insurance companies

>>No tax money for abortions unless incest, rape, or medical emergency

rape cases will go up 6 gorillion % since women will lie

Fascism is inherently socialist though you frog.

>2, you get to choose from multiple providers of insurance, instead of a monopoly,
You know the reason there are states with monopoly is because the republicans in charge of this states are blocking it, right?

so many retarded shills and actual subhumans who don't know how our government works. it's a fucking draft. the fact that they got a draft out this quickly is remarkable anyway. this isn't the final bill

No, the corporations buy their politicians party-free.

We have a private health.

Insurance companies deny coverage for whatever reason they want, they are private, your silly rules on't apply to them.

You're one dumb fucking nigger

they were going to roll this out on Monday and pass it

but they didn't realize how much opposition it would have.

I feel the same, it's just a slow process because switching to single-payer means the destruction of the health insurance industry, and there's a lot of lobbying against that.

There's just no good way to guarantee coverage for everyone under a for-profit system.

Why is this concept so far lost?

Its not trumps its paul ryans, its shit, gop thinks its shit, ryan is just a weasel

>that's like selling auto insurance to a blind guy who's drunk all the time
Not really. People don't chose to be sick.

it's still a draft you stupid subhuman

Compromise: Free health care to the prexisting condition cripples
>only covers euthenasia

Holy shit Bilal you are retarded

draft means fucking nothing if they were going to pass it as it is if they didn't have any opposition to it.

You should ask important questions:
a.) how much will it cover, will it cover more than Obamacare?
b.) how much will a doctor's visits + surgery of knee cost?
c.) Are the prices the same across hospitals & insurance companies and how does it compares to Obamacare?

Republicans support right to life, so they don't support euthanasia.

But I'd rather this happen so these ass backwards retards that come from places that take the most welfare from the system are defeated once and for all.

The thing about "coverage" is it can be misleading. If it is too expensive then "covering" everyone is meaningless.

>you will never have a literal tower to look down from and laugh at the leftist plebs below

covering everyone is expensive in the short term, but will save money in the long term and perhaps even generate tax revenue as people get healthier and work longer and better.

It's an investment.

I mean how much it covers when you sign papers for health care aka insurance? If whole USA or just states or just some hospitals. Because if insurance company doesn't covers it then you pay.

This is shortsighted, you don't expend political capital on issues that people are largely happy with, just for the sake of sticking it to your opponents.

Trump was propped up by a sea of people unsatisfied with Obamacare, for one reason or another. I personally work with people who saw their family's plan premium double and have their coverage limited. So whether or not these folks fully understand the issue, or are completely ignorant about it, the wave of discontent was still there.

He has to do something about it and fast, not to stick it to Obama, but because it's what he promised to do. Love him or hate him, he seems pretty committed to keeping campaign promises at any cost. How we have this shit show of a bill is another story. There isn't the political will to strip the coverage of those who gained it under the ACA. Therefore the mandate stays.

House Freedom Caucus Releases Healthcare Replacement Plan


At what jobs? Now I'm not against healthcare but the Big Businesses joining up with the government to screw people is pretty awful. Gotta start from scratch or drop it entirely for their "free market" cabal system anyway.

Yes, just look at how offering increased benefits to people who will never work has gotten them back in the labor force.

It will never happen.

unemployment is down and jobs are up.

I don't see where you're getting that number from.

Actually point 2 is excellent and probably good enough to make this work completely. It's still a let down but it's not all that bad so long as providers are correctly kept in check.

>A monopoly would actually protect the people
le jew

>providers kept in check
>buying politicians to influence laws to benefit them
Yeah, thats really not going to happen. It's a nice thought though.

Of course.

>Fascism is inherently socialist

You can't expand the powers of the state while also expanding individual rights.

Authoritarianism is inherently leftist.

Well in my metropolitan shit hole, entire neighborhoods of people live off of benefits and keep having kids, simply because it's another 6,000/year. They then set up phony ass ghetto "daycare centers" so they can get even more free money from the government while they work 29 hours a week (the very few who actually work). It's not even a black/white thing. They're all niggers.

I'm not against a welfare system entirely, but the idea that throwing more money at healthcare will get people healthier and not further subsidize their terrible lifestyles is a joke.

>shills and useful idiots trying to apply econ 101 "free market" memes to healthcare

Anecdotal evidence.

those who exploit the system tend to have the free time to be social and to get noticed by others

Those who aren't exploiting the system are too busy trying to survive and actually working.

What do you say to the people that work 40 hours a week and still qualify for food stamps / medicaid?

Absolute dog shit.

But trumpets won't ever tell you that.

I actually support trump but I'm not a blind follower that ignores facts.

The facts are this healthcare plans keeps the same policies Obama put foward like Uninsured are penalized, discrimination based on pre existening conditions prohibited, people can stay on plan till 26 with parents, mandates..... etc.

This is the same bullshit except they took out the provisions that actually made Obama function which in turns makes it Obamacare that worked 30% of the time to now 0% of the time.

It's is a complete dog shit healthcare plan and I can't wait for this bill to not be passed.

If this is the best trade deal Trump can do with insurance companies we are in for a rude awakening people.

>we all have to pay for someones pre existing conditions
You were already doing that if you had health insurance pre-ACA. You just weren't paying for as many.

We wouldn't need to worry about health care if our fucking people took care of themselves more.

underrated post
Every Rep. in the Senate hates the plan and calls it Obama Care 2.0.

Closer to someone with a wrecked car at this very moment applying for insurance. That's not how insurance works.

>free market
if it was free market we would be buying from Canada and obtaining cheaper drugs from there. Insurance jews and parma kikes have bought all out politicians and they created redtape and bills that won't allow us to do that. Cucks in the Republican party crys socialism and in the same breath say american values when it comes to single payer, but won't exercise freedom of choice when it comes to medications. Free market my ass. Suck a dick FDA

>if it was free market we would be buying from Canada and obtaining cheaper drugs from there.
Who is "we"? If by "we" you mean government, that's not free market. Free market is a bastard system where intermediary people add their tax on simple medicine and raise the price by more than 200%. Free market needs to be regulated to prevent monopolies and too big prices, so there needs to be limit.

Hate it. Am hoping the conservatives in congress get him to back off and change it.

>Free market
>illegal to copy drugs and sell them at fair market price
I believe you have misunderstood.

they shouldn't deny the insurance but they should charge extra to only that person.

Why would 2 monopolies who have secret meetings to determine price not raise the prise for you in the middle as much as you can pay? That's how free market works, as long as you can pay, you will get raise of prices. The price won't drop because they feel like it's overpriced goods, only way a price can be overpriced in free market is when peopel can't afford it any longer, so it becomes of existential problem for companies. Which is why they want to connect whole planet together, so they can you cheap labor, control it all, drain this planet of all resources, not care about future of any race and then make maximum profit based on what's at hand and have total control over humanity, so you can complain even less than now. In middle ages a king would give you such big tax that you only ate couple of grains per day, rest you had to give away to king. Now, Americans are still fat, they can still pay more, no starving in sight.

it shit.

it eliminates taxes but retains regulations

at least in its current form.

>2 monopolies cabal between themselves to fix prices
>someone starts a 3rd monopoly to compete
If you don't have some regulator with a gun to your head, anyone can kill this problem.

>they shouldn't deny the insurance
Do you know what insurance is? Of course they should fucking deny it, in the same way you obviously deny insurance to a car that's already been crashed or a house that's already on fire.

>starts a 3rd monopoly
How? The basics of monopoly are to intimidate competition, to own all market, so that new companies basically rent from you, which you then cut ties with if they don't melt inside of your monopoly. 3rd monopoly can't exist or be created in million years if the market is already reserved.

And without regulations how exactly do you do that? The governments of the world are enforcing the threat of violence on behalf of monopolistic corporations. You can't call that a free market in any way shape or form.

Black markets are also a force against monopolies.

Government can break up monopolies, unless you were stupid enough to allow privatization and lobbying inside of government, then government can be bought by monopolies, which then form oligarchy, where they control whole market for all eternity. If you going to wait for people's good will to say goodbye to their monopoly billions for the sake of competition, that's going to take long. You should have never privatized government, now politicians are bought by private companies instead of owned by people and army.

Too true, but government relies on the support of the people that it governs and again black market IS a legitimate market force. It's basically dominated the music and film industry already and medical stuff is clearly pushing from black market into regular market.

It's not an end state, there will always be some movement away from the monopolistic.

are you retarded? see if you can get into an intro to economics class at your community college

When they take over government, then they write laws to their liking, no such thing as illegal business, but you see now how they want to even ban the term illegal human, after they banned the term race. We have big wide open global market and humans slave for life & family like never before. Workers are pushed around, many on anti-depressives, while everybody pretends all people are healthy in mind, yes goy, as long as you can work you are healthy. To who are you going to complain when they all big monopoly team? You aren't heard. You die, then you die, just another day, CIA helps too.

You are the literal definition of retarded.

There is a collage of retarded functioning adults somewhere and there is a picture of you right front and center.

>complain to
That's not how it works in the USA, we have guns and various rights to protect with them.

Man that looks so good at night, and I actually hate Commie Blocks/Skyscrapers.

its some cyberpunk shit there