Sup Forums, how do you think America will react to a Trump assassination?
The big one
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hes having jews aroung him. (((they))) dont have to kill him now
Shitflinging on social media for months, several mentions of civil war, some arrests and "suicides," and then nothing. 1st and 2nd amendments repealed or changed to suit globalist interests within 5 years and we'll just take it.
By playing our Trump Card. Aka nuking the world
Civil war v2
Chris-chan pls go
What movie is this from?
6 million dead jews for real this time.
White people riots are on a whole other level. Look what happens when we riot because we're happy for instance stanley cup riot 2011 and that was in fucking Canada! God forbid we riot for a just cause when we're angry.
I found it on here lol
I wouldn't celebrate, but I'd probably be glad that he was gone.
Green mile I think, it's the scene where the crazy prison guard didn't wet the sponge.
I love that this picture is from fucking WWE
Why are you implying that it's going to happen?
Liberals will hang from trees.
canadians (and anyone else who riots over hockey/soccer) aren't real people. americans do a lot of stupid shit, but not even niggers riot over trivial shit like sports.
if white people here riot and its not just a bunch of antifa privileged millennial twats, u better prepare yourself because shit is gonna get real.
Most likely what happened when you kill any populist leader in a republic. The end of the republic.
There's no such thing as a right-wing "riot." When right-wing people "riot" it's called a revolution.
Civil war I hope
I want to crack some Antifa skulls in my shitty Roman costume
any comments on the truth of pic related? is pic related
Oh my.. I can't believe I got to witness this. You legend.
>not even niggers riot over trivial shit like sports
You sir, are mistaken
I almost had to drive through this, was a lot worse. They burned a few cars, a lot of windows smashed and people beaten
Pop a champaigne.
Reported this thread to the FBI
They will think it is real. They will be wrong.
Reported to the f b i
too soon mate
>white people fighting each other
oy vey, it's working!
I have a list, a rifle, and training. You do the math.
Mass celebrations in most countries like the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
I will dance in the streets.
Probably assassinate Obama or bernie.
.90cents was deposited into your account
Glee. Joy. People dancing in the streets. Relief.
Trump is not a populist leader. He lost by 3 million votes.
> Inb4 those were all dead people.
Go to bed, Spicer. Even you can't sell half the shit Crazy Uncle Donald spits on Twitter anymore.
at least half of the country will just go "ok so what can we expect with Pence"
>he still believes this
Oh, here we are in sunny Cali
Voted for shillery and voted for omalley
Stuffed a ballot six times 'fore I went to bed
Never woke up, sinaloa shot me dead
Can't own rifles, can't own trucks
Gubbmint man takes half my bucks
Haven't seen a real smile all year
But hey, at least we don't bash queers
The women are loose, politicians obtuse
Bacon-wrapped guacamole used as an excuse
For the excessive and overbearing abuse
This land is not fit for caucasoidal use
Nuclear civil world war 3
Depends who did it.
Keep in mind Mike Pence considers Dick Cheney to be his "political idol". So, if it was a homegrown plot, prepare for legislation that makes the PATRIOT Act look Jeffersonian.
If it was a foreigner, prepare for war. Iran, Syria and any other oil producing nations whose faces we don't like.
Lists are written up for this exact situation
hard civil war engages.
If that happens, I wouldn't want to be inside the building of lefty shilling companies.
Probably with an investigation into the Russian Intelligence Agent who shot him. The FSB can't have their asset blabbing at the trial.
you cunts do know you're on a real unironic list right now?
it's not a joke anymore he's the president
get v& fag
Was in that thread when it happened and criticized it then. It's a crock of shit, but confirmed people's existing biases so it became Sup Forums gospel.
- He throws around conveniently simple, static percentages of "estimated desertion rates", even though in civil war scenarios such things swing one way or another very quickly.
- He talks bullshit about Russia wanting to help Texas separatists. Point is, the Russians never substantially help any movement. They just try to create division abroad through misinformation and demoralization. Yuri Bezmenov discussed that at length.
- He also fails to mention that European states would send whatever troops they can, as well as food, clothing and other supplies in bulk.
- He overestimates the organizational skills, ability, and willingness to fight of "oathkeepers" and other right-wing militias. When you see these people in videos or in real life, they're mostly fat men aged around fifty who go to the gun range from time to time.
- He takes the shitty state of American roads and bridges and draws the conclusion that any civil war would be a "logistical nightmare". He fails to mention that the biggest airforce in the world is the Air Force, and the second-biggest airforce in the world is the Navy. This failure to properly address air strikes/air combat/air supplies adds to my belief that he's trying to apply 20th century military doctrine to a 21st century situation.
- He talks about agriculture and urban populations that would starve. However, as we see in every modern war, what happens is that rather than stay put, urban populations will roam into the countryside and destabilize the countryside. So instead of - as he calls them - Johnny Reb and Timmy Teabagger producing food only for their own side, you could expect to see mass raiding of farms (and consequently more widespread famine) by refugees, similar to what happened in Gaul and Thrace in the fourth and fifth centuries with the Goths and Vandals.
old fart will die soon
>mass raiding of farms by refugees
I see your Prius, and raise you my hunting rifle
- With his mention of choke points, he again tries to apply 20th century military doctrine to a 21st century conflict. Firstly, air travel really is a big thing. And secondly, mass battles are a thing of the past and small, targeted engagements are the new big thing. No American officer would waste the lives of even a hundred men on the ground trying to capture a choke point if he can just send a few small teams around it and keep the enemy on the defense with air support or artillery.
- He overestimates the role of the media. In wartime, war quickly becomes the new normal. Look at Syrians, for example: they all live in fear, but they adapt. Many of them quickly stopped protesting against Assad when the first rebel attacks happened. So framing the American government as a tyrant would be lost cause for the rebel media. At best they could lock people down in their chosen sides (meaning no defections from rebel to government, but no defections from government to rebel either), but at worst the government could respond with more effective propaganda.
it would normalize political assassination among the populous. instead of killing randoms, they too will go after their political opponents.
Plenty of guns around in the cities. And when you're a farmer living on a farm with your family, you can have all the hunting rifles you want but you're not going to stand up to 20,000 people including hundreds of former police officers.
Revolt and civil war from the people and within our own government.
Streets named after the assassin in ten years if he's not like an isis guy
Ohhhh yeeaaaah!!!!