John f kennedy assassination

Who was the second shooter Sup Forums?

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CIA. Eisenhower warned of them too.

There wasn't one, Oswald just got lucky. It happens. 99% of history isn't big elaborate plans or giant conspiracies, it's just assholes getting lucky and fucking things up for everyone.

it was definitely orchestrated by the cia.

a guy by the name of e. howard hunt claimed to be the actual gunman, but it might have been one of his squadmates.

Look the first shot, when he first starts to lean and the wife and the one in front of him turns to him trying to help




I spotted the CIA shill. Please tell me how a few sand mo keys crashed planes into buildings using nothing but plastic forks

It was the CIA and secret service. The only ones capable were the ones protecting the area.

>thinking some normie with a cheap sniper rifle who made his way past secret service actually shot the president in a movimg vehicle behind trees and high to moderate winds.

He got away with it. .

But why would CIA want him dead?

James Files

Here's a previously unknown pic recently leaked from Vault 7 of the assassination.

He didnt want to participate with the CIA, HE WANTED THEM DISBANDED. They run pur government, they are the true "president" of our country. They call the shots. They are a rouge agency and must be shut down

Btw this quote is the PASSWORD to the vaULT7 files by wikileaks

>second shooter
There were at least 6 shooters

part of the release, the organization posted to Twitter a password for “Vault 7” that read as follows: “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds.”

That password was a subset of words spoken by President John F. Kennedy 54 years ago, only a month before he was assassinated


>Driving slow in a convertible
My grandmother could have taken that shot. Oswald was a former marine, he had a scoped rifle that he had practiced with. His target was less that 100 yards away. He missed 2 of the 4 shots.

Oswald shot him the real reason he shot him will never truly be known. Jack Ruby took care of that. If anybody got lucky it was Ruby because Oswald was actually late for the transfer, Ruby was in the area wiring money to someone, saw the crowd and decided to take a look.

>Ruby was an mafia
Ruby was a loudmouth strip joint owner, the mafia thought he was a joke.

Always thought it was crazy how Oswald was allowed to return from the Soviet Union with a wife during the height of the cold war.

Russia basically deported him.

>implying the cia didnt fake the facts and use oswald as a ploy as some nobody sniper who so happened to kill the president who was heavy anti cia

Jack Ruby, whose real name was Jacob Rubinstein. Make of that what you will...

What I mean is he would've normally been stalked by intelligence services to determine if he was a double agent.

Except there's no evidence to support that. I mean I could equally say that space jews mind controlled him into shooting JFK.

What is the deal with the assassination?
I see people talk about a second shooter and how impossible this was to do, but I am yet to hear any explanation. All this shit sounds like a complete psyop. People just spamming disinfo, no one providing any information or pointing out what was so strange about the shot.

So he got shot in the head? Ok. Where is the conspiracy?

part of the release, the organization posted to Twitter a password for “Vault 7” that read as follows: “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds.”

That password was a subset of words spoken by President John F. Kennedy 54 years ago, only a month before he was assassinated

CIA should be floating around this board somewhere, lets ask them.

Read Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. Second shooter was a secret service agent in the second car accidentally letting off a shot with an AR-15 when the car lurched forward. Really interesting read...

Could be symbolic, can't tell unless we have evidence.

There is no evidence to say oswald was the shooter. There is to many holes to call it accurate

jfk also opposed the nuclear program in israel, the jews and cia teamed up to kill him, fuck off you shil

The password was "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."

>There were at least 6 shooters
I believe the no-shooter theory.

His head just did that.

>on Sup Forums
>not redpilled on the fact that CIA iced JFK

What happened to this board?

I thought the kill shot came from the storm drain?

Lee Harvey in the book depository and the secret service agent behind him.

nah because his head kicked backwards
the shot that exploded his head can't of come from behind him

You do know, that all these JFK assassination conspiracy theories were invented by back-then the Soviet Union and the American left.

Why? Because it just wasn't possible that a cray COMMUNIST would kill their beloved hero.

Just like it wasn't possible for them to lose to Trump, hence Trump-Russia conspiracy theories.

It's a justification method, psychological defense mechanism.

So basically the official story is true and im crazy for thinking the CIA did it? Really just the lone gunman, and then another lone gunman. Really makes me think

I think we all know the answer to that

two isolatet events at one place

excellent work goyim

No one. Oswald did it alone.

People ALWAYS fail to account for the actual positioning of JFK in the car.

Hello CIA

I think it was Oswald but he wasn't put up to it by some higher entity

>Oswald meets with soviet agent who deals with political assasinations in October 1963 in Cuban consulate in Mexico
>broke Oswald somehow friends with George de mohrenschild, rich Eastern European oilman with ties to George hw bush
>after assassination, mohrenschild writes to bush saying us government is after him, he fears for his life
>suicide by shotgun to back of head

just a couple things off the top of my head that remember from when I used to read up on this a lot

Correction, he WAS put up to it by some higher entity

Taking 3 shots at a moving target with a shitty italian Carcano rifle and the target moves in two different directions. Yeah ok.

>Oswald was a former marine
Whose marksmanship scores were shit and had an oak tree in the way of his shot and Dallas. Fuck you and your nigger grandmother.

>mind literally blown.

kill yourself nigger


>This whole thread

>129 times
it was 130 shots, whos the 130th shooter?

JFK didn't let the CIA do stuff like Northwoods.
He also wanted to dismantle the cia
That pissed them off, so they killed him.

wtf i love the cia now

>"magic" bullet curving in the air

hmm XXXwhoXXX could it be

Yes, the official story is true. The problem with the reality of the situation is it destroys peoples sense of order. The fact that the most powerful man in the world can be killed by a single gunman is devastating to a persons psyche.

Rather then admit we are at the mercy of nature and forces well beyond our control people construct elaborate conspiracy fantasies. Despite the horror of these fantasies they are better then reality because they provide a sense of order.

RED PILL XXXX STRENGTH (Consume with EXTREME caution!)

>mind literally blown
Jackie whispered a red pill in his ear.

>Rather then admit we are at the mercy of nature and forces well beyond our control people construct elaborate conspiracy fantasies. Despite the horror of these fantasies they are better then reality because they provide a sense of order.
I love when (((you guys))) trot out this chestnut, it's laughable horseshit on it's face, but you still keep trying. Please hang yourself and save us the trouble.

That video is complete bullshit, he gets Hitler completely wrong for one. Even if you accept his bullshit it still continues to make zero sense. He claims the rich artificially start a war between Germany and the allies so they can profit regardless of who wins but at the same time they are using Germany to fight Russia, because if Russia would win they would lose their money.

Its a garbage narrative that ignores the complexities of the situation and tries to paint people with money as the enemy. Its almost marxist in the way he constructs the narrative.

The official story that said "His could be seen to move violently FORWARDS" from a magic bullet is "true"?
t. CIA

If JFKs bodyguards couldn't protect him from one oddball sack them all and give everyone a tax break.
They're not incompetent and useless, thus it was a fix.

kek 2nd shooter.

there were 8 shooters that day in various locations
>gotta make sure the mans dead, can't take any chances
the one that killed him was from a storm drain next to the car, he was also hit in the shoulder
cia and our friends the oil industry planned and paid for it.
George H.W. Bush organized the thing.

"Jack, the Earth really is flat."

stopped there

People with money aren't enemies.
They're just better able to pull the strings.

(Thanks for your detailed analysis proving you've seen it and yet casually dismiss it. Says a lot.)


"Psst no it's not, why else could you see farther from higher places?"

nailed it user.

its kinda scary desu; there are some truths we just all have to accept if we're going to move forward together.

Nobody. It was a hoax like Lincoln. The Zapruder Film has obviously been tampered with. Nobody is looking at the car when it rides by. Also, not many people, and little security. Total bullshit. JFK didn't die.

personally I find it comforting, no matter how powerful someone gets they might just get sniped

"Psst, you're full of shit, then why can you see things at a distance that should be underneath the supposed (((curvature?)))"

Woody Harrelson's dad

>shitpost level >9000
honestly not sure what to do about you user

JFK shot himself. depression desu.

There are always people above you in a hierarchy and people below, people are not equal. There is nothing wrong in inequality it is the way of the world. I don't disagree that people with huge amounts of money act in a way to preserve that money, its human nature.

Videos like that try to take people acting in their own interest and present it in a sinister way, as if they enter into a cabal to oppress the masses. The world is just too complex for something like that. The very wealthy, just like the rest of us, are trying to get by with the limited information available to them.

Stop trying to paint yourself as a victim of the rich, that is just an excuse you are using for your own failings.

"Psst buddy, you are a huge retard, so you are saying that every observable planet is also flat? Just happens to all line up perfectly for us to see them ass round?"

There is a theory Jackie O shot him, can't see her doing anything else now.

One of JFK's bodyguards fell backwards and shot him by accident while trying to return fire on the shooter, that's where the second bullet came from, and that's how the bullet hit him from behind.

"Psst, Jack, it's so cute when you parrot NASA shit."

What did JFK's wife say? I mean she was right beside him.

I agree wholeheartedly with peoples right to property and wealth etc as core to human nature.

But I also think groups of us can conspire to gain more wealth through illicit means
t. it happens

the reason people feel victimized by the rich stems from the fact that the rich seem to now completely lack a social conscience.

They make all this money all around the world and no longer give any of it back to the communities in which they made it. People pay taxes and corporations get welfare;

fucked up desu.

We're all about to be victims of these failings of humanity.

The three shooters were from left to right:

Gerry P. Hemming, Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt. All were members of a CIA assassination team Operation 40.

You can't fire a bolt action rifle, aim it perfectly at a moving target and get three shots in all within 6-8 seconds. Nobody can do this.. professional snipers in the military have attempted to recreate that scenario, they can't do it, it's impossible.
There was THREE CIA shooters, all waiting to ambush Kennedy. Guess what came next after the assassination??? Lyndon Faggot B Johnson and the Vietnam War.

Interestingly, one of the CIA shooters who was on his death bed, CONFESSED to his son what he had done. He almost kept the secret to his grave, but when he knew he was going to die within a couple days, who cares if the CIA retaliates and kills you, He told his son about what he had done when he worked for the CIA. The son, so intrigued and excited, got a journalist to report this story, guess who silenced the journalist and stopped this story from spreading???? You guessed it. The CIA.

did someone deleted my post? wtf I was just saying i think he was killed because of this:

Somewhere in the leaked stratfor mails, someone says casually that Ted Cruz' father killed Kennedy

I've never understood the point of the conspiracy theorists. OK, let's accept the theory, right? So, now what? I mean, these theorists seem to work hard to prove their point. Surely there must be a reason for their hard work. What do they hope to achieve? Is their a goal in mind, or do they simply love concocting stories and arguing that it might be true? In other words, is their goal nothing more than to continue the argument or do they actually want resolution?

If you are attracted to that "woman" pictured you should skydive onto a bed of nails

we create and research them for the sake of truth. (the real ones anyway)

once you have found enough truth it is your duty to share it, by sharing it we will be able to encourage people to recognize more about their lives and reality.

our planet is at a turning point, its hit its carrying limit, and tremendous social change is necessary if we're going to make it through this together. Conspiracy theoriest, if proven true have immense implications on social justice and will certainly shape our political systems;

there are lots of lessons to be learned from history user.

ted cruz

Because we value HONOR and JUSTICE. When someone does something wrong, we want justice. When there is no justice, and history is rewritten for the criminals who assassinated this man, does that not boil your blood???? Are you not angry??? There are two kinds of people in this world, those that care, and those that don't care, which one are you???


>for the sake of truth

But you can't know whether it is true or not. These theories require a great deal of belief. I look up to the sky and see that is blue. Ten thousand people standing beside me look up and see blue. I don't need to believe the sky is blue. It is visibly blue by all who see it. Indeed, it is true to say the sky is blue. I do not see a god up there. Thus, I must believe in a god.

Why your emphasis on "truth"? JFK didn't die of natural causes. He was murdered. Murder is ugly business. Everyone already accepts that as true. Everyone already accepts that the CIA, Lyndon Johnson, the Mafia, Castro, Khrushchev, Oswald, and certain rogue elements of the U.S. govt are filthy sleazy corrupted but capable players who may or may not have been directly involved in the JFK murder. Point is, people already loathe all those I just mentioned. Most people are fully aware that their is a shadow government, but most people's lives are unaffected by it. So JFK was killed by scumbags. There hasn't been an assassination since. Whatever was going on then, and whoever was involved, is long since dead and buried and powerless now.

learn ballistics

I don't think they're dead and powerless quite yet, and regardless there is always a generational transfer of somekind.

There are objective truths to all of these situations that one acknowledges I feel would greatly improve civil society.
To emphasis the lesson learned from JFK & 9/11, once all the technical shit is out of the way we're left staring at:

> A government that thinks its okay to murder its own citizens and their democratically elected leaders in order to preserve their status quo, or promote their domestic/foreign agenda.
> A business class and structure that aids and abets this system through its various special interest groups and capitalizes/co-opts the government agenda to suit THEIR needs
> A group that objectively runs the american defence and intelligence agencies as a business for private profit and domestic oppression.

When people realize it they'll be mad enough to change it and learn from their mistakes.

A really interesting theory was that the driver took the second shot, you can see him suddenly turning around and he looks like he points at Kennedy just before the second shot. It was even said that's why his wife was trying to grab hands with the guy behind her, because she wanted to get away from her Husband's killer.

But that happened