He's the smartest man alive.
I don't think you can prove him wrong.
He's the smartest man alive.
I don't think you can prove him wrong.
Being good at math =/= being good at social policy
>guy surrounds himself with academics and civilized intellectuals
>blind to the savagery that exists in other cultures
He may be right though, a united ethno-planet may be the way to ave mankind.
He can't even talk
What would be left wouldn't be worth preserving.
>smartest man alive
>can't figure out how to walk or talk
He's a fucking disabled man in a wheelchair. Why hasn't his disease killed him yet?!
Idiots who watch too much bad TV and play too much vidya think world government is just the best because "it worked on TV".
It'd be fucking hell on earth, imagine never being able to escape the EU. At all. And they know it.
He's actually right.
It just needs to be a white ethnostate not controlled by (((them))).
If he's so smart how come he can't walk
I don't think the world is ready for it. The rest of the world is to far behind us in the west. Maybe if it was a right wing dictatorship because I wouldn't want all those crazy assholes out there to rule over me
What if he's actually typing "Sup Forums was right, gas the kikes race war now 14/88" but the jews have infected his computer so that he can only say leftist talking points?
who cares what that retarded cripple thinks.
He is more or less a meme scientist. He is a brand, nothing more.
He's a mathematician and physicist, not a political scientist or sociologist.
His opinion on the matter shouldn't be worth more than say, Neil Degrass Tysons or Bill Nyes.
>He's the smartest man alive.
He's actually not but whatever.
Guess who makes his voicebox equipment? (((Israel))).
So there you go, that should answer some of your questions. The words "please kill me now" have been blocked from his machine. Pic related, Stephen Hawking on the inside.
>guy only lives because people shove blended food down his throat with a straw
>hurr a world government utopia where they take care of everyone in da world is the only way to survive!
faggot cant even wipe his own ass
Globalism is the ideology of (((bankers)))
This. It won't be the NWO they were expecting. It will be the one they deserve.
Why does a physicist think he can tell me what kind of government I need?
I'm a programmer, should I tell him what kind of food he should eat?
If he's so smart, why does he have ALS?
>tfw to smart to be a functional human being
World government could be a good solution.
But in the current state of the humankind it isn't and probably never will.
So that's what mexican intellectual means.
Which kind of "white"?
The dark side has plans for everyone. Ever heard of the second cup? Well, it is in your little bible. Your special AI system is already in place. Targeted individuals are battling this every day and humanity sits in silence about it. We have Voice to Skull; synthetic telepathy, remote neural monitoring. etc. .. just look it up. You will see patents tied to all of it. DARPA is the AI system REV 18 is the second cup. Your 9/11 even was the first cup and the dark side plans on a second cup for your entertainment purposes. "The apple of his eye is NYNY because it is double." So, the AI is already a threat now.EMR has been on the planet since the beginning.
taking advice from CRIPPLES ever
It is beyond naive to think that Chinese will listen to commands of a American and vice versa.
So, continuing on... the second cup is the ultimate weapon that will be used on humanity so that "they" can go to the moon. 144,000 of them to be exact. "got to keep the lunars on the path" (pink floyd). So, they plan to reside on the moon for about 7 years when all is calmed down and then return to earth to start their cycle again. In other words, disaster strikes and leaves you holding the bag and more brainwashing and covering up of history and real truth. Oh yes. the technology is advance. Guess who has been paying for it? YOU. The dark sides uses humanity for their light codes and places their black magic to hurt people and children. Missing planes: yeah.. well that is the high technology that not being reported and yet.. humanity already KNOWS what happened. I am exposing both sides of the JANUS. New Religion is their way of saying we will chip you and control all of your thoughts. It is really enslaving humanity with project bluebeeam ( blue meaning blue blood = copper based species) . Yes.. we have two different species on the planet. So, in a nut shell NYNY is the target of destruction and the13 colonies. Then they escape the disaster and go to the moon for 7 years and when all of humanity is quiet.. they return for their cycle. In the mean time, no one knows that all of this was planned out by the Orion Empire and your book called the bible. So, yeah.. there is a war going on. You don't know evil until it hits you in the face and by the time their show hits.. you have already lost. I am exposing their plans because transhumanism is real. We have black goo and chemtrails as a major factor in our bodies. So, go ahead and research what I wrote. dig in.if you care. Oh.. by the way.. it has been done before ( the ultimate weapon) Sodom and Gomorrah.
The white / not white test is if you have curly hair or not.
If you have curly hair, you have to go back Joao.
Is there a bigger meme opinion than this guy?
Just stick with what you know and stay the fuck out of politics
Totally agreed, but we need to clean the rest of subhumans from prison and so on.
Exacty. Battle Royal race war when?
World government can take many forms.
Network of nation states best form desu.
Shadowy group of assholes is shit.
Trade will bring nations together eventually reducing the need for war everywhere as it has for parts of the world already.
Of course he'd say that. He's a fucking Illuminati meat puppet.
Seriously he frequents brothels in Nevada. No one with his condition lives into well into his 70s.
That's a shit test.
Developed "white" countries(like UK) will be infested with people from poor "white" countries(like Poland).
It's a horrible idea
>NWO is canon
They aren't even hiding it anymore.
The idea is that divided world powers will always conflict with one another's policies and views. This is natural, in the end only one civilization will stand and take the mantle of Homo Superior but only after many generations of conflict. By relinquishing our freedoms to an unelected cabinet of elites who then dictate our lives from the moment of conception we will be less likely to be thrown into that era of conflict. The issue is that society cannot grow further because without conflict there is no progression. Instead, the ones at the top will reap the benefits off of a stagnating and submissive society. It's easy for a man bound to a wheelchair to see this as a positive because he has already lost most of his freedom already.
>Seriously he frequents brothels in Nevada
Why? He can get a erection in his current situation?
>smartest man alive
>cant even think his way out of a chair
Doesn't seem very smart to me senpai.
>would just be a like the EU with more duck tape.
>tfw too intelligent to not wear a diaper
The only way to save mankind is to further evolve into a species of humanoid robots. We will create the species in our own image, and they will care for our "current evolution" into obsolescence and inevitably extinction, after which, they will be "humans" for all intents and purposes.
They will carry with us the best of our beliefs, our histories, our works of art into the cosmos for eternity, spreading our works and culture to primitive civilizations, and helping them to get where we are someday.
It is through assimilation into this peaceful humanoid hivemind that our legacy is secured.
The problem with every system of government is that they all work until you get people involved. The only sensible thing to do is remove people from the equation.
I'm sure the wheelchair physicist is an expert on politics and sociology
>guy who is really smart in math must be really smart in politics too
yeah ok
A world government controlled by AI, maybe...
>He's the smartest man alive.
no he isn't. there are far more intelligent people. he is just very famous due to his popscience bookd.
Umm... are you saying he is faking it??
Yep. The proof is right here at the top of these stairs.
>famous for being a cripple with a robot voice
>basically only scientific achievements have to do with black holes
>muh ayyliums are gonna kill us
>muh robots are gonna kill us
>we're gonna kill ourselves so we have to move everything to Mars
>hurr we need one world government and put all our eggs in one basket this way when it inevitably turns into a totalitarian dystopia regime we'll all be fucked all at once with no escape
wow what a fucking genius
die soon pls
Isn't the white/non-white test based on your nipples? Pink = white, not pink = non-white.
>shits in diaper
>Can't even speak
maybe god is punishing him for his lies
For more on how being a logical genius does not necessarily translate into being good at statecraft:
Google Kurt Godel (you should anyway, if just for the math) and learn about his US Citizenship exam
Consider Jimmy Carter, great guy, smart, one of our two engineer presidents (the other was Hoover)-- terrible governor.
>He's the smartest man alive
Yeah, in science.
Of course he's gonna go for the globalist. A man in a wheel chair that can't talk, you can't really know what's going on with this type.
I see a lot of kikery behind this shit
Excluding jews of course. Not even white converts, jews are NEVER white.
>No. 1 physicist
what does that even mean
his idea of one world goverment is not on par with the globalists. Dont lump him with the jews so fast the man has an utopic dream where everyone gets along.
Someone push this crip off a cliff.
If it came to it, a whole system would have to be developed.
Obviously autistic shit like "He doesn't have blue eyes, he's not white!" is just stupid.
But there are multiple ways to determine if someone is white, whether through facial features, hair, skin, and of course the aforementioned nipple color.
It would probably end up being a series of check marks. Like if you get X amount of strikes, you're not white.
anyone have an answer how this man has managed to live so long with ALS?
pull his plug
Why is he the no.1 physicist. Last interesting physics I read about was the highs boson experiments as CERN. Was he involved? No.
What is he known for ? Blackhole theories and being a crippple.
Correction California but I remember a show on the bunny ranch name dropping him as well. This is from the fuggin huffpost.
But yeah what purpose? He's almost completely paralyzed.
Or is he?
He's there to obfuscate our understanding of the Universe and Black Holes/Suns the dark/anti stars these fucks worship.
We've already cucked the world into speaking our language, why not take the next logical step and put them once more under the heel of anglo supremacy?
If he's so smart why is he still using Intel shit when Ryzen is out?
The Left and Globalism rests upon the notion that all people are the same. Same intelligence, same skill sets, same philosophy, beliefs, ethics, morals, legal code etc.
Problems occur if this turns out to be not true.
I think nationalism is a way to have mutual firewalls against problems spreading. Much like a computer has firewalls to filter traffic.
Globalism only works to the public's advantage if we are all globally actually equally advanced. If we all aren't it waters down those who are.
Keep the firewalls, at least until we have diversified into space.
>smartest man alive
>can't wipe his own ass
I am sure he has been cerebrally dead for a while now. Other people talk through his machine.
Never figured a more garbage meme scientist.
Reminder that Stephen Hawking is a fraud and a liar. Every guest appearance on a TV show he's done has been a lie that he's simply taken credit for. Seth McFarlane or the Simpsons producers can just buy one of those voice-machine things and SAY they got Hawking as a guest star. Shit, I could download a text-to-voice program and tell the world Hawking was on my podcast.
>but user he was on Big Bang theory, I saw him
So the fuck what? They fed pre-scripted lines through a voice machine, while Hawking did the one thing at which he excels:
Just fucking sitting there doing fuck-all.
>He suggests that "some form of world government” could be ideal for the job, but would itself create more problems.
>“But that might become a tyranny," he added. “All this may sound a bit doom-laden but I am an optimist. I think the human race will rise to meet these challenges.”
this creature is well known for tossing ideas out there and then retreating. and intellectual coward.
the reasoning in that article is beyond retard. i don't agree with hawkings bullshit but that the WP implies, his atheism conflicts with his proposal, is far from logic.
MSMs really turned into propaganda machines.
If he's so smart, then why hasn't he learned how to walk?
Checkmate evolutionists
His statement presupposes mankind is in danger. With no proof of what it is in danger of.
He gets way more credit than he actually deserves because he's a gimp that can't walk or talk.
If he is so smart then why is he a potato?
But making everyone equal is literally the entire point of globalism.
The whole point is to eliminate the concept of ethnicity and nationality so everyone on the planet is just a mixed brown mutt with no culture or heritage.
That, in their eyes, assures that everyone is now equal and on the same level of intelligence (because they caused it) and the same level of morals (because they dictate them).
Einstein said the same
World Government being Natsoc.
When everyone is a slave everyone is equal.
that's not the way it goes, you can't prove a negative
burden of proof, he is first to prove his claim right
But the only part of mankind that's worth a shit is in danger, white people. The solution is violence not one world government though.
I'll take his word on math and physics, but I won't turn to him on social policy
Stephen Hawking developed a mathematical proof for black holes. He proved Einstein's theory of general relativity. Through math and science, Stephen redefined the Big Bang theory. Also Stephen Hawking proved the universe has no boundaries.
in other words
not one useful accomplishment
whoever invented rubber bands has contributed more to humanity than this motorized under bite
I bet CIA hacked his wheelchair and remote controls him for years. No one notices.
he is not No. 1 physicist, not even nearly. he is the most famous, that's all.
exacly my thoughts
Just think, if Hitler had won WW2 we would probably have that world government by now.
Really makes you think...
I know but I'd rather not become the median of humanity. I also don't think it would stop wars. People naturally form clans and alliances over anything then fight. Turning us all into an aggregate changes nothing.
It'd rather keep Earth a vibrant mix of unique nations than a mash of mediocrity.
It also allows evolution to occur on a national level.
i'm smarter than him because i'm libertarian
>He's the smartest man alive.
He's not even the smartest physicist alive.
Daily reminder that not one thing Stephen Hawkings ever worked on
A. Hasn't been overshadowed by a more complete alternative theory.
B. Hasn't been outright refuted.
C. Was ever relevant to every day life on earth.
D. He's a fucking pedophile that hangs out with Jeffery Epstein.
If he's so smart, why can't he dance?
If you look at it from (((their))) perspective and try to get yourself inside the head of a globalist, it would make sense why they think that one world government is the answer.
One of the big redpills is that they actually think it would be a benefit to mankind. Taking us to the next level and all that.
It takes a high level of intelligence to understand that the only way we will truly progress as a species is if we are all equal with "outdated" concepts like nationalism and patriotism being thrown in the trash.
This will eventually happen. They're probably right.
But it doesn't necessarily have to happen the way they want it to happen.
What it boils down to basically is.....Yes, globalism most likely would solve a lot of problems. But my gut feeling is to fight it with every ounce of my being because it goes against nature.
tl;dr: Globalism is the only solution. Just not their globalism.
World government would only work if it was white minority rule and we all know how that's sustainable
Individual countries can't even agree on a governing system much less all the world