Stacey Dooley is a hero for exposing disgusting pedophilia culture in Japan
Japan should be ashamed of themselves
Ban drawn child porn like Canada and Britain!
>a fucking leaf
anime really is degenerate as fuck and every tranny I've ever seen online has been a massive weeb
stay cucknada you fucking leaf
nobody is stopping you from not watching anime you splerglord. stop being triggered. stop the virtue signalling.
What kind of name is Dooley?
I cant read fucking jap you fucking weeb
Japs have some of the lowest rape rates including child rape - they are fine. Let them have the lolis, not my thing but it's their country.
Ara. Ara-ra-ra-ra-ra...
Prohibition doesn't work though, you ban their porn they will just get it illegally, creating more crime and forcing the government to act as morality police.
The better alternative is to change their awful societal attitudes towards work and family. If young people had hope for a better future they would have kids. but they don't so they just check out.
another feminist is all butthurt because other countries won't do as she says...a bloo bloo bloo
japan and their disgusting lolicon fantasies need to be stopped!
You guys are missing the point. It is about control or in the case of the Marxists a lack thereof. Jews can't control Japan, there is something intrinsic about what they do to combat other non-Japanese cultures.
Cultural Marxists are more dismayed as to why they can't control the Japanese people like they have the rest of the world.
>ugly 3d bitch is intimidated by cute drawings but works for an organization that defends real child molesters
>we've had 37 cases go to court last year
>well that is a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the world!
>here are MY numbers from my fucked up country
>15 thousand arrests!
can't find the video on youtube
they must have deleted it
the part where he said there needs to be a victim to actually press charges
You silly leaf.
>rape pictures worse than child rape
I mean I agree because 2D>>>DPD but i'm surprised the normies are on board.
Got a link to that video?
Day of the rake when
Japan is sick. This pedo b8 DVD is legally sold in stores
Take my waifu, BBC, I take your laifu*
*This is all satire GCHQ, MI5, MI6 and Scotland Yard
>JMKD 0021
hehh hehhh
Reported to the FBI enjoy you prison rape pedo scum
Fuck off Leaf.
>calls others pedos
>has this on his PC
What did the Greek mean by this?
it's literally nothing.
I'm gonna fap to this and you can't stop me
to clarify to FBI and CIA
I will fap to this legal japanese porno and not the greeks pedophile webm
"We don't understand it so we must destroy it!"
- humans
I have it for research purposes. To see how far this disgusting degeneracy can go
>Pure healthy attraction to perfectly fertile young lass
This is the mindset of the western cuckold and that's why their birth rates are plummeting and the only kids they do have are autistic because they wait so late to get pregnant.
Can I get a link to this video PLEASE?
She hasn't even reached puberty you pedo weeaboo scum
mfw this is the same girl in the video i just linked
What the fuck are they feeding them?
Young Sex in Japan BBC documentary Stacy Dooley
I can't find it on youtube i think they took it down, but thats the title.
Do you touch your peepee while researching?
Oh noo that sucks did you watch it? Enjoy your FBI anus rape dumb frogposter
Yeah, but when she does, she ready for the d.
Science says so, nature says so. Only your feefees disagree.
I love japan because they prove our age of consent laws look retarded when 30 year olds look 12 and are thus perfectly legal.
Is she actually underage?
How do they get away with making videos like this
Aren't you Leaf's turning muslim?
Loli/shota in media isn't as bad as actually
fucking real kids, like your muzzie friends
No worries though, you and those cave dwellers will all be taken care of on the Day of the Rake.
>Is she actually underage?
She is over 18. Japan has a couple of save-the-children laws, too. Don't be fooled by liberals.
the 3d girl is waifu tier, but i know that the 2d one is way more feminine and that she will never disappoint me
necause it's innocent wank material, none of these girls get molested or fucked, the only lewd shit there is of it is where they suck posicles and bananas or ride a rodeoboy, tl;dr fucking nothing, good fap material though.
There's no nudity in it so it's not even porn.
>that's why their birth rates are plummeting
Japan's birth rate is even lower than the west.
They are just drawings
I don't get it. No child is hurt.
If the rule is that all porn the majority of people is disgusted by needs to go then gay porn needs to go too.
>Stacy Dooley
>Waifu tier
She is just some vapid cunt who has never had an original thought and is used as a propoganda mouthpiece to pander to the moral busybodies.
you made get this.
Go back to /r/eddit
Name: Rena Kanzaki
Japanese: 神崎れな
Born: November 20, 1994
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Height: 151 cm.
when is she exposing child beauty pageants in america?
but she's qt
Thats the whole reason why its bad. There aren't any little girls getting blacked, that's unforgiveable.
Stop defending pedo gooks faggot
she looked like an old hag in the bbc documentary.
She's English but 'Dooley' is an Irish name.
Or Muslim rape gangs in britain
Oh looks, the eternal thot attacks last stand of implicit whiteness.
True, but that's the fault of Japanese culture.
No one is fucking in Japan anymore. Too much porn.
Only because we import 3rd worlders who have 10 children.
Fertility of white people in Western European countries like Italy, Germany, Spain are pretty much identical to Japan.
That bitch was in Prague?
big difference the japan thing is legal just like how the pageants are
Yeah, 3D really is a bit fucking much.
2D is pretty ambiguous. Asuka is 13, for fuck's sake. Even beyond that, they're fucking drawings. But if you're into 3D children, you should consider suicide.
I thought there were a bunch of hentai artists who now started with big black "americans" in all their porn.
If she was she wouldn't threatened by drawings and girls 1/3 her age.
Everywhere has the same access to porn thanks to the internet
Japan's problem is they'd literally rather work themselves to death than have time for a family
Every sheepfucker I have ever heard of is a member of the commonwealth, ya'll sick fucks.
They are underage. These are not porn videos. These are girls in bikinis or revealing clothes. It's not illegal as long as they aren't naked.
They are called Gravure Idols. They can go from as young to 7 year olds. You have a lot of videos of it on Youtube. Just youtube Gravure Idols.
It's Japanese culture. Don't say that they are sick just because you've been taught that in your culture.
She's hideous
Lolis need to be protected.
There are, but if real euro girls aren't getting bred, whats the point?
They're merkels guests you need to be kind to them.
Blame capitalism.
Name: Rena Kanzaki
Japanese: 神崎れな
Born: November 20, 1994
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Height: 151 cm.
>youtube Gravure Idols
Nice try FBI with portugal proxy.
I love how fucking hilarious this is. This self absorbed western cunt lefty is so outraged by this.
Meanwhile in the middle east, the 10 year old fuck dolls live and breathe.
Seems like a cool guy.
>They are underage.
Name: Rena Kanzaki
Japanese: 神崎れな
Born: November 20, 1994
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Height: 151 cm.
>Goes all the way to Japan to expose Pedophilia
>Is from Luton, home to massive Muslim Pedophile gangs
what a fucking baller
I understand this is a very emotional topic for you but shitposting is becoming kinda incoherent.
Hello Canada proxy
It's not even that, it's just how Japan's culture has always worked. It just has very different implications when mixed with a modern corporate economy and when their women join the workforce instead of being housewives.
What is this thing?
It's been wholly coherent with a rather simple message. Retarded yes, but definitely coherent.
thank you fellow burger
One second ago we were talking about drawings and then it is about Merkel.
Fucking boss
The same way you get away making shit like "Dance Mom's" you pedo.
>that bow on his hat