Graham will subpoena for info on wiretap claim

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Use the fucking google.

It means google it

It's happening.

Exactly what right do they have to that information that would warrant a subpoena?

Congress has the right to know

I don't know what subpoena means, but it doesn't sound good

a writ ordering a person to attend a court.
"a subpoena may be issued to compel their attendance"

Subpoena who?

Can Graham stop being a faggot for day or two?

No. He and McCain are out to destroy Trump.

what a stupid fucking word

the english language sucks

=under penis

Its means he's got 'em by the balls

ياايراني كلبك ودع تعا شوفو وتعا وتسمع هوة ساقط بس يدلع ناسي حالو انو حمار

Allahu Akbar to you too camel jockey

Allahu Akhbar!!!!!


Drumpf's going down!

they'll just do like every american traitor and plead the fifth, literally an admission of guilt without consequence, pleading the fifth as an official, elected or not, should land you straight in front of a military court.


>Drumpf's going down!

On his supermodel wife, while his master plan comes together.

>"The lack of proof that they wiretaped Trump is proof that they're hiding evidence!!!"


>una subpeona
understand now nigger?

checks out

This is him not being a faggot though

You think he is subpoenaing the dems, the CIA, the FBI?
He will subpoena sessions or drumpf, cuckboy.
It's over, it's good that this experiment comes to an end.

exactly it doesn't sound english, it's too latin


The image says senators are asking the FBI for documents regarding it, so what do you think?

I answer with Sup Forums's catchphrase


careful you can get in jail for saying that

The so called 4 Chan

sooo they are trying to find out who leaked the wiretappping info to trump?

>there are people posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who voted for a president who fell for some nutjob radio host's conspiracy theory

Subpoena? More like suckpenis in Lindsey's case.

exactly.. destroy the evidence and claim there is none and everyone is making shit up. you sound like a fucking shill you mongoloid retard poster

we use Latin regularly for our legal system because of the influence the Roman courts had on our current western ones

look.. its the jews coming out of hiding to shit threads up

IIRC several Obama lackeys did it without consequence.

oh shit BTFO

>Roman influence
It's so lawyers can pretend they're intellectuals.

Soros is the Saruman of our time.

It's a good move. I'm just not certain how effective it will be. I say this, because of course they will do their best to destroy any evidence to prove their innocence while contributing to the mainstream narrative that Trump is a paranoid lunatic. But, Hillary used Bleachbit and took a hammer to her devices, and it made no difference, because the information had been preserved elsewhere. So, there's hope.

Praise Kek.

Graham looks like a fucking child molester.

Why does he do this shit? How do people from south Carolina keep voting for him? Really makes you wonder what dirt the jews have on him that he cucks out on everything.

Half the time it's not even in his own self interest.

Harass Trump in court to press the whole impeachment thing

Him and McCain need to be seriously primaried

Havent you ever watched law and order cunt.

edgy : ^ )

>How do people from south Carolina keep voting for him? Really makes you wonder what dirt the jews have on him that he cucks out on everything.

the state party leadership supports him because
Graham is a senior senator and has powerful committee positions
old people keep voting for him
upstarts have little chance, if they do then the party sabotages them in other ways
Graham, like McCain, also conspires with the Democrat party to run a joke candidate so he has to do is win the primary

>*opens kebab shop as a cover for his imminent stabbing attack*

Meaning paper trails ahoy. Somebody's handler went dark this week.

now you're speakin my lingo, gringo.

I almost thought I was on worldstar seeing how many of you niggers don't read. The article says he's demanding comey for any info on the wiretapping. For once Graham's actually trying to repeal his cuckhood

Even Lynch did it when she was AG

Graham is part of pizzagate

This has already been confirmed.

Though, the subpoena will literally do nothing. It's an ongoing investigation with classified information.

get 'em trump

Piss off back to where you came from or stop writing that wog language
