Are there any redpilled games? Or at least any AAA games left not influenced by this whole libtard craze lately pandering to cucks?
Are there any redpilled games...
Other urls found in this thread:
Deus Ex series
Grand Strategy games.
Victoria II etc.
>Playing video games
This is why white women go black, they don't want anime watching, video game playing, small dick white boys.
>mankind divided
>primary contact with hacker underground is an ambiguous race dark skinned independent woman
Right, they want hip-hop watching, video game playing, small dick black boys.
Dark Souls is at least removed from all that bullshit if not Red pilled.
I just noticed a western developer niggered up Zelda games already.
I wouldn't consider is AAA but stellar is is pretty fun. You can literally become space hitler.
>mankind divided
>Augs Lives Matter!
>all the gods and higher creatures are racemixed or even crossbreeds
>several trap looking guys with that faggot son as glaring example
>horrible shit games mostly played by NeoGAF users and turbo cucks
Yeah I'm playing it there's nigger elves all over
>Women can't write redpilled ga-
>playing the virtual jew
Are you a 12 year old or something?
There are other NPCs in the game?
>Living on the island Jew
Are you 10 or something
Jill of the Jungle was redpilled. It featured a sexy lady with T&A who kicked ass like she were a man. Metroid similar.
Also there was Super Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda where the basic premise was to man up and save the princess from the tower and crack skull to defeat evil.
EVE Online
We have gone through some "omg ur all nazis" shit recently and haven't given a fuck
man hunt is something you play with your friends outside in the back yard retard
who is race mixed? Only trap is Gwyndolin yeah, and he's a douchebag. I wouldn't judge a piece based on who likes it personally.
>not Lorna
Pretty much any weebshit. I'm looking forward to nier because I'm a waifu fag
Well if it is set in a region that is more tropical or arid, or said protagonist is from that region.
If you are going to have a protagonist of a different race, make sure to have that race part of the whole game's world.
Mostly the darker skin in Japanese games anyway is associated with Laborers vs Aristocracy. Pale skin in Japan was at one point a status symbol, associated with affluence and wealth.
what you mean is "burning the cross"
Yeah they walk around randomly and there are towns/villages
was funny how hard that triggered the left.
>who is race mixed?
Who isn't? Every higher being, princess or whatever seems to be some kind of giant, human, elf, cat mix.
And there are several metrosexual tranny boys for tumblr to fap to, also see Lothric brothers.
It's set in the same region as the rest of em, Hyrule in the future
Are we still talking about this Rime game?
The Witcher books
>giant human elf cat mix
Oh the horror. You sound ridiculous.
u wot m8?
Is this a Nazi game you're speaking of?
>Are there any redpilled games? Or at least any AAA games left not influenced by this whole libtard craze lately pandering to cucks?
For both questions, 1990s and early 2000s. Late 90s/Early00s was peak vidya
>added feminism and sandniggers literally the second tumblrinas complained
Oh I thought we were talking about the new Zelda...
>plays (((videogames)))
why not bang your qt submissive gf/wife instead?
Skyrim is for the Nords.
EVE Online
Deus Ex original and only the original
Rising Storm 2
tfw no gf
Well, it's racemixing at least. Last time I chcked "redpilled" people here don't like this or anything of this sort being propagated.
There is no red pilled choice in Skyrim. You side with the Stormcloaks you're playing into the High elve's hands, you side with the Imperials multiculti lives on and Nords continue to be like 25% of the population.
I said books
Vagina is gross, and has a smell.