Cucktrump has breakdown

Papers are reporting he broke down into tears in a private meeting with key conservative Senators.

> He already knows that he and all he stands for are a COMPLETE FAILURE

> His cuckvoters are still finding out

> inb4 they're tears of joy at how he saved Obamacare

Die nigger scum!


> Anger
> Denial
Well that's the first two of the Seven Stages of Learning You've Been Cucked.

anonymous sources tell me you are a faggot, OP

It's true.

Not going to lie, former Trump supporter here but he's gone crazy now. No but seriously we can't let this goy keep the nuclear codes.

wtf I hate Trump now?


Can corroborate, mine says OP love sucking off 11 year old boys

>papers are reporting

great source OP

Total nervous breakdown by June? Count on it.


this is too much

At least provide sauce for this shit sandwich

It's literally a shill thread. Just sage and move on.

Fake news

>Inside Sources
>Top Aides
>Internal Discussions
>Unconfirmed Reports of
>What We've Been Informed Of
>Says An Insider
>Written On A Bathroom Stall
>Someone Sort Of Mumbled This To Us
>Someone On Twitter Stated That
>We Have Been Unable To Confirm But It's Fucked
>Something Upsetting Is Happening Somewhere And You Should Be Afraid

Yeah, totally believable.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics don't have to be the first and only factor of that.

If you can't achieve these things in your real life, you are wasting your time here. We live in first world countries, we have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life, and if it is, then you're fucking up

T R U M P F A G S cry and then piss themselves most of the time

>beating up political opponents
>Trump is literally Hitler
You're going to have to pick one.

More like fake non-news... there's not even a link

>trump like urine and prostitutes
>trumpfags piss themselves

Go cry more, faggot

>Achmed post without evidence
>expects me not to sage
>obvious bait because Trump is winning so much

Trump, like Sup Forums, is a wanna-be Hitler on line and a weeping bitchy little bitch man IRL.

And the funny thing is you know it. ;-D