Jalisco Cartel execute rival gang leader with TNT

CJNG(Jalisco's Cartel) executes rival gang leader(Zeta) with TNT



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Did he die??

Better than getting skinned alive. At least he goes out with a bang.

>no weebum

>that video quality
what is this 2005?

>thinking Cartels want to own CIA-approved devices
user, I...

It's mexico quality.

Nah, a tube of Super-glue and he'll be as good as new

My first thought exactly. "They aren't going to skin me alive? Just a quick bombing? Cool."

It looks like they beat the fuck out of him before exploding him though. Still... better than being skinned alive.

wew,you mexicans don't even need the religion of peace™ for this shit
no one tnt doesnt harm you
2 aspirins and he'll be fine

tfw when cartel cells expanded over all territory

Webm please. Also why is the quality so bad?

Latin Americans are Muslim tier. It just goes to show that the religion isn't at fault it is the people.


We don't blow people up on the cono sur m8.

The Eternal Aztec


The British empire used to tie poo in loos to the front of canons.

Bet that was a sight to see.

Because, despite the memes, Argentina and Uruguay are actually fairly white.

The rest of Latin America is populated by brown savages and it shows in their behaviour.

mexican jumping bean

As soon as you cross the mexican border life goes 144p. The camera is just fine

>wew,you mexicans don't even need the religion of peace™ for this shit
Aztecs are worse than Muslims

That's nothing. Let me know when they start using robots to blow up people.
>tfw Dallas police and ISIS are ahead of the curve

Bump for webm
And humanity

What's that game?

Welp, those guys convinced me. I'll never start selling drugs in Mexico. They can have it. Am I right guys?

Fuck these cunts, legalize marijuana.

Build that wall.

Yeah they need to get on ISIS level. Really making me question whether they're a CIA front or not.

Viva la Méjico!!!!

Anyone got the link to the video where the guy gets his face peeled off while his hands are chopped off by the cartel? I want it for ammunition of defending the wall.

We could say he got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT!


At least he didn't end up like this guy

Zetas used to be hard shit and the ones no one wanted to dick with, what happened?

The man that ordered this assassination is called "El Gringo" or The American.
The USA is truely not bringing their best.

>legalize marijuana
There is still a huge black market for pot in states that legalized because of the taxes. The cartels also bring in a ton of other drugs.


For anyone that wants to see

Crusader Kings 2.

Wetter bringing some cheeky bantz this morning. hat tip to you tacobro

There is a difference between mexican cartels with shitty phones and CIA funded jihadist with Hollywood tier equipment.


ISIS is the only criminal organization capable of producing high quality videos I have ever seen.
Someone explain to me why all the cartel execution videos are shit tier while ISIS videos look like they are straight from a hollywood studio

Incest and Assassination Simulator

man ive avoided seeing this like the plague ever since it dropped some months ago. ive either gotten old or met my limit

>image saved

>Zetas used to be hard shit and the ones no one wanted to dick with, what happened?
they literally split into two - groupo bravo and cartel del noreste. CDN still releases videos all the time and GB mostly just tries to kill them for taking their business

it isn't that bad because he's hardly human at that point, even though he struggles a bit and makes some noise.

if they really wanted to make the ultimate video, we would have seen him whole, then while they cut off his hands and face.

the video up there is nothing to what that would be.

I was just thinking the same

Maybe I'm getting soft as I get older but me too user. No desire to see that.

Because ISIS is run by the CIA and has access to all the best equipment.

I've been to Mexico and can confirm. I actually went to the resort areas and not real Mexico but I saw all these weird towers and flying machines. I asked a worker what they were and they called it a "Resolution Enhancer". I asked him to go into detail but he said that he'd be killed if he went on.

I then slipped him a 5 dollar bill and he explained that they use those to enhance definition of Mexico so Americans that come to the resorts will think Mexico looks like that.

Did you not see his face? They tortured him first

In mexico it is

Why would anyone want to be in a gang, any gang. Fucking degenerates, all of them

>Not realizing the CIA funds these guys.


>they literally split into two
That'll do it I guess. When did this go down?

I'm not saying they don't, I'm saying these guys don't think so.

MIDF detected.


Spainards are literal muslim rape babies, they traveled the ocean and made Muslim-Iberian-Aztec rape babies, mix it all up with some US imperialism and there you go, Mexico in all its glory

ISIS has actual movie producers and equipment from Bollywood in their ranks.

Uh oh

>watch first beheading video years ago
>feel disgusted
>can't think straight at work for the rest of the week
>in complete denial, trying to fabricate that it was fake in my head
>now I can even eat while watching beheadings and giggle at Sup Forums's reactions to it

I'm actually a little afraid of how desensitized I am now

In Buenos Aires niggers live in ghettos with open sewage running in the street and whites live in apartment buildings with all amenties to modern living.

you're retarded if you actually believe that

user, please continue your compelling defense of the CIA.

Try seeing it happen in real life, it's definitely going to feel refreshing.


Not as large as the actual black market which was the only source before legalization. Lets not forget cartels make the bulk of their money off of pot. And I dont see italians bootlegging liquor anymore, so fuckoff with the prohibition nigger.


Duct tape fixes everything. Just rub some Robitussin on the wounds.

You've just realized that you really don't feel anything for people outside of your monkeysphere and that it was all just a contrived reaction.

Mexicans are converting to Islam in droves here in Los Angeles, they keep their original name, but if you go on kikebook and search for these groups, there are a glut of them.

Inshallah Miho.

Based mexibros cleaning out the filth in the country

Daily reminder that whites are subhuman pussified fags


Meh, ISIS has done worse.

Buying HD cameras, slow mo cameras, drones
has become really easy, and with a few talented directors and producers you can make
some really decent videos.
Also, ISIS is not the only ones making good videos anymore, the FSA, SAA, and PMU have stepped up their game.

>the cia led cartel don't want to own cia-approved devices but happily use cia '''''''''lost''''''''' weapons


>tfw you will never watch burrito nigger snuff videos with ISIS production values.

>flag on left shoulder



>"mexicans are converting"
>posts puerto ricans
not very bright, are you?



is this going to get me arrested

Yo iba a ver el video, pero luego pensé ... ¿Realmente necesito ver a un hombre ser explotado por TNT hoy, en baja calidad?

La respuesta es no.

>I was going to watch the video, but then I thought... Do I really need to watch a man get blown up by TNT today, in low quality?

>The answer is no.

see in real life, you're still human :D

that's so fucked up

mexico was a mistake

There're more kike blood than moorish desu.

I was thinking just this

>being alive while having your face skinned

this is literally why God doesn't exist, at least not a God that really gives a shit

>no link
>no video

Know what's even more fucked up? I gave him 5 more bucks and he went on to say they took one of those machines to US to do an experiment on what it would do if the resolution is real life already. He said the crew that went there lost all radio contact. They sent another crew to investigate and all they found was a 3km wide crater and nothing else. But it was strange. It didn't look like it was an explosion. It was just like everything simply vanished. Everything was cleanly just removed... No one knows what happened to this day but they never tried it again.

I'm never going to mexico again


I meant Latinos retard, it makes no different whether it's Puerto Rican, or El Salvadoran, or Guatamalan, you are all the same in my eyes and the eyes of society, you speak that disgusting language and look the same, so we couldn't care less to compare.

Here, just so your cry baby ass can stand corrected, here is a picture of a mexican "muslimah", one of many on google.

I also don't wait for responses from dirty spics so I have exited this thread. Must suck to suck.

That seems unusually merciful.

>making puerto rican women cover their glorious booties and cute curly hair up with those stupid hijab robe things

>an user actually took the time to type this out

>open thread
>expecting webm, pics
>not a single one

What the fuck

underrated as fuck