thats some sad shit portubro
should have joined spain as an autonomy
Thats some sad shit portubro
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Implying Spain isn't going that way
North is full of Northern Europeans like me and the south is full of kebab
the south is full of brits and some kebabs
the northern-east full of kebabs and tourists
North East tourists, North West is mostly english teachers and kebab.
To be honest, I don't know why I'm acting like kebab is just in the south.
spain is not going that way, they are the 3rd biggest country in the eu and the 3rd economy with some pretty good industry they just have to sort some shit out, mentally aswell.
portuguese are not northern european what are you talking about?
He spoke the Spaniard, who loves being a crossdresser of black and Portuguese men. He spoke the Spanish, full of socialists.
you have 150 years to correct this, even the world as we know today could have ended before.
monkey cant into english
By Northern Yuros I mean myself, I'm not Spanish. Industry is good but most of the money is in Northern Spain.
Portugal isn't going anywhere
Brasil pls spek Portuguese I will translate
Means fuck all if the economy is so fucked that the young move out of the country, the people here don't breed and the country colapses
That's what, 2 generations from now?
While I have some Portu folks, and since odds are it'll be a long time until I track one down on /out/ do you guys mind telling me the camping laws? Thinking of doing a 3 day camp out in Portugal during Semana Santa.
AFAIK just camp wherever. My dad used to go camping naked in the woods.
Mu bonito pero y las toallas?
>los que mayor número de ciudadanos con esta creencia(muslimes) son, por este orden, Barcelona, Ceuta, Madrid, Melilla, Badalona (Barcelona), Cartagena (Murcia), El Ejido (Almería), Málaga, Murcia, Tarrassa (Barcelona), Valencia y Zaragoza.
What I said, kebabs are mainly in North East and the South.
Your father is the hero /out/ deserves. Campfires allowed? Or is it just a system of don't be retarded and don't get caught?
The later. Just do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not anywhere where you're likely to get caught. Stay out of private land if you can. If you're in the Lisbon sort of Area, go to the coast and drive around, you'll find loads of places where you can hike and then chill. There is a lagoon in Albufeira that has loads of nice places for camping.
You got any camping advice? I want to get /out/ but I don't even know where to start.
Toallas? Que?
Step one, Lurk Moar on out
Step two, join out Discord
Step Three, Get /out/
Whereabouts in Spain are you? Depending on where you are you've got different options
Didn't even know that there was an /out/ discord. I just wanna know good skills for being able to survive outside for shorts periods of time and being able to enjoy nature.
I'm in Granada. Erasmus is boring, nothing happens.
I'll see about getting an /out/ discord thread up again, we have a European chatroom there as well as a general which will be a bit more helpful than just posting.
Hop on /out/ there now man.
How will we build our house ?
Don't be a cunt.
No, dont worry about it, one day all the old people die out, most of them had a hardworking life and those should be kept and nurished.
We still have hopes of an influx of retornados that migrated one day, if we get our shit together.
Besides, we are getting older, but thats because we are also receiving shitloads of northern european retired people that come here for no taxes.
>I'm studying abroad but I wanna move back... Even though I know nothing about my country anymore and my Portuguese has degraded pra caralho
TFW went through period of austerity only for poo in loo to fuck it all up with his commie bullshit
>Predicting stuff 100 years ago
You act as if the austerity was bad, what was bad is that nobody got arrested for us hitting rock bottom, and we go again trough the same shit, as shit was life was back then, its better then any african shitholes.
As far as someone forgeting its own language, that doesn´t exist.
Acontece sim, falo muito pior Portugues hoje em dia e quase que nem sei escrever
Nah the austerity was good, the problem is that we needed to continue with it
North east is trash, full of degeneracy and brown people. Barcelona = Meca of europe
We needed to continue to clear the deficit, then make a great reform on the tax system and end most of the social security and focus on paying debts, while encourajing the new generations to become self-made mans and women.
Dont worry about the languages, it all comes back some points, you should read a few books tough.
Got any books you recommend?
We will always be here you.
A Peregrinação, -Fernão Mendes Pinto. Felizmente há luar, -Frei Luís de Sousa.
Auto da Barco do Inferno. A Farsa de Inês Pereira (pol, would love this book, i dont reminds me of a girl), -Gil Vicente.
A Mensagem, -Fernado Pessoa.
>older brother already left the country
>will leave the country once I'm done with college
This country is fucked
Once we're all gone the Brazilians can have this place, just make sure the moslems don't fucking touch our stuff
Hope so but I don't think most modern Anglos/lusos give a fuck anymore, unfortunately
been wanting to read Pessoa, thanks broseph
i never thouth about this. But do english pensioners in Portugal leave their houses to their sons wen they die?
If so, what most their kids do?