Populism is in Decline


You DRUMPFAGS are so delusional

It's time to take the TRUE redpill, Populism in decline! Le Pen will lose her election, Trump will be impeached, and we can finally take our country back from you second rate nazis

Other urls found in this thread:


If Trump is impeached, I'm on the streets killing every non-white or race traitor I come across.

>Trump and his supporters aren't racist you guys!
>If he's impeached for being dangerouis and incompetent I'm going to kill all the niggers!

You drumpftards are so fucking stupid. We are all laughing at you.

Please do
We're in a happening drought now, people are bored
(No, the Afghan isis bombing yesterday doesn't count)

sage all slide threads

Jennifer Rubin is a neoconservative who used to write for the Weekly Standard, so it's best to ignore anything she says.

isn't populism a good thing in their book?
it's basically the basis of communism


Easy there big guy. Memes aside, you do realise that a fuck ton of multinational feds monitor this board and its users for the risk far right terrorism, right?

>You DRUMPFAGS are so delusional
>ing at y
reember to sage in options field

lol this article. Trump probably shakes his head about what he apparently tried to do.

What Trump actually wanted to do he said in the Oprah interview. And that's to get into politics to bring back some common sense if things continue to go wrong. Trump was never the sleeper agent to reinstate some kind of extreme right. It's just what's necessary to keep Americanism alive.

They are also big naysayers. Everyone knew what Trump meant and it's a step in the right direction. They say there are no "viable solutions", as if letting the borders seep open and the leftists washing away the institutions is a viable solution.

It's only a matter of time before Trump is impeached. He doesn't quite understand that what he says on Twitter holds weight as president. Say those things as a candidate holds different merits. Saying as an acting president creates historical meaning. He's too stupid to understand this and eventually his mouth will be his undoing. The scandals will add up and weigh against his administration.

I predict a couple more months before the Republicans either disown him to distance themselves from this failure, or he's impeached. If either happens, both will happen.

They must do a really bad job then
>Leaf mosque shooter

>Populism is in decline

You should read some italian posts on FB or listen to some politicians. Literally fascist tier. I higly doubt this wave of right wingism is decline everywere in the western world.

That delusional

This is just the beginning of populism both left and right wing populism

These fags need to read up on the late republic

We ain't going back

at this point, why do people keep linking to (fake ) news sites?

they are all fucking propaganda at this point.

>implying this overt attempt to disqualify Le Pen on bogus hate speech charges won't redpill the French even harder.


>Trump will be impeached

Hail victory brother

No decline, no decline, you're the decline

Quick you have to claim it was ironic.

Please Pastabro give us some of proof of this.

It certainly isn't here. We elected a Flemish nationalist seperatist party with a Romeaboo leader a few years ago. And the anti-immigration sentiments have been steadily increasing

t. had total socialist leadership not so long ago

this train is a hell of a ride, just hope we're not too cucked to believe the leftist propaganda they're gonna feed us next election.

I cant post FB link the system see they as spam and i cant post. I'll try to see if i can find a eng subtitled vid of random italian citizens talking about migrants.



>neocons genuinely convinced they're not the ones dying

>bernies populism was totally cool
>trumps populims was based on fox new lies
ok washinton post have fun in your alternative reality.

>sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Famericas%2Fpope-francis-warning-donald-trump-populism-evil-die-zelt-ends-badly-western-democracy-a7620016.html

If you read non-American news, you got the impression that Trump was going to win.

Who should I trust now?

Really made me think

"Populism" is a buzzword for "everything good for average people that the elites don't like".

No, you'll just bitch at the internet.
Not fooling anyone.

Hmm I bet WaPo's got it right THIS time!
