Alex Jones says there's people in America right now that purposely cut their arms and legs off to be trendy and cool. Has anyone ever seen any of these people?
Alex Jones says there's people in America right now that purposely cut their arms and legs off to be trendy and cool...
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Ive only seen it in documentaries
Sounds like something old Sup Forums would do.
>cut their arms and legs off to be trendy and cool
Almost like trannies
this, it's a thing but incredibly obscure. Sort of like transsexuals in the early 90's so expect it to catch on in 10 years or so.
Transableism is a thing
I know some people do it to scam insurance companies, and others because of a mental illness.
But to be cool? nah, fake news.
I miss old Sup Forums
Why did she turn into Reddit?
They just want to get augs brah
What is an emo
Found it
You must be too young to remember when emo was a fad. It was replaced by hard leftism and SJW stuff
I used to read body mod extreme blog, it's a real thing. On the same level as splitting your dick up the urethra.
There was a slide picture the other day of some bitch that cut her pinky off with her tumblr story or whatever. It's real.
This is close.
............. what?
Imagine being as stupid as this poster.
Just fucking admit it Sup Forums, Alex Jones is an obvious charletan that's made millions selling paranoia and bunker supplies to you chumps and you'll do anything to avoid facing that reality.
Wake up. This time for real. You're being played by the biggest phony since Joseph Smith.
I'd do the same if I had to look at that in the mirror every morning.
There legitimately are.
see suck my dick muhammed you paki
stop baiting for once.
I cant find the original videos but there used to be a site called BMZ (Body mod zine) ? Or BME body mod extreme. It had compilation videos of extreme mods.
There are people who cut off digits and limbs in these vids. There are people who self castrate and even people who staple or sew their balls over their junk. All kinds of shit. Does anyone remember these?
t. former bodypiercer
I think its tied to dysmorphic body image. I used to have tons of piercings and it was an addiction that got more and more extreme. This is two fold one being the dysmorphia and the other being endorphin rush.
Did that psychologist get jailed at least,?
Fuck off fag
A charlatan can still sometimes speak truth
In fact, with certain truths they're the only ones who are allowed to
On picrelated, inb4 (((Hirshfield))). Whatever, she's a buddhist convert and the quote itself is true
They're cutting off their cock and balls for attention, that's not in dispute
>being so naive you think Alex Jones is a charlatan
>A charlatan can still sometimes speak truth
>In fact, with certain truths they're the only ones who are allowed to
This is exactly what came to mind when I read OP, thanks!
Not gonna lie, if I could get a working aug arm that's stronger than a normal arm and doesn't cause phantom pain, I would totally do it. Just one of my arms, though, not both.
As a Russian told me the other day:
>In the darkness, the best guide is a blind man, so it makes sense that a madman should lead us in an age of madness.