yep that pretty much sums it up
Obamacare vs Trumpcare
There is a reason that "the pacifier" is a synonym for big black cock
wtf i hate trump now
wtf I hate trump and his policies now. just look how obama handles those sleeping babies. OP you sure did show me the light
fuck off
The two babies Obama is holding are dead because they liked their plan but couldn't keep their plan
fuck on
i see nothing wrong with that you communist shill faggot
>babies sleeping and unwoke from the corruption of the establishment
>obama looking at them unhinged and unemotional
>deciding which one he wants for the (((pizza))) parties
>both babies have almonds activated
>right baby full rebel patriot
>left baby calm and explanatory
>emotions and high energy all around
Why the fuck would anyone other than insurance companies want republicans in charge of healthcare? Some of you really are retarded. I hate people so much
Obama should be holding the aborted fetuses he's paying for desu
>for years it's been university accoeted that obamacare is shit
>suddenly the left loves it like it was some amazing bill
Gets my noodle hard
Are you a college professor?
>for years it's been university accoeted that obamacare is shit
stalin should of wiped you guys out when he had the chance
>should of
Oh look, a rural retard.
because i'm not paying for your stupid decisions you fucking wetback
keep it up with the slide threads buddy you're doing a great job
Google it you kraut it never broke 50% approval. EVER.
Real Trump supporters know!!!
NO on Paul Ryan's establishment plan
YES on Rand Paul plan - We want the #RandPlan
>it never broke 50% approval
Neither did Trump's presidency.
59% approval rating.
Why he kill them white babies
>59% approval rating.
Maybe in Russia.
It was a law written by big pharmaceutical and lobbying it made costs more expensive and caused millions to lose their work healthcare because it became to expensive
Companies across the nation hired people at sub 30 hrs per week to avoid the mandates in Obamacare and if you were poor and couldn't afford it through the government market (which is only serviced by like one carrier). You get your fined
So it forced private people into a contract with private companies just because they are alive which was them deems constitutional as a tax
If you value freedom it's a horrific law, if you want cheap healthcare it's a failure and if you want a single government payer it's blatant plutocratic monopolizing
Nobody likes Obamacare it's a shit law
>not even 2 months in
When did kraits start acting like leafs?
Not an argument.
>being in this much denial
>Implying Democrats are any better.
oh look your narrative collapses
>obama killed the children so they would behave
>trump has the stones to wrestle with two screeching ALIVE children
>55% of people are easily fooled sheep
Not surprising you can stumble into the top 20% by being not retarded
You can be in the top 10% of you actually read some Books
I hate the plebs
unintendedly visualising yourself as a baby.
good analogy.
so obama drugged little kids?
wew lad muh almonds
>Nobody likes Obamacare it's a shit law
The original draft was significantly better. Then the Republicans got their hands on it, fired up their propaganda machine ("OMG death panelz!!!"), and the blue dogs, fearing for their re-election, caved.
What was then passed was a heavily diluted version of the original draft that resulted in a handout to the insurance industry thanks to the GOP. That makes Obamacare a Republican product.
Still, it did away with pre-existing conditions and enabled 20 million Americans to get insurance. It was a step in the right direction. Obamacare wasn't unpopular because it did too much, it was unpopular because it didn't go far enough.
You fat, blubbering vagina.
Not an argument.
Not a single republican voted for it
>Those digits
Has kek abandoned Trump?
Doesn't refute anything I said.
I don't think I'm sexist, but biologically that's female's job right? So what's so bad about male being bad at handling babies.
i seriously can't believe after everything we've been through people still fucking take polls seriously in the United States.
thats a bit much, m8
He makes pampered little millennials cry, we a knew that
>Has kek abandoned Trump?
Kick the baby.
>republicans ruined the amazing bill and then only democrats voted for it
>so it's republicans fault
Lol what? The bill was always lobbyist written garbage
You think anything that has come out of Washington is actually about helping people? Do you think the patriot act was about patriotism? Do you think the ACA provided care for anyone?
Get your head out of your ass
it's over
>not CIA
>YES on Rand Paul plan
So why did you vote for Trump over Rand?
kek is the god of chaos
it mean triggering everyone
After going on about how Obamacare would "literally kill your GRANNIES with DEATH PANELZ!!!!", or course Tardpublicans couldn't vote for the bill they help craft.
After all, hypocrisy is a defining trait for Fartpublicans, which is why you find them so appealing.
>implying I voted for trump in he primaries
I would have been fine with rand Cruz or trump DESU senpai
Single payer systems do have "death panels".
That's hyperbolic for sure but there are people in the European healthcare systems that determine when people need care and when people don't
That's why rich euros will get supplementary insurance or go to the us or other nations to get care he state won't provide
But the plebs voted for your god-emperor. Without them you would be looking at a Shillary presidency.
You need the plebians more than they need you.
and the funniest part is I see interesting threads that hardly get any replies at all while idiots like this and his dumb fuck magnet tops off.
this shithole site is truly full of retarded masses
fuck this shithole I've had it for today and tomorrow
Im out
I had ACA plan last year. It cost me about $6,000 out of pocket because I don't qualify for subsidies based on me actually having a decent job. I wouldn't exactly call that "affordable". I was paying much less prior to the ACA for the same coverage.
I'm not a unique case, and this is why white middle and upperclass people think the ACA is shit and should have never been pushed through. You say in your post that it didn't go far much further was it supposed to go? Do you think people like myself should have paid even more? Who do you think is paying for this fiasco?
No, they determine what kind of treatment people need and what kind of treatment they don't need.
It's called being a doctor.
Wow Obama sure knows how to handle liberals
>state funded doctors working with a limited pool of resources
Please you dumb child
>You say in your post that it didn't go far enough
Single payer, or at least public option.
>Do you think the ACA provided care for anyone?
Without ACA I wouldn't be able to afford health insurance. So, yes the ACA actually DID provide care to US citizens.
20 million of them, in fact.
Get your head out of your ass.
If the original was so great why didn't the Democrats just pass it and reap the good rep that would surely come from positive results? You dumb fucking muslim cock loving piece of shit.
Just like that nigger Canadian blaming everything bad Obama did on Bush and the Republicans. No, Obama owns all of that himself.
Obamacare drugged babies so they are not crying in front of reporters ?
seems scary to me
>why didn't the Democrats just pass it a
It's the very post you replied to, you illiterate fat cunt.
>Then the Republicans got their hands on it, fired up their propaganda machine ("OMG death panelz!!!"), and the blue dogs, fearing for their re-election, caved.
Learn to read.
For me and my family it more than doubled the cost and now we live paycheck to paycheck
You unhealthy faggot
so how does this explain the difference in policy?
kill yourself fat fuck.
I love this place
it's not called trumpcare and there's more than one bill
No, you shit eating moron. If the bill was good it didn't matter what propaganda came out. Dems are responsible for what they voted for and Obama for what he signed.
Back in reality, most people don't want to pay for fat fucks like you to get surgery.
>it's not called trumpcare
Yeah, it should be called trumpcaren't
>Babies in a quiet room
>Babies in an auditorium filled with a thousand screaming people
Blue Dogs caved because they are more conservative than regular Democrats, and the not having a spine is a defining trait of conservatism.
>hurr I don't live in America and I think I understand their socioeconomic issues better than American cause I'm a yuropoor with a superiority complex
Your agony is gorgeous.
You should have it looked at in a hospital, but that would probably put you in medical bankruptcy.
Obama just strangled those babies. Note the lividity of the two victims. Ligature marks are not visible due to clever positioning of the corpses.
Exhibit #2. Trump has forcefully removed two young victims that Obama was planning on strangling next. He is clearly distressed and is screaming, "out of my way, this nigger wants to kill these two white babies".
man yeah remember when liberals also though hillary had a 98 percent chance of winning because the polls told them
Across the board, choices are down and price is up. Look it up if you don't believe it, its just fact dude. If choice is down that's shitty. If cost is up, that's shitty. If both, the program was shit-squared.
It wouldn't have before the ACA was passed
>sagefags can't debate
>implying approval ratings mean anything
>implying those who voted trump give a shit about some sad post-election "feeling poll"
Damn Mohammed
So are you the Obamaleaf's long lost brother, or is it just a conicidence that we have some German dude always regurgitating the same arguments over and over again?
I recently read that the average American family (4 people) pays around 24,500 Dollars a year for health care. That seems high.
I pay 4800 Euros (5060 Dollars) per year for my husband, myself, and my 4-year-old son. Any of us can go to any doctor anytime – dentist, gynaecologist, you name it – without having to pay. If anything should happen, we will be treated without delay or any additional costs.
Affordable health care is possible. You should fight for it.
you screenshotted your own post with just measly doubles
not even trips or quads
but doubles
you are autistic, check dis five
It's a good thing Trump doesn't care about approval, it means pic related doesn't hurt so much.
>check dis
Yeah, that worked about as well as Trump's travel ban.
He just wants to be loved.
Patted on the head.
Yeeees, Donald. Good, good boy. Best Donald.
>He just wants to be loved.
Failing that, he'll settle for getting pissed on by Russian prostitutes.
That's just yummy fluid yellow love.
you don't say,
less rapefugees in our country than yours cuck :)
>less rapefugees
Obama: Young people are under the influence of drugs and are passive little fucks
Trump: Children are ready to fight the (((globalists)))
Breitbart's photoshop skills are atrocious.
Is that a roach hotel in her ass?
Pretty much sums it up