>tfw racist, msogynist who unironically believes in neo-marxist values and wants to exploit progressive ideas to further my own career
>tfw best of red and blue pills mixed
>tfw violetpilled
Who /violetpilled/ here?
I'll fuck the shit out of Ellen page.
Lesbian tits won't bump your thread
she doesn' shit. She makes delightful garden pellets.
You summed it nicely in a way
You need to act like the blue-pillest of blue-pills, while you perfectly internalized the most valuable lessons of the red one
That's called transcendence
>i hate women
if you base that as your personality and views you've fucked up. hatred is a tool of anyones enemy.
She doesn't fuck men, fatso
Hands off my waifu
Poster thinks Ellen won't bring in Sup Forums
I'd like to see her laying some pellets in that garden if you know what I mean
I am deep down partly bluepilled though, only the more extreme parts are an act. That and being a full blown racist, msyognist of course
I don't hate women I love them and want to be put my penor inside the cute ones like Ellen, I just believe they are generally inferior and society expects less of them. Are you going to contest that?
Australia the shitposting thread is that way.
It wont save you
no my waifu fuck you
GTFO out of the Anglo-sphere, kike.
I have a 2D waifu as well.
You are allowed one per dimension
fite me faggot
I'm atheist thanks m8. I'd gladly destroy christianity if I could.
>I don't hate women I love them and want to be put my penor inside the cute ones like Ellen, I just believe they are generally inferior and society expects less of them. Are you going to contest that?
yes, but only in the context that you are a moron who doesn't understand the difference between sexism and misogyny, and that you should probably at minimum settle that problem with your education before you get around to throwing us under the mentally inferior bus.
>sexism and misogyny
Literally the same thing just in different degrees.
I guarentee I have a higher level of education than you do.
There's no room for your kind in the civilised world, scum.
no they aren't. one is treating someone different becuase of their sex, the other is hatred of women. hard to get much different than emotion and logic.
>be white male
>check Latino and Black on resumes/college application
>they cannot question it during interviews
>Use diversity groups to benefit own career
>Use Women in Business group to benefit own career (they can't exclude males from participation)
>use every means necessary and available to benefit self and tribe
Look around you next time you drive through town, every business has an owner, every business requires a SHIT ton of money to open their doors. What is the source of all that cash. Find the source and become part of the system.
I don't care what happens to your petri dish of mixed races senpai.
>treating differently
>hatred doesn't inform treatment
Wew lad. Thanks for bumping I guess.
I prefer the Inception nude edits desu.
>Literally the same thing
But they're not the same thing, you fucking faggot.
>Misogyny: The hatred of women
>Sexism: Believing womensould adhere to an archetype
Neck yourself or go back to plebbit.
your just not that like-able that you could change people to your views.
shes a degenerate lez
>exploit progressive ideas to further my own career
I think significant % of the limousine liberals are like that, including democrat politicians
>says you don't hate women just want to sex them and think we're inferior
>backpeddle when you get blown the fuck out
oh, so you have schizophrenia. alright then.
nothing wrong with being a lesbian.
>latino population
Pretty rare here senpai.
>being this mad
>change people to my views
There are more insidious methods other than public discourse mate. How do you think (((they))) managed it for thousands of years?
She blantantly bi for my penor
Yep. I would only vote for social-democrats like bernie though. Shillary wasn't left leaning enough for me.
We still have corbyn here so I support him, not that he's likely to win.
Nope. You can stay mad though.
Thanks for bumping again.
Your depriving my penor
Fuck off, go back to /lbgt/.
Please explain. Is hierarchy natural and good. Or is equality natural and good.
>implying /lgbt/ likes lesbians
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are absolutely wasting your valuable time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life, and if it is, then you're fucking up
>Being this mad
>Not adressing my point
Good to see that you admit defeat, nigger.
Yes there is. Just because it makes your dick harder than watching fags kiss doesn't make it any less degenerate.
If you don't like it, then get back to your LGBTUVWYZ board
I see now this is a troll
>Your depriving my penor
not being attracted to your dick is usually a no sale to a man, most men want women to think they are attractive.
>I'm atheist thanks m8. I'd gladly destroy christianity if I could.
user, you just replied to a lesbian.
Tbqh, I don't even want to see her pepperoni tits, I'd rather she just GTFO.
>makes my dick hard
cute, stay idoltrash.
>latino population
seems strange as Spain is 14hrs away.
I live in CA and Washington state is about 14hrs north of us. I still see Washington plates around town every once in a while.
Unless you are going by Latino = Latin American, which yeah.. that would be a longer drive.
>I'm a cuck who is too afraid to reveal my political views because the evul SJWs would bully me
You're no better than the lefties themselves desu famalam
not sure why you would want to see the tits of a lesbian in the first place. theyre just tits.
She's lesbian so no
>hierachy natural and good
Only if I'm at the top of it by pretending I care about equality for all whilst not giving a shit and banging leftist women.
>equality natural and good
Millionaires and billionaires need to pay tax and the earnings would allow for improved living for all. Money is there for restructuring but rich kikes have it locked down.
>white race
England is 87% white, odds are good of miscengation not occuring. Negroes tend to be ugly, and asians women usually look like boys.
No. I am a neomarxist part for personal benefit part due to ideological bias. Nothing trollish about that.
no shit senpai
All the christians are getting old and dying in my Country, in another generation it'll be a relic.
I have seen only a handleful of spainish here.
No like I said I am part neo-marxist unironcally and part for my personal benefit.
Yeah we don't have those in the UK mate.
>not wanting to see Ellen's disappointly small pancake boobies
Yeah fair enough, I'd still like to see her butthole and roastie though. I'm off for a fap if this thread is still up I shall be back with responses if there is any actual political discussion..
lesbianism is just polygamy without a suitable husband
You really want attention don't you?
mfw shes a lesbian
>trying intersectionalism on Sup Forums
there are plenty of hot women out there. stop crying. being a lesbian is 100% worse for seeing a bunch of hot women you can't have.
i know right?
>being a western marxist
Dude that is just nasty AND retarded