Jews have taken over the new media (video games)
>Deliberately making people ugly because marxism is against all that is good and beautiful and instead praises all that is bad and ugly.
Jews have taken over the new media (video games)
>Deliberately making people ugly because marxism is against all that is good and beautiful and instead praises all that is bad and ugly.
>EA is shit
What's new?
Call me a weeb if you want but i only play japanese games (except for rare exceptions) since the western industry is full of this marxist cancer.
This is about Bioware specifically.
Marxism is ugly. More at 11.
it's not a a lack of skill (see the likeness of the dude) this is a political agenda pushing tactic.
blizzard is owned by a jew, and they made overwatch, every character is super sexually represented.
what now
Guess who owns Bioshill now?
>every character is super sexually represented
except for the butch duke russian and the lesbian australian, and the fact that they're saying more characters are gonna be LGBT
thats all fine, they are making the characters hot tho, doesn't matter, still makes the op's wrong
They can't just decide to say a character is gay outside of the game a year later. It won't be canon if it isn't in the game.
>thats all fine
they already did and it's canon.
wait are you telling me lesbian porn is bad? and that lesbians gotta go?
Do not buy this shit.
more likely the are just shit "artists" who cant make anything look good
I would fuck that butch russian and that lesbian australian at the same time.
Who even gives a shit?
The """""animation""""" is the real atrocity here.
>every character is super sexually represented
So angry gorillas turn women on?
>make them pretty
>"Durr, sexist gamerz!"
>make them ugly
Anyone, who even wastes a second humouring these cucks is a retard. Literally who cares what females and numales say?
they did the male character just fine, retard. they 3D scanned her probably, and then manually made her ugly.
vote with your wallets
tell others to do the same
they can't pull this shit if they are not making money
ya dude, their being gays and lgBBQ's in the game doesn't have anything to do with your point, which is that jews are making women in video games ugly, when in fact i they aren't
>implying those two groups are the same
you germans are fucking stupid. probably because of your incest fetishes and all that inbreeding.
Genji and Hanzo fuccbois calling it now.
Reminder of you give money to these people you deserve to die with them.
Same goes for all of the ones who do this.
Go put on an antifa costume and stop pretending like you aren't a piece of shit.
check the char model for the woman in op pic,totally different its a delibrate effort to fugly them
ill pirate it but not buy it
>Triple A animation
they're brothers..
you people are low energy losers.
>impyling it matters if they are
Maybe you should cut back on the weed, idiot.
Wow that's so unlike a Jew...
It's astounding how dumb liberals are. You have no critical thinking skills.
Zenyatta is a robosexual.
No, they have made characters that look almost identical to their models with worse tech
Anyone else have caps like this? I'm trying to bring this up with some friends.
Natalie Dormer also turned out ugly as hell.
>People still play triple a garbage
It's like none learned anything from gamergators
Well seems to be right up the LGBT alley then.
>Playing games not made in Japan or Eastern Europe...
Wasn't Overwatch made as a deliberate ruse to get these cunts to shut the fuck up about MUH OPPRESHUN *Autistic Screeching*? The game has absolutely nothing to cry over. Exept lack of landwhale fat female which they wont shut up about.
all weebs should hang
The male character is a manlet numale. Any Bioware design that's attractive has been a accident.
indie games are fine sometimes
Maybe it's just me who the fuck thinks a video game character is sexy to begin with only an ultra degenerate.
user, I.... Have some news for you.
>Mass Effect 3
>people actually buy the next one
You deserve everything you've received.
Projection incarnate
Mass effect fucking sucks anyway, just don't buy it.
No one wants to stare at ugly characters in a video game, if bioware wants to cater to a market that doesn't exist, let them hasten their demise.
>manlet numale
that's because the new guy is based off an american model (americans are all manlets) and the old guy (Shepard) was based off a Dutch model (Tall master race)
>reeeeee, you over-sexualized female characters
>reeeeee, they're too ugly
liberal logic
Wait a minute ugliness is a feminist thing now? Fucking hell.
Games were unironically better when they starred animals and spaceships.
>muh Witcher
>acting like Witcher 3 wasnt full of SJW shit and DLC cancer
>Exept lack of landwhale fat female
If they made someone like Roadhog female they would have just whined about how the character is depicted. There's no winning in that area.
fucking retarded trope that has to stop.
I want to see some fucker try this and get shot three times in the face.
>>reeeeee, they're too ugly
liberals have no issue with this. they want it.
it's the uncuck'd community that is against making models ugly on purpose.
they even left a 10 inch gap when she punched a black person just so they didnt have violence against blacks lol
Can anyone just find a real person who looks like this character and feed it to Left? and see how they react
What. The. Fuck.
Looks like some amateur shit on tumblr
They also where unironically better when they didn't shove their libcuck morality systems down my throat.
>(((Cuck Effect)))
That's legitimately the most degenerate, blue-pilled game to have ever existed. It promotes almost every type of degeneracy; every single type of enemy, including genocidal insects and machines bent on destroying intelligent life, is "simply misunderstood" and ends up culturally enriching humanity, unless you play as a complete senseless jerk.
That's fucking disgusting. And you morons actually pay money for that shit.
>make female characters sexy
feminists get mad
>make female characters ugly
feminists get mad
>make female characters
do you japanase games?
i onl saw two that are actually good, the rest are a bunch of nonsense light novel and eroge.
Do you know why it looks like shit?
>doesn't have to model hair
Seems to be the pattern.
>trusting The Sun
Picture related is why this news source is shit.
I hope you dumbasses don't believe everything you read.
But we should still buy clothes from sweatshops? Also various food and drinks made from slave labor, right?
Do you happen to own any Apple products, mate?
Ugliness has always been a feminist thing
This. Anyone who wouldn't give this a go is gay.
I feel like it would work, you just actually have to be strong and quick about it
What are you talking about? Roadhog is a BBW. Don't you dare assume xir gender. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Fucking retard
But then they'd balance it out with hot characters like Mercy, Widowmaker and D.Va .Then again these faggots would make up some body standard horseshit about how uglies are never loved so I guess you really can't win.
Breath of the wild just released and all you can think of is meme erotic games on steam
Remember that in nu-Bioware games women have wide strong man jaws and men are all jawless cuck numales and niggers.
Aaaaaand he's a leaf.
>this is a bad thing, they're ugly
>beauty doesn't matter
just get tumblr to attack this.
The American version is even better
fuck off i trought i was speaking with america not mallaria
>I guess you really can't win.
That really is the problem with this whole thing. The more you give in the more everyone else wants a piece until the original idea no longer exists.
>trusting The Sun
this entire issue and story started here on Sup Forums (Sup Forums)
they didn't create it, they're just reporting on it for once.
>not realizing that amatuers on tumblr are slowly infesting every inch of the games industry and getting rid of competent employees
>playing Bioware games after DA:O
Eve online is the only good game.
Literal cuckold. i care about my own race, not some pakis working in a sweat shop.
nah dude that is pretty gay.... look at the man arms and short man hair..... Tits look nice, but it would feel like banging a dude.
Yes that shit turns you trans.
Stop watching porn you faggot.
good luck hitting that from behind
its gonna look like some faggot
>"liberal white people are also the damn problem"
>says nigger on his twitter
kinda funny
>acting like Witcher 3 wasnt full of SJW shit
How was it full of SJW shit?
>DLC cancer
>implying that Witcher's DLC wasn't some of the best DLC ever made.
Describe everything that is wrong with the webm.
I think it would depend on how much the aggressor wants to keep you alive. If you are a potential asset to them, they really do not want to shoot you in the face.
>capture spy with intel, aim gun at face with no intention of pulling trigger unless they attack
>capture street rat who just stole a purse, any move and his brains will paint the wall
Aren't they upset about every mainstream character being slim, fit and pretty? Now ugly is bad too? Fucking hell. Genocide tumblr now pls
To be fair there was a tranny in the witcher, also you were meant to pity the "persecuted races"
>rogue agent kills other agent
>demand investigation
>board says no proofs
>go and find proofs
>still dont believe you but let you investigate anyway
>discover ancient conspiracy to eradicate all organic life
>present it to board
>still dont believe you
>let them die as ancient evil attacks them
>put your own man in charge
but its so much fun to be a dick to all the other races while proving them wrong at the the same time. The game lets you go complete HFY, if you want to. It is all up to your choices.
Do not trash talk samara, also look at her model
Asaris don't have hair user
yes THEY are, but this is about REAL gamers being pissed off.
Bioware became garbage the moment EA bought them out. They replaced the writers and producers with brainless yes men (and women), and actually think their audience is going to go along with it.
Andromeda looks like complete shit, I mean it really actually LOOKS like shit, the animations are fucking terrible (surprise!) and the plot is just a rehash of the first one.
thats seriously a new alien race?