>Mel Gibson says Trump's plans are nonsensical, says illegal Mexicans are fighting for USA in army and doesn't believe in the wall
Can we stop fapping tot his guy now?
>Mel Gibson says Trump's plans are nonsensical, says illegal Mexicans are fighting for USA in army and doesn't believe in the wall
Can we stop fapping tot his guy now?
Sup Forums is far too stupid for that
who r u callin stoopid, 70 point iq sandnigger
Fucking germans.. You never stop suprising with the nigger-loving. People dislike Sweden, but they fucking HATE you guys. Fokkin häll...
Anyone in hollywood has to toe the line regardless of what they actually think.
Mel Gibson barely made it back in. He is going to be a good goy and say whatever it takes to stay there.
Need the rest of the interview to. He didn't shill for Hillary in this segment, tho. He was just unhappy that both choices were bad.
He's reading from a script so he can get out of Hollywood timeout
Mel Goybson
Are there really illegal Mexicans in the army?
>Hey! Someone actually thought for themselves and doesn't just blindly follow an ideology!
You Trump supporting retards are just as bad as Hillary supporters, you both think you're on the "right" side of history, despite both status quo ideologies being insufficient for a future on this planet. For the average person, at least. Gain some ability to actually critically think for yourselves instead of just blindly following an orange faced egotistical child who doesn't give a shit about you. You guys are a level of autistic this world has never seen if you seriously believe a billionaire cares about anything more than making more money.
This guy is sacrificing his own beliefs for his career, that's a mistake
He should really be writing extremely pro USA movies, he could probably get Trump to ask Barron if he'd personally fund Mel's movies and he'd probably say yes.
Modern Top Gun with chinks as the baddies
We want it Mel, throw (((Hollywood))) under the bus and go independent.
Mel is just doing what he's got to do to earn a living, you think he actually believes that? We are talking about a guy that called Winona Ryder an "oven dodger" to her face
Nah, he's so submerjed in mexican culture that he doesn't see a difference. It really has nothing to do with being a shabbos goy.
Catholicucks gon cuck
He isn't going to jeopardize his Passion sequel.
Relax, dude. We're all just memers, right?
covert ops to get back into hollywood and begin redpilling the masses again
this. he pissed off the hollywood elites once already, so now he has to be a good goy and say what he's told to say
Jesus is back and this time it's personal.
No. Undocumented immigrants cannot join the US military. You can join if you get a green card.
You can get expedited citizenship if you serve. Obama was trying to make it so illegals serving guaranteed citizenship.
Illegals, most likely not. You can still join the military as a non-citizen, but I'm pretty sure you have to prove you are a legal resident
Mel Gibson hates the jews and the blacks. Mexicans are Christians. He also really wants to direct the next Suicide Squad movie. He will probably announce soon that he has done an independent study and determined actually 600 million jews died in the holocaust.
He's just really into Mexican culture, he see's them as hardworking people who will do jobs for nothing so they can feed there family, just like Immigrants from Ireland who were considered unfavourable.
This. Allowing Catholics in was the beginning of our downfall.
also this
What good would a military comprised of pregnant housekeepers and illiterate landscapers do? Illegals are 99.9% completely different from the ones who migrated here legally. At least in my experience.
Jewish brainwashing
He made him look even more chinese
Christianity in general stupid faggot
Because all illegals are poor, people who come to America legally are ok in money or have an IQ that's enough to mantain American civilzation.
He's not Chinese.
that's the dude from godzilla final wars
He's just appeasing to the High Jews in Hollywood.
Mel is definetely /ourguy/.
What he says as a reformed denizen of Jewywood doesnt matter. What matters is the anecdotes of him. The proverbial cat amongst the pidgeons racking up oy veys here and there. Its what it endeared him to polsters as it did btards. Nothing more.
Military standards. You have to be fit (enough) to be in the military.
The real problem is that once they get out the military, they have skills that are suitable for supporting gang activities and raids on other gangs.
Romans did this.
He has slitty eyes, he's chinese.
Mel Gibson just hates kikes and niggers. He's a good story teller and knows how to make good films. I agree with him on a number of issues. If he's saying this shit, it won't make me hate him. Either he's bluepilled or he's trying to not jeopardize his ability to drop redpills on the masses via his movies.
He's really wants to make a sequel to the passion, which you can beat your sweet ass will show the kikes for what they are.
It's almost like the USA is European homeland and that Mexicans are privileged to be here.
Fuck off sour kraut
Mel's berserk hatred of the Jew is so imtense it leaves no room for hating on beaners.
Hahahaha stupid goys think they can have their own opinions
>It's almost like the USA is European homeland and that Mexicans are privileged to be here.
Goddamn nigga you stupid?
No they join to become a fucking citizen
> orange lardass who loves isreal and sold his children to the kikes
>wise sage who hates and calls out the jew
Shut up, you fedora wearing fatass. While I don't agree on everything with Trump, the wall was one of the main reasons he won, it gave the right impulse, it was "cool", a "change", people like this, they rather see changes than having to wait for them forever and never be sure if something has changed or not.
>Undocumented immigrants
They're Illegal Aliens you fucking cuck.
Could you please rephrase your post in a non-leaf way? I don't understand why you would think what I said is stupid
This. He barely made it out alive with the Jew stuff then his cunt ex wife leaked those phone calls. Mel has to say this.
Yes Mel is now very progressive and loves minorities.
Webem related.
He's right. USA is literally a country of immigrants. All of your ancestors were immigrants.
And Trump's decree ignores fucking Saudi Arabia. He's a pawn.
The military already has enough welfare queens as it is. You'd be amazed at the amount of fat nigger pogs they refuse to get rid of. There's a ton of niggers in the military too fat for combat and too stupid for desk work.
lol, I've noticed this. Obsessive Antisemites seem to forgive everything in the name of spearing their Moby Dick (The JEW!)
Libertardians need to fuck off.
That expression after he shakes the nigger hand.
He's right though, just because Mel is conservative and red pilled doesn't mean he has to suck the farts out of trump's ass. He can and will call him a fucking retard just like he called leftists fucking retard when the label fits.
Sorry your trumpettes can't handle criticism and critical thinking even from within your own party. Fucking losers.
Saudi Arabia is paying for the safe zones in syria atm. He'll have much more flexibility to change major policy in his 2nd term. No president that wants to be reelected blows his load in the first 4.
Mexicans are part native, they're native to the continent.
How does Euro imperialism justify that Mexicans are not allowed to be in there old homeland?
I think he really wants to make some more movies while he can.
I feel like Mel is more likely a kind of apolitical guy after all the stuff he went through.
He is just doing some minor repentance for being a fucking white Christian male, who dared to say something bad about G-d's chosen.
Total aussie
America always was a country for northern Europeans.
Where does this shit come from America was supposed to be for all races of the world and be a nigger fest?
Mel's a spickaboo, are you really surprised?
He is not right. The wall and its hype was needed to win this. Trump never talked about a wall years ago, he just knew it was necessary to win this.
If it's a good idea per se or if it's not doesn't even matter.
My family was here before America existed. Stop the country of immigrants meme.
"illegals" people who fight on the army receive greencards for whole family.
>also fighting a conflict that should have never started
top kek
This +3. If he wants any kind of career, he has to watch what he says because (((they))) can and will fuck it up for him.
Central Mexicans were violent colonisers of other natives.
Native American was a diverse place saying all people with some native ancestry have a right to move and live in the US is like saying millions of Russians have the right to flood, unchecked, into France and live there if they feel like it because they're native Europeans.
It's a fucking nonsense meme that could be applied to any country on earth if you go back far enough in time
Never said they have the "RIGHT'' but just to say only Europeans have to privlege to live in America is utterly stupid.
That's like an Arab colonizing Germany and saying "I live here and the natives of Germany should be PRIVILEGED that they're even on this land"
You've got some nuts calling anyone a nigger lover under that flag, at least we've kept them out of the north here.
Maybe if you'd have actually done something during the war instead of sitting on your hands as per you might have a name like Germany does but you don't.
No, he knows Trump is a jew.
That's precisely what Muslims do. Go into any no go zone.
fucking this, I'm American Indian from Oklahoma, and it pisses me the fuck off that all my fellow tribal bros and sisters take up for fucking illegals all the time. Like, fuck them, we went and stole their shit and their women back in the day, never owed them shit, never have, and don't now. I fucking hate illegals as much as any American, they shit on our wages as common Americans. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL
based Mel can have his own opinions who cares ?
Mexicans invaded Iraq for their oil and toppled Saddam's regime
Mexico is at war with Islam and ISIS will make them pay
No it's completely different because Europeans (primarily Anglo-saxons) settled and built the United States. They built its institutions and wrote its laws, created it's vast agricultural base as well as its modern industries and all it's wealth and identity. They have as much right to protect their identity as the Germans or British or Japanese or Koreans do. Or even for that matter as much a right as Canada and Australia have.
It's beautiful to hear this!
This hippy bullshit acceptance culture has gotten to our youth harder than it has any other. Our women all have fucking black kids and shit, you white guys think you have it bad. It pisses me off because our people are so outright racist sometimes against white people. They readily admit they would rather side with "brown people" against white people on the issue of illegals, purely out of spite. It baffles my mind. My grandparents loved America, had American flags and shit all over, and realized that when America prospers, American Indians can too. All this bullshit hippy identity politics has ruined my people and our culture even moreso than natural factors and boarding schools imo
I meant to quote
He enjoys making movies. Also the wife that tried to ruin him was Russian. That experience would have overpowered his hatred for kikes and replaced it with Russians.