I'm actively trying to BTFO this dumb lefty bitch. Here's the problem. I can't find credible sources on this issue. Help is needed.
Normiebook meme goes hard
I love this thicc asian left tho.
Bet this nasty little yellow slut is into raceplay
> public education
> Facebook echo chamber
Viagra is not "government funded". If you're in the military you get a variety of benefits paid for by the government. That includes both ED medicine and birth control.
Viagra is for your heart. Not your boner. Tell these degenerates to get their head out of the gutter.
She's no slut. Just a sexy bitch.
Thicc asians are the best
Insurance pays for viagra, and not always. Many times it's an out of pocket expense. Tell her that she can abort as many babies as she wants as long as she pays for it. People who are against abortion shouldn't have their tax dollars going towards it, end of story.
Her ass is 10/10
Thanks my niggas. I thought this shit would slide.
saying Viagra shouldn't be funded if birth control isn't funded is one thing that makes sense.
But comparing something not working correctly to something working exactly how it is supposed to is silly
Maybe it's just me, but the handwriting and phrasing made that hard to understand.
Whatever, I don't care.
She seems so smug and self assured, I instantly don't want to see what she has to say.
One is a medical disorder
The other is not
Yup. Tasty
>viagra is government funded
But why? Buy it yourself, faggots.
link to her insta?
I want those girls to laugh at, ridicule and suck and lick my limp dick.
why not just get a light skinned latina so you have thiccness and not an ugly flat yellow man face?
I dont know it
Asians are hot. Youre gay if you dont think so. Thicc asians are a treat.
God damn you fuckers are distracted by pussy.
She is hot tho
I don't want to fap to some snoody cunt god dammit...
8 dollar copay. Man, best 6 year investment ever. Now I get all kinds of goodies for next to nothing, and forever. At least if the govt knows what is good for it. Starship Troopers was the best book ever for vets.
Its ok
Shes pissed youre a man.
time to fap
I wish she would hold me at the verge of ejaculation for hours and tease me
Penis a sex organ. If it's not working, the government covers treatment. Abortion is literally saying my body is working fine but just kill this thing inside my womb.
Fucking liberals and their inability to think ciritcally
>"I support abortion because it regulates the black population"
>liberal heads explode
I like abortion.
Less kids.
Less money being given out for welfare and other government programs for families.
Sounds great to me.
White children are the future of our people.
I have tried finding evidence that the government funds abortions but I can't find it. Is this some leftist media trickery?
Medicine is meant to restore or maintain health. Viagra restores normal sexual function to men. Getting pregnant is the natural function of sex. Birth control impedes the normal function, it is anti-health. The next time someone talks about birth control and women's health in the same sentence, please correct them.
Is a a planned parenthood report. Read it.
I see that pph does.
In short, yes. The government PPH funding is done so under the condition that it not be used for abortions. Obama did fund abortions in Africa, though (it was one of the very first things he did as President as I recall).
You choose to be a slut and get pregnant. You don't choose to have erectile dysfunction.
>another asian leftist on display
>China actively funding Shareblue/Hillary/leftist cancer in Western countries
>Sup Forums will ignore it and pretend Asians are on our side because of one pictures of koreans from the 1960's.
>he fell for the gooks are better meme
Well actually I have to give this one to femcunts. Holy shit I can't believe it either. But yeah, viagra, sex changes, birth control. These are all fucking optional life choices to me. Buy a condom, get some pills. It's your fucking choice, you should pay for it and not some other guy who has nothing to do with it.
but their argument is "this is state funded so mine should be too", not "this is state funded and it shouldn't be" (by and large. The actual sign? Yeah, it agrees with me, and I agree with it.)
If this is the position they actually adopt, I will be forced to... *shudder*.... agree with feminists.