Why are most millennials race mixed?
Why are most millennials race mixed?
Boomers who were hippies.
They definitely aren't
Me gusta
they aren't.
Why are airplanes faster than trains
They aren't
Why are there so many mongrelized millenials? Fucked up parents pushed into it by (((propaganda)))
no but their children are
Look at Israel
That's why.
Their mothers couldn't resist the BBC
Small Asian Penis.
No, I really doubt it, mixed race children are still very much the minority and not the norm, the media will never be able to completely normalize it to the extent that it's more common than monoracial births.
To the extent that the question has any truth this is almost certainly correct
All mix raced children tend to be absolutely beautiful genetically diverse children. If you are honest with yourself you will have noticed this.
Instead of seeing the beauty unfolding right on front of you, you have to dirty it up and make it about "white genocide" and "cucks" and "BBC" and other filthy minded shit. The average Sup Forums who subscribes to this utter nonsense must have brains the size of a pea and even smaller penis size to boot and preach the gospel of insecurity, fear and a massive inferiority complex.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are absolutely wasting your valuable time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life, and if it is, then you're fucking up.
you dont even have to do all that shit if you are white.. just don't be a dick
>all mix raced children tend to be absolutely beautiful
I stopped reading here
then all hope is lost for you my friend, you can't stop an idea whose time has come.
>Instead of seeing the beauty unfolding right on front of you, you have to dirty it up and make it about "white genocide" and "cucks" and "BBC" and other filthy minded shit. The average Sup Forums who subscribes to this utter nonsense must have brains the size of a pea and even smaller penis size to boot and preach the gospel of insecurity, fear and a massive inferiority complex.
Nah, they are just edgelords.
lol wtf Chile you are not even white... you think they will let your chillean ass into the country club?
thanks to civic nationalism
So what Monaco? All those mixed race children are more beautiful than your dark brown babies...
Thank you for that shit opinion roo nigger
you are welcome about to be conquered by russia shiet tier democratic country
I find most mutt pretty disgusting personally, they all have these dark hairs and dark brown eyes with this shitty "almost" white skin.
She looks bland, average and even a bit ill.
Over time it is natural and healthy for homogeneous cultures to bring in "fresh" DNA to mix with the general population. The concept is called "hybrid vigor" and is observable and measurable.
Over time races get more and more mixed, naturally, it's only natural that today's generation are "more" mixed than previous ones.
(((Hybrid vigor)))
Boy my country is full of mixed race people all most of them are ugly af.
>All mix raced children tend to be absolutely beautiful
You can't be serious, most of them look like abominations.
The girl you posted is a 3/10 at most.
You don't know wtf hybrid vigor is you fucking retard, it only applies to extremely inbred population groups like dog breeds, not entire human population groups.
Some millennials look like some freaks from humanae.tumblr.com
Not everyone's definition of beauty are "fap material" or "rootable" or "10/10" True beauty shines from the inside out.
lol, ok Hans
>Why are most millennials race mixed?
Except that they aren't.
Said the person who's never had to come to terms with having a child that looks nothing him or her.
why do you care?
I'll met her in a few hours
Post your pic now snownigger
>All mix raced children tend to be absolutely beautiful genetically diverse children.
(pls end my suffering)
>Post your pic now snownigger
y-you mean this?
I agree that "beauty" and sexual attractiveness are two different concepts.
The girl you posted doesn't apply to either of those, though.
I don't see anything outstanding here, are you racist?
true beauty is a combination of outside and inside. Get lost with your bullshit.
>an entire country mixing with africans
Lesson learned, I hope.
He's not your friend, self righteous ass-fuck. You think your being progressive, but we all see through your shill posting bs. You think mix breed people are better than the rest of us or more attractive, forcing an image of beauty on everyone that represents less than 1% of the population. Every time i turn on a tv or look at a print model its the same thing, a bunch of pretentious looking idiots who think theyre better than everyone else because theyre "multi-ethnic". Pure and and utter racism against the rest of us. Telling black people theyre unnattractive unless theyre half white and white people they dont matter or arent "diverse enough unless theyre half black or asian". Well 99% of us dont want to mix breed and you cant make us. Go fuck yourself, racist asshole.
no you, you just rearranged the sentence of exactly what I meant.
race mixed children exhibit major lingual defects ad deficiencies across the board, along with cognitive decline, and MAJOR HEREDITARY health issues acquired in relation to the maternal or paternal lineage (worst of both worlds).
It's actually really really bad, theres a lot of papers on this too. No I won't speed you stupid fucking liberals, go to your college library and look it up
Actually do some research for once in your useless lives.
why do i get an uneasy feeling looking at these?
Is it some weird lighting or camera setting that makes their faces look distorted?
If that's you, you're still better looking than all those inbreed I've seen in Europe.
>inb4 that Eastwood/De Niro comparison
Ugly parents have ugly children, color me surprised.
It's actually completely unnatural, furthest thing from it, and lowers cognitive abilities.
>completely unnatural, furthest thing from it, and lowers cognitive abilities.
What is the white race ?
you totally read the wrong message through the filtered lens of your bigoted eyes. I dont mean that mix raced children or people are better or superior I am merely acknowleding their right to be beautiful and their right to "Be", where you would deny them these things and deny them the right to exist at all with your "racial purity" nonsense when no such thing exists. If you want to get all science-y about it then as a matter of fact all races are mixed race.. but you dont oppose to cacausoid races mixing you only oppose Caucasian/non caucasian mixes because you are... what?
Not me, some random estonia related gif.
If you wanna see more estonian ppl by the way, I have another, see pic related.
You are cherry picking beautiful pics vs me sharing myself and friends. Stay deluded my friend.
You'll stay in the wrong if you are blindly for/against race-mixing.
>omg BBC is awesome = wrong
>I'll fuck my sister to save my race = wrong
>I'll select the best breeding material for the success of my "race" = good
>No I won't speed you stupid fucking liberals, go to your college library and look it up
>Actually do some research for once in your useless lives.
you realize this is the equivalent of saying "ITS NOT MY JOB TO EDUCATE YOU SHITLORD"
what the fuck, are you a newfag?
I cannot fucking share a pic of myself on Sup Forums and risk some CIA operative gaining insight about Sup Forums demographics
I heard the president of Estonia went to my highschool and years later went back to give a speech and just went off on their old teachers like cursing them out lol
>le newfag maymay xDDD
I was posting here before the cancer appeared, if you think you're not already on some CIA/Interpol/FSB/etc list you're in complete denial...
You mean the former President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves? He was born in America to an estonian family, yes. He also has problems with short temper, I know (vid below, they messed up his name and he got triggered, kek)
Isn't this the guy from electronic music videos?
>Muh dick.
Fuck off nigger.
I just looked it up he is
He's probably in more music videos aswell
Bigot is a word used by the simple minded to oppress ideas and re-enforce their presupposed moral authority. You have no respect for people who dont share your vision of the world. Some of us feel like the new world order is forcing us to hold up a new image of beauty as the standard bearer. It claims to be unifying but it is not, stripping countries of their ethnic identity and people of their culture and traditions, forcing them to adjust to a world that is as manufactured as it is insulting. We like our gene pool the way it is, and no amount of bullying from globalists and self proclaimed progressives will change that. No one will tell you this on the street though because we arent even allowed to think this in public or we are branded bigot by authoritarian assholes like you.
Good job with the lurking, you will be spared on Day of the Rake
Sounds like this new world order has the right idea (if they existed and anyone can actually point out a verified member of such a group... bigot hiding under a tin foil hat alert!)
My gf is mixed race and every time we go out together I can't believe how many filthy race mixers I see everywhere