Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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Whichever one is white
This shit looks horrible for my health
Shouldn't it say Apartment instead of house?
Rebecca seems like a white name to me
I would rather kill myself
hi felicia
Kill yourself OP
Crumpet with a cup of tea for me thanks.
>not going to ashley's house instead
>not realizing her dad just got back from alaska with lots of fresh salmon
>wanting poor people shit food over proper amazing white food
eating at my own house nigga.
I can't make out what those things are entirely.
Ronda has shirmp, kd and 2 other things.
Felecia and Tamika have wings
Rebecca has some kind of pasta?
That doesn't look remotely appetizing.
All looks like filthy greasy shit
Why are all these supposedly home-cooked ethnic meals packaged in foil and styrofoam like take-out food?
its takeout....
>*sips tea*
Section 8
because thats all niggers eat
>pic is of a bunch of take-out food
Learn to cook you fucking degenerates.
nigger phone cam pic #1637272727
black people in Mississippi still eat dirt, they like that rich fertile shit.
What was the intended message of this picture? Was it made by black twitter or made by someone mocking them? For all I know, it goes beyond the whole "white people eat healthier" counter-meme by saying that all cuisines in America have now become this mass of grease and processed cheese that has removed the identity of its roots. It does this via a chain of thought that begins with "Oh, another black twitter meme".
It all looks like the same shit slathered around in different combinations.
I hate the name tamika but those wings look bretty good.
black people always use plastic cutlery and cups as well as those foil trays and styrofoam containers because they don't know what cleaning is.
Ronda.. lobster and shrimp? Easily most expensive "plate"
fat people are gross
mmmm salmon
>nigger in the bottom left has the best plate
Rebecca, but what's with the slide thread?
kill yourself op
i dont eat foreigner shits
e) Marion
Theres a steak underneath that too. higher res version of his food is sometimes on /ck/
Every plate pictured looks like it's overloaded in calories, mostly from saturated fat.
Food stamp buffet
wtf. i dunno what to make of that pic. macaroni something something, frenchfry industrial cheese, shrimp BBQ.
looks HARAMbe
Why aren't you red pilled yet?
>Some kind of pasta
Looks like carne asada fries with guacamole.
sign me up for Rebecca's place
my white wife made beef burgundy the other night. deeeelicious
All blacks eat is flaming Cheetos covered in hot sauce.
Remember that when they ever say white people done like spices.
Niggers are the devil?
Read it carefully.
>thy seed
Seed = offspring/creation.
God caused people to be enemies with the serpent's seed.
What people can you think of that are cursed, eat dirt, and generally hate whites?
lol in op's pic ronda has shrimp and lobster. just dont mind the other crap
Jews are the serpent seed, blacks are beasts.
None of these bitches can cook? Why would I go there for take out?
Ronda bitch. Shrimp, steak, lobster, mac n cheese (worst thing there), and a baked potato.
Even the shitty camera can't hide the truth that Ronda is god-tier
Struggle cuisine thread?
Struggle cuisine thread??
>Jews are the serpent seed
Not true. I think you're talking about fake Jews.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Nigga you can't take no gotdam fishes on a plane.
>i'm 600lbs because my genetics
Good shit.
The Ashkenazis are the fake Jews.
It's take out.
Goddess tier.
tied between Felicia and Tamika
Ronda comes in next
Rebecca last
smoke some weed and watch 50 Shades Darker
Whoever promises to take better photos in the future
wouldn't it be much cheaper to buy a one shot gun?
or even a grenade than going through this shit?
hows eating this fucking garbage.
Will probably choose it over your fish pies.
Synagogue represents the priesthood which I believe are the fake Jews.
Seed represents actual things that come from evil garbage that eats dust.
Also look at this dumb shit. Off the top of your head can you spot the tribe that is missing from the list?
They forgot Dan and included Levi which isn't one of the 12 tribes lol. Dumb shit.
i'll eat at my house, thank you very much
They are probably all 500 lbs. Except maybe Ronda since it's mostly seafood.
So Ronda
that actually made me feel ill
>he never fried the corn cob
>put a pound of corn on the corn cob instead
the fuck is wrong with spics
if it's not a taco or a burrito they can't make anything
Americans call this stuff "cheese"
This is a real fish pie, dude. The ones with heads sticking out of a crust are retarded abominations probably from tryhard chefs trying to get michelin stars.
Get a recipe and try them for yourself.
was waiting for this one.
Who ever filmed these knew that this is fucking garbage or is a fatty and just films so they add just a little more shit to show off.
Why do niggers talk the way they do? English is a perfectly simple language to learn, and the grammar is also quite simple. Why do they have to fuck it up so much? Instead of saying "Whose house are you all eating at tonight?" They say "who house yall eatin' at?"
What the fuck
corn battered with something sprinkled with.. paprika.. topped with corn battered with something sprinkled with paprika again?
what is this shit.
>tsp of olive oil or 20g of butter
>nope let's put 250g of butter in
>so far so good
>diced an onion with a slap chop but okay
>"make sure you put a lot of mayo in this"
god dammit jack.