Well Sup Forums? What are you gonna do about getting BTFO?
Is Ramos right?
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Fuck off
This total cunt
>I'll unabashedly advocate on behalf of my race
>But if you do that it's racist ;)
When white people realize its their own fault for not having children the better off it will be. You can blame Jews, niggers, sandniggers or any other xeno you want, but at the end of the day its because you don't have children.
By 2100, interestingly enough, if you consider all demographic factors, the states of your country will self-segregate.
The coastal states and southern border will be multi-ethnic, while the centre core will we staunchly white. I'll talk you through it if you want.
White conservatives have high birth rates but white liberals are single and play video games
Not really. Whites are 80% of the US and will be so for a long time.
t. Black guy.
It's because it is prohibitively expensive for whites to have kids while they are subsidizing shitskins to breed like rabbits.
I used to think that Germans were smart.
Kids aren't that expensive thats a cop out.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are absolutely wasting your valuable time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life, and if it is, then you're fucking up
it's because we're not killing enough of theirs
we can never out breed the roach races
we are going to have to save what is ours by force, anyone who doesnt believe that is a fool
they dont care about right or wrong
fair or not, justified or not
they only care about taking what is ours.
they second they think they can do it by force, they will
Sadly, this...
Fuck off Hans, stop trying to pull down other white people just because you have a Nazi guilt complex
We didn't ask for millions of subhuman third world immigrants. Our traitorous governments and politicians did. And you can't blame us for not having 9 kids, our towns and cities are overcrowded and the housing is given away to the third world hordes
>Mexicans still assblasted their granddaddys got BTFO by a bunch of farm boys and a scruffy general
They started a war they couldn't finish and we paid for the land. They have no right to be here.
Ok I'll just grab the nearest female and reproduce-Oh wait I forgot I never even had a girlfriend
This assume current trends continue. One of them most ridiculous assumptions imaginable.
Why are you denying the Holocaust?
They absolutely are. Either a patent has to stay home costing 40-80k per year or you hire extremely expensive childcare.
It doesn't matter if you have children or not if the immigration continues anyway.
>Whites are 80% of the US and will be so for a long time.
60%, counting "white" Hispanics and non-white babies have now become the majority. It's over unless Trump manages to reverse the tendency.
$200,000 each up to age 18, assuming you're willing to risk public schools.
$0 for niggers and spics, because that's why you're paying taxes.
Why do you think George Soros gave $250 million to fund the Women's March? He wants to make white women so undesirable that white men won't want anything to do with them.
What're the numbers in France?
It's way more than that if a parent has to stay home.
$200,000? That sounds like bs. Maybe $50k max, thats food, doctor and clothes included. Maybe don't spoil your kids and you won't have to break the bank to have them.
Hold up why? Why do i have to have children? Is there some obligation owed to them? You are telling me its my job to sire a slave. For whom?
No, it's still ~65% Non-Hispanic white. And it was only last year that nonwhite births were a majority - and deporting the 30 million illegals who are (actually) here will go a long way towards helping that.
Whereas you are much, much worse off.
and alt right kids stay virgins and jack off to anime. here is the real issue.
Also this.
No, it's actually a lot more than that. USDA 2013 estimate says $245,000:
So yeah, shut the fuck up, ahmed. You can't expect you know these things when all you do is collect welfare.
What the fuck do you mean is he right?
LOOK AT THE NUMBERS, the shit mestizo maggots are taking over it is theirs now.
Its actually the Greatest Generation's fault for having so many fucking Baby boomer kids. If that never happened white countries population could have grown organically, instead of now we go from having 8 kids to barely 2 kids if that in 70 years.
No it is because we changed the immigration rules.
Carlson sure looks white in the pic. I don't get why you guys like this autistic hack.
>whites will become a minority
No, mixing Mexicans (who are 50% white) and Americans basically makes a white person.
>pic related
>housing, childcare and education,
You mean like you already pay for regardless of children?
Are you stupid? This is a serious question.
>50% white.
Are u serious?
No, you are. You already pay for school through taxes. Housing you pay regardless for your own house. Retard
>Housing you pay regardless for your own house.
>You do not require additional space for children
I explicitly stated 'assuming you're willing to risk public schools'.
I also note that you backed down from food; presumably you realize that children require additional food on top of what you might otherwise buy.
>A family earning less than $61,530 per year can expect to spend a total of $176,550 (in 2013 dollars) on a child from birth up to age 18.
That's roughly 10,000 a year.
>Middle-income** parents with an income between $61,530 and $106,540 can expect to spend $245,340
That is 13000 a year.
Not to mention those numbers are probably inflated.
That's like the city people meme. I work minwage but I've got no GF and play a lot of games.
Oh I forgot public schools in the US are trash my bad
And I already mentioned the food, clothes and entertainment
Why does Tuckerson always look like a retard when hes interviewing people
>That's roughly 10,000 a year.
>Picking the lowest figure
>Actual average is $13.5k
An average white income is about $75,000/year, which is only $53k after-taxes.
So, it's manageable, but that was never the point.
The crux of the problem is that for niggers, it can cost nothing, because they get EBT, public housing, Federal Income Security or Earned Income Tax Credit, Medicaid, and so forth.
>Not to mention those numbers are probably inflated.
Going to support this claim at all?
>Oh I forgot public schools in the US are trash my bad
He pretends his Holocaust Guilt Academies are better.
>And I already mentioned the food, clothes and entertainment
You already said you believe these things magically increase in quantity with your number of children.
But real life isn't like your welfare checks.
The holocaust happened and shouldn't be forgotten. Just because you're a loser that can't afford children on NEET bux and anime don't bring Jews into this. Also there is no guilt taught in school about it I had no part or say in it.
>Just because you're a loser that can't afford children on NEET bux and anime don't bring Jews into this
You were commenting on schooling, and tried to pretend your public education is somehow less based on leftist indoctrination than ours.
I can tell by the fact that you're evading the question and missing the point that you have no counterargument.
>The holocaust happened and shouldn't be forgotten
You mean like the Assyrian Genocide? You're people seem to have done a really good job of forgetting that one.
Si, estoy hablando en serio. Aunque hay muchos indios puros, la gran mayoría de la gente mexicana es criollo o mestizo.
Pensaba que erais del estilo de los peruanos o bolivianos, indios puros en su mayoría.
>implying im not a black American shitposting you stupid ass white boys
America is a Jewish creation, the human race is doomed to extinction as long as the US is allowed to exist, if anything we are doing the world a favor by outbreeding the emasculated, brainwashed whites who won't dare touch a hair of their Jewish masters.
>t. Headless guy
OP is a faggot. Sage.
And your traitorous corporations too. You think they really wanna pay you a full wage when they can hire poor immigrants for slave wages? And those immigrants take it just for the better opportunity. (Because our military appartus continues to destabilize their countries)
>Pensaba que erais del estilo de los peruanos o bolivianos
Es una buena pregunta para un mexicano como él ya que solo soy un americano que puede hablar español.