Vault 7 has shown us how necessary proper Operational Security (OPSEC) is. And yet many of us lack a strong grasp on the concept. We may know about using a VPN and disabling javascript, but that's usually the limit of our understanding. Now is the time to create a guide.
>What OS to use?
>How to stay secure?
>Which browsers to use?
>How to not get backtraced?
>How to communicate securely?
>How to not get blackbagged at night?
and etc.
For those who can't contribute due to a lack of knowledge, I've included a few resources for you below.
dodea. edu/offices/safety/opsec.cfm
blogsofwar. com/hacker-opsec-with-the-grugq/
grugq.github. io
aaronswartzday. org/opsec/
opsecprofessionals. org/free.html
Guide To OPSEC
Other urls found in this thread:
This needs to be spread
I can never find a VPN that isn't blocked from posting on Sup Forums.
You gotta look. There are several
>What OS to use
You absolutely can not use Microsoft or Apple operating systems at all, ever, if you want proper opsec. This means Linux because it's the best alternative out there at this time.
>well OK, but what kind of Linux?
Fedora Workstation is the most secure of the relatively newbie friendly Linuxes at the moment. For the advanced, I recommend Alpine Linux with read-only boot media and persistence. Their wiki covers this.
>how to stay secure
A good 90% of opsec is blocking shit from executing in your browser, not running untrusted code, and disk encryption. Linux is at the state of the art for all three of these, so you're in luck.
>Which browsers to use?
Firefox plus NoScript plus uBlock Origin plus uMatrix. The SJW pawns of the CIA have been infesting Mozilla for years in an attempt to sabotage it from within, but the code is still good. Second best is de-Googled Chromium (NOT GOOGLE CHROME, OPERA, VIVALDI, OR BRAVE). The browser's innate sandboxing is a bit stronger but the architectural impossiblity of anything like NoScript loses on that front.
>how to not get backtraced
Rent an el cheapo VPS at a major provider, set up a VPN and tunnel all your sneaky breeki shit through it when you're at home. Truly sneaky breeki shit should be done at public wifi like airports, coffee shops, etc. Tor should be considered thoroughly compromised at this point and i2p is full of cheese pizza.
>How to communicate securely
>How to not get blackbagged at night.
Buy a gun, learn how to use it, keep it loaded, and keep it within arm's reach when you sleep.
Bumping again. Fuck the shills bots and fuck the mods
All the major server and VPS providers will get rangebanned sooner or later. Passes bypass rangebans.
Make your own. Damn near every public VPN provider has been subverted or is a honeypot.
Id rather make a bot to counter Shareblue and the CIA shills.
The OP post is literally a copypasta from 8 but without the useful comments on the matter, what in the actual fuck?
There's no way in hell you wouldn't be compromised by simply using hardware that was designed specifically to be able to serve as an exploit.
>See russians talking about even processors being rigged in one way or the other, even though people have a way of manually destroying it but still being a difficult task
See also >Make your own
There's hope for AMD's new chips, and of course POWER8 and RISC-V. The executive team is considering open sourcing their backdoor chip.
Best bet is an IP scrambler and crossing your fingers.
Nobody here is dealing with CP or anything of the sort.
Yet, both of it currently in use are not safe.
'Both' in the sense Intel x AMD.
Your fucked if they want to find you. The question is, why would they want to and why do you care? Shitposting isn't illegal yet.
That sort of curiosity has never crossed anybody else's mind, user.
I'll hint at the fact that everything you see as chaos might not be to particular individuals.
Uhh, you don't get to bring Russian advocates.
What is the best country to connect to when using a VPN? I know some are better than others.
I don't think I understand your post
>What OS to use?
Windows XP for sure.
>How to stay secure?
Turn off all vpns and gpg. NEVER trust Tor.
>Which browsers to use?
Chrome for 100% security. Make sure you are signed in at all times for more robustness.
>How to not get backtraced?
Don't do anything that would alert the cyber police.
>How to communicate securely?
Plaintext because encrypting communications makes you a target. The Caesar cipher is still the best. ROT13 is also robust against CONDOR attacks.
>How to not get blackbagged at night?
Stay in your room and eat hotpockets and tendies. Since these need to be microwaved, any bugs will be destroyed in the heating process.
You need to go back to This is horrible advice, learn a bit from
> ctrl+f libreboot
> 0 results
Get an old thinkpad and flash libreboot. It will remove any possible BIOS backdoors. You'll still need to watch over software.
You're not even trying m8.
Except for the WinXP part. Over all Win* version, this is till the best out there.
>Rent an el cheapo VPS at a major provider, set up a VPN
This is better than a VPN if you just want to shitpost, as it's less likely to be rangebanned.
> RSA_decryptor.exe
This webm is full of shit.
Still, win10 is a fucking nightmare when it comes to privacy.
>You're not even trying m8.
not even trying? mate my shit is locked down. perhaps or is more of your flavor
>This webm is full of shit
98% full of shit.
RSA_decryptor could be a tool written by him with a hardcoded key for decrypting the file, but no source or explanation was ever given, so yeah, 98% shit.
>What OS to use?
Ubuntu or Arch
>How to stay secure?
Own a shotgun, handgun and rifle, be proficient in their use. Get training from a place like Tactical Response, Thunder Ranch or Valor Ridge. Get a couple dogs. If someone wants to fuck with you, shoot them.
>Which browsers to use?
Plain Chromium with ScriptSafe
>How to not get backtraced?
Use Tails in a VM inside of Tails from an older laptop that's only used for that purpose.
>How to communicate securely?
Exchange PGP keys in person, encrypt your messages.
>How to not get blackbagged at night?
Have a couple dogs and design your home to be obstructive to forced entry. I know as soon as anyone comes near my house, and anyone attempting a kinetic entry would quickly find themselves in a kill zone tripping over things and blinding themselves due to conveniently placed mirrors. Within a few seconds they'd be under fire from an AKM with a 72 round drum and all they'd see is a 2000 lumen strobe light in my general direction.
Also, know your neighbors and network with them. I have a mexican bikerbro across the street who alerts me to anything suspicious, and I do the same.