Was it worth it?

Memes aside, do you actually regret your decision to help get Trump elected?

He's one of the least competent leaders our country has ever had, and he may legitimately be psychotic.

Sure, we all got swept up in the absurdity/hilarity of the moment, but we forgot that our actions could have long term consequences.

Shitposting for fun is one thing, but when it begins to have a real world impact, I think it's time to re-evaluate motives.

We were so concerned with whether or not we could, we didn't stop to think if we should, and now the world has to share that burden.

I just think we should all be a little more careful in the future.

Kek willed it user.

We are in his hands.

Forever. Have faith.

Could have been worse.

Could have been Hillary.

Due to his election, people worldwide are talking about the fucking deep state, acknowledging that America isn't 'great because it's good', and racial tensions. Hillary would've stopped any talk of this with the usual cloak and dagger, media-controlled bullshit. Also recent sudden demonization of Russia pretty much proves Hillary and her friends desperately wanted conflict with Russia

so no this has been pretty great so far

I'd rather appoint a Horse as Consul than put Hillary in any position of power.

Have we weaver been in this for something more than pure chaos?
Perhaps creating a survivor for the planewreck that are our endtimes was a side goal.


We ever*

they aren't much different except for their views on climate change.

Fuck no don't regret it.

Clinton should be in jail. Fuck her and the Obama admin.

Op please,you are a pro
You can do better


Concernposting, shills are using basic psychology to engineer shitpost blog copypasta.

One buzzword per paragraph, 6 layers of doubt. Not too subtle.

>mfw voted Trump, no regrets.

No, no one regrets it, you dumb chill piece of shit

"I just think we should all be a little more careful in the future."
I'll shovel this "we" down your arse you whore, if you don't support trump then you're not part of this community, just fuck off and go lick jamal's cock with your libtard friends

Fucking cunt

He's done everything I voted for. Everyday he has shitposted so hard nearly everyone in the world gets btfo.

He only looks incompetent to those who are blind, and even then it's because the media and establishment/deepstate are doing everything they can to stop him.

Obama would've been removed from office within 2 years if he was forced to deal with these corrupt traitors.

A black man can't get his cabinet picks through? The CIA and NSA say he's terrible? 95% of stories about him are negative?

Obama would've been GONE GONE GONE.

We are witnessing an internal governmental civil war being played out with the intelligence services running interference.

Fuck off CIA

Yeah guys we have to understand that we should be unbiased when looking at information. Seems lately that everyone is salivating over Trump. He's not. Such a good guy

Shill thread
sage and hide

no regrets.

it's been two months, and he's done more for us than obama.

plus hrc is a corrupt, egotistical cunt. she thinks her shit don't stink, while accomplishing nothing in government except for establish a corrupt foundation and reciprocating favor after favor. thank god she didn't get elected.

liberals are fucking pitiful.

Then why didn't you vote for Trump?

>Memes aside, do you actually regret your decision to help get Trump elected?
every single day

>Shill thread sage and hide


Its almost comical that hillary could have easily won if she just tried to appeal to anybody other than coastal upper-middle class liberals.

My favorite joke this election was
>Tim Kaine


The Russia thing was pretty big. Hillary wanted war for bullshit reasons. She'd have started WW3 as the aggressor.

There was also the fact that you needed to infer her plan from her past actions, and there was no guaranteeing she'd even more remotely in the direction you thought. She even admits to saying one thing and doing another.

Then of course there's the fact that she speaks to a form of populism that benefits individuals at the expense of the rest of society. She came out against the keystone pipeline, which would have created high paying jobs and ultimately reduced environmental impact, just because hippies told her to. She inexplicably swapped to supporting gay marriage, without ever explaining why she suddenly had a change of heart in her 60s, just because it was popular. She advocated for abortion as a "woman's right", and tried to build a fake war on women, when more women are pro-life than men.

Also she was legitimately racist. Pretty much the face of modern racial politics.


Whoever the figurehead of a country is, is literally irrelevant. Our entire socioeconomic system is the problem, and will lead to nothing but doom. Trump nor Hillary will change it, because all they know is the status quo.

Fuck that cunt


I don't regret Trump, just his cabinet choices. I can't tell if the scandals are fabricated (highly likely) but one dude resigning already is pretty bad. Kind of a slap in the face for Trump.

lol no.

You sound like the biggest fucking faggot nigger in the universe. The Reaper wants you today, Tyrone.

He's a better president than Hillary ever could have been.

This poster is a fucking idiot.

He resigned because he lied to Trump retard. How is it bad for Trump to force the resignation of staff members who lie to him? Makes him more competent, unlike Barrack "Whoops an American border guard died by a gun we sold to Mexican cartels but I had no idea about any of it and have no interest in finding out who did, let's just move on" Obama.

Nope, I voted for trump, and will vote for him again in 2020. As a white man I refuse to vote for the party that wants me dead.

Trump is the single politic in the entire American continent to acknowledge the globalist threat. There were no alternatives, and the only incompetency in the government is coming from his enemies.

I voted for Meme Johnson and Weed, so joke on you statists

Hitlary would be worse than Cucktstin Trudeau, Trump has made no mistakes in office yet, keep shilling though.

>Hitlary would be worse than Cucktstin Trudeau,

Gee, ya think burger?? Give me a fucking break. Hillary would be 100x worse than Trudeau.

Kek has already forsaken Trump, because Trumpcuck the Failure is the funnier narrative.
> Cuck in Chief suffers nervous breakdown by June

>it's a 15 year old virgin mixed raced fellah thinking shitposting on a peruvian chess board made trump win an elecion episode

is CTR still throwing shekels your way or do you do it FOR FREE

Don't pretend like you're one of us. A Clinton victory would lead to further decadence of western society and put us into another Cold War with Russia - All while slobbing on Saudi dick even further.

Shut. The Fuck. Up.

hows that brexit comming along bong? Didnt your courts just cuck you again?

Omg this so much! Honestly, I soooo regret voting for him, but I have joined the resistance, so hopefully that makes up for it.


She literally wanted to establish a no-fly zone in a place where only Russian jets are flying. She'd have given the Russians casus belli.

I'm an American. See when you have more money than a poor cucked Trump voter you can do things like travel.
> inb4 lib"tards" disrespect the poor
I tried to help you bro! But no, you went for the con man who isn't "politically correct" and now CuckCare is giving me all your money. I'm sorry little cuck. I'm so sorry.

>Scared of war with Russia
Russia should be nuked

I might be travelling soon. Why in the fuck would you go to the UK?

I've had more fun this election than anytime in my life. I couldn't be happier with the results if I had gotten a blowjob and foot massage every day.
Go fuck yourself.

Not gonna lie former trump voter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Then say that. Don't be a bitch about it. Just tell everyone "Hey, we're gonna nuke em at some point and now's the best time". That's not what Hillary did.

Also, it'd help if the alternative powers hadn't already shown how much they'd exploit it if they had complete global control. I'd prefer Trump brand globalism at the very least.

All propaganda aside, why do you use a photo of Hillary with all the wrinkles etc edited out? Also no, i dont regret it.

Yeah Americas pretty much a joke country now. Youre all a bunch of stupid half breed niggers desu lead by a man with really tiny hands for a man. You've got literally zero credibility now as a country.

Absolutely worth it. Get your head out of you ass and stop watching CNN

wtf I'm with her now.

kill yourself kike

the money is not worth it

You're putting the cart before the horse. This is a result of fake news.

Trump is a Russian asset. Wiki leaks is a Russian asset. Trump is in putins pocket and the plan to destabilise the west is in full motion. The reason there are "traitors" is because there are patriots trying to save you from yourselves, but it's all just fake news to you.

In my case for work, we're figuring out how to move our whole London office to Frankfurt.

Terrible culture and weather, but the food is better than I expected!

>Trump is a Russian asset.

Repeating it doesn't make it true, Ahmed.

Really made me think that Hillary would have been the better choice

wtf I'm a Hilldog now

>Trump is in Putin's pocket

Yes, I am sure Putin has tempted Trump with a sweeter deal than THE US PRESIDENCY

Oh, he might have dirt on Trump, dirt that people who LITERALLY RECORD ALL INTERNET ACTIVITY could not find.

I wish i pokemon go to vote for hillary

wtf ur right shariablue

>but the food is better than I expected

There is no place to go but up when considering British cuisine. Even if it is German cuisine.

your argument is stuipd

The fuck? We knew it would unleash a shit storm. That's what we wanted. That's what the American people wanted. We want a war against reality.

(idealised picture of hillary) Memes aside -amirite guise- Sure, we all got swept up -amirite guise- Shitposting for fun is one thing -amirite guise- we didn't stop to think if we should -amirite guise-I just think we should all be a little more careful in the future- cia intern attempting meme warfare

If Hillary won, the msm would have kissed her ass and ignored controversies

With trump, they are non stop anti trump

They may be lying but it's better to have the press be against the president than pandering executive branch propaganda

How is a multi billion dollar businessman less competent than the slew of retard politicians youve had the last couple decades?

Both Hillary and Trump were controlled by the same kike but I wanted Trump just to see Libcuck butthurt.

Hopefully America find an actual Nationalist/Right winger by 2020.

You're high right? Trump could go down as the worst president and be light years ahead of what that psycho wanted for this country.

>do you actually regret
I am convinced that Bernie, if he could form a good partnership with a consevative democrat, could have beaten Trump in a squeaker margin win, all the lefties and sjw's would march to the ends of the earth to vote for him, just as rust belt dems rushed to voted for Trump.
And in the debates Bernie would have brought forth a lot of arguments and advocacy of old dem party themes that the Clinton branch had long since kicked away, and Hillary with her Wall St connections could not mouth with a straight face.
Hillary was undoubtedly the most hated candidate the party has fielded in decades, even tho millions lover her too, they were canceled out.
t. Bernie supporter who voted for Trump.

>He resigned because he lied to Trump retard.
That was uncalled for.
Still doesn't defeat the fact that some of his cabinet members are sketchy. Dude lying really just reinforces the fact.

Regardless of how shitty trump is, him taking an axe to the system is 100x better than having someone who's inextricably connected to the political elite and the media establishment.

It's hilarious how people are accusing trump of being against press freedom when the vast majority of the press was virtually another wing of the Clinton campaign. They would've been a part of the administration had she won, and AND you'd get alternative facts from the combined force of the white house and the press. You sure as shit wouldn't have a public that holds Clinton accountable for her corruption and lies like it does with Trump.

What do you think the whole "fake news" thing was? It would've been a story even if Hillary had won, and then she'd have the power of the government and the media to crack down on anything that doesn't fit the narrative by labeling it fake news. Not to mention even worse relations with Russia and a rotting political scene which would inevitably blow up even more fantastically than it did this year.

Freedom in chaos is preferable to slavery in order

And the picture doesn't even tell the whole story. Cbs and Viacom are controlled by National Amusements, which is led by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein)

I want the real world to burn

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So you think Flynn set up the hack by the Russians, of which there is no proof of, just to help Donald Trump, who at the time was not even the Republican candidate, win the presidency?

What is the motivation?

Every day I'm more and more proud of the fact that I voted Trump.
My only regret is that I don't have the money for a MAGA hat.

Absolutely am glad I voted for Trump. I'd go back up North and vote for him 6 times again any day.

Don't regret voting for him and probably never will.