Paul Ryan ATTEMPTS to explain

Desperate man tries hard to convince the world, who is entirely against him, why his healthcare plan is so good and needed.

He is literally staking his entire career on this. Trump didn't even need to bring him down he's gonna do it himself hahahahahahahahahahaha

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fucking kek

down with RINOcare

in with RandCare

The Ryan Obamacare-lite plan is DEAD.

Kek wills it!

Fuck Trumpcare

Paul Ryan's always been a cuck

I missed seeing these high school presentations

I wouldn't even buy used cars from Paul Ryan.

I wouldn't doubt that Trump was getting sick of Ryan trying to underhand him, so he backed his shitty healthcare like you give a child a toy to play with to keep them quiet.

BONUS: He ends his own career over this shit legislation

The Rand Plan MUST be the basis for any new replacement healthcare legislation

Sup Forums will always support the politicians who call into Alex Jones. Clip from Tuesday

Its going to happen because noone cares