Let's rate each other's genetics

18.75% Bavarian phenotype reporting in.

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All swedes. I'm too lazy to make an image.



SlavShit Polak

>this is the face of 21st century America

get the fuck out you god damn mongrel beast


Hopefully he shoots you in the face

murrican mutt
very smally native

T-this is me

I'm sorry user but please follow me this way to the "showers"

S-so does that make you a nigger?

Well I'm half Indian, not half nigger. So no.

Are you able to shit in a toilet?


Literally the most powerful race.

Currently going out with an 18 year old 5th generation German-Australian, so I'll be making a hapa with her when she finishes university :)

Do you worship Duterte?

Where do you go/who do you pay to learn your family's ancestry? I'm 100% interested in learning

Ask your parents and grandparents. They're the most reliable source.

Call your parents and ask them what they know? Also ask them who in the family might know more. I had to call my uncle to find out a few things. Also my one grandma is still alive so I talked to her. Those ancestry websites are bullshit.


Not at first. The Philippine's political system is a massive joke and they always vote/worship in because of personality rather than policy, but with how fucked up the country is, I guess he is a necessary force.

I actually like what he's done with the country in terms with exposing and dealing with corruption, but I honestly think that it's still one of the worst countries in the world right now.

Every time I visit my hometown deep down south, we always get an armed escort of militia men to protect us.

My family is fairly well to do (business, politics and property) so we've been targeted a couple of times. Shit's fucked.


I know the basic lineage and stuff. My family still holds the land we acquired through the Homestead Act. But I need to know if my bloodline is pure desu

>tfw too poor for dna tests


Sorta fucked up with the kike mixing. But otherwise pretty solid. Story behind why Americans came to Czech Republic? And why is factory in Argentina?


Well you can get genetic testing for about a hundred dollars. You can also search birth and death records in city halls.

>subhuman buk buk
>getting laid

whats a good site to use for dna tests?

i only know of 23 and me. There are others that are more accurate but more expensive. 23 and me is the cheapest

You know, I actually fucked an Ashkenazi Jew from Israel last year on one of business trips to Tokyo last year. She was a freak in bed. I came in her several times so you might bump into one of my bastards in a couple months time :)

I'll fuck you up esè

They came after WWI to newly created Czechoslovakia to help their family out with finances and help locals rebuild houses aswell, they lived in Argentina aswell so that explains why he build the factory there.

Shit, forgot to reply to you.

It's all white folks, I'm pure.

97% Ashkenazi

Enjoy the flesh light, subhuman slave

you're not white either
you literally a nobody you weird cunt

I'm a rich Israeli-British national that is destined to rule over mongrels?

you're not white
you're a nobody

I don't think that's plausible. Aren't most modern day Ashkenazim only like 20% Jewish and mostly European?

Get woke turkshit

You are literally a subhuman deplorable goy

>inb4 "poo in loo"

R1b1b2a1a2f paternal haplotype.

>You are literally a subhuman deplorable goy
No, i am an white European
And you're a fucking jew aka. non white


Since when subhuman Turkoats are White Europeans?


They're not
I am not one of them, you are though
pic related

The subclade E3b1 (probably originating in eastern Africa) has a wide distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. This haplogroup, in Italy, is represented by E-M78, E-M123 and E-M81 (Figure 3) and reaches a frequency of 8% in northern and central Italy and slightly higher, 11%, in the south of that country.
It has also been argued that the European distribution of E3b1 is compatible with the Neolithic demic diffusion of agriculture; thus, two subclades—E3b1a-M78 and E3b1c-M123—present a higher occurrence in Anatolia, the Balkans, and the Italian peninsula. Another subclade, E3b1b-M81 is associated with Berber populations and is commonly found in regions that have had historical gene flow with northern Africa, such as the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary Islands, and Sicily.

Chinese master race passing through.

>tfw north western mutt

The eternal kraut. Kids will be eternal too, gotta make sure same will happen for grand kids. Rest is out of my control.

You are just envious of my Slav Strong genes which compliment my Anglo-Saxon masterrace looks and mentality.

>tfw you're the eternal leaf

>Southern Europe
>Not europe
>literally says southern europe
okay mr. genius

h3h3 le poo in le loo

>Albos 99%

mfw when paternal great-grandparents immigrated from Germany in midlate 40s and maternal grandparents immigrated from Norway in 50s, neither bred outside their ethnicity until my parents met, and making tree wouldn't even be worth the time.


>Turkified Ukrainians
>Ahmed was born in Europe therefore he's European

Pure AB type blooded, blue eyed white reporting in.

My ancestors are European
My family is European
My whole neighbourhood is European
I've seen 3 niggers in my life
5 muslims
and 0 jews

>subhuman spaniards
>North Western

>mongrels are European because they live in Europe
Iberian niggers and subhuman Balkanturks are not European




We are, but keep telling yourselves that we're not if that makes you feel better
you fat desperate manlet seeking for attention.
>mongrels are European because they live in Europe
so germanics and slavs are not european either?
nice logic faggot
and in what fucking way are croats mongrels?
they have never even reached croatia

1,000,000,000% Byzantine-Hellenic Royalty, boys.

basque doesn't count

>A jew calling someone subhuman

Why does it triggers me so much ?

>he's only 18.75% Bavarian.

Get on my level scrub

Pick one, and only one.


Turkified? Ahahaha No.

Pic very related

The scourge of mudslimes and jooz


Your Dad is really fucking old.

>inb4 nigger

Grüß Gott Josef

Most people think he's 55, his hair is only half grey, and his father lived to 94. I think we've got a long life gene

Kinda sad really, given the horrors you'll live to see and all...

I will live to see le 25% face memes

Jews lived in their own Shtetls seperate from the rest of Polish society. I'm no kike.

Do you make a mean gyro?

What are the flags in the top left and the ones with the blue and white diamonds?

hello fellow humans

My parents recently retired, so we sold the restaurant. But we did make a dope gyro. But it was the standard American-style "doner" gyro, not the classic authentic pork gyro you would get in Greece, pic related. We could have done the pork, but we had a sizable contingent Muslim customers who won't even step foot inside a place that serves pork, even if there are other options.

To lazy to post a tree but they're all Belgian catholics afaik

rate mine, i am full blooded burger

Definitely inherited how stacked up you are from your maternal grandfather

>sharing blood with people that cant even make a dipstick or figure out that a coupe has only have 2 doors


what do you look like.

>I'll be making a hapa with her when she finishes university
God bless


100% Ghegene phenotype

What else did you think? Racemixers get the bucket.

Berlin I think