Last thread a few weeks ago got SHUT DOWN fast by Mods.
AMA for next 40 mins
Other urls found in this thread:
how do I gt an azn wafiu
CIA leaks video when?
There seems to be a fair bit of scuttlbut concerning Venezuela, when it comes to a world power moving in and country. Any validity to this?
What should I do to save my country?
Should I get candid, shill?
Are you really not ethnic nationalist? Civic nationalism is for cuckolds afraid of conflict and even then libtards won't take your side.
Are you going to call out Jewry more in the future? You've touched on it a little but I would like to see you go full Adolf.
who the fuck are you?
Come to Tokyo.
Late now, but I am going to have something up tomorrow. All the "Classical Liberals and Skeptics" are missing the point.
My country too mate.
Very hard to watch the implosion. Either move to the Maritimes or Get out.
Boxers or briefs
Why do you pronouns your word about as aBOOT?!?
Canadian eyyyyyyy?
Who are you?
Is it true that your jewish or is that one of those stupid rumors that they make up about everybody?
Explain your insane production vslue, please. How do you keep cranking out such high quality visuals and precise editing?
LOL. Wake up duckling.
I think the original peoples of every place should always hold sway. But I don't hate anyone. It is all about keeping diversity in check.
Not going to happen.
What is your educational background and current occupation? Feel free to keep it vague if you want.
Who, if anyone, would you prefer to see win the Conservative party leadership race?
Also proof in the form of a time stamp would be appreciated.
what he said.
plus i dont think you're the real guy. so, proof or fuck off.
>Not going to happen.
Why not? Are you afraid of the repercussions or are you a good goy?
... the world hates a leaf. To be sure.
Totally not.
Everyone is a Jew on Sup Forums as I understand.
What you are used to is a bunch of people that have very little understanding of how to edit.
Like anything.
it is a skill that you master via repetition.
Most of these GODS of pol have no understanding of "production values."
Missed last thread who is op?
What's your take on the 5,000 YouTube channels dedicated to mocking SJWs? Is it just a redundant circlejerk at this point?
How long do you think Dems are going to spend trying to stall Trump's cabinet picks?
They're being absolute pissbabies about it.
>anyone with a Jap proxy is an FBI insider
I hate this place.
Claims to be Black Pigeon Speaks
Dunno if he is.
this, why would you throw away all your credibility for a likely minor quantity of shekels?
why are you such a weeb cuck
what'd you go to japan for you dumb faggot
you know it's true you dirty kike bitch
Black Pigeon Speaks (apparently). Look him up on Youtube, he's done some pretty good videos.
So what's this thread? Are you just some Japanese guy or is the bird something important.
Time stamp please.
I am an independent businessman. I have been for the majority of my post Uni life.
Canada is done one way or another
For proof:
See above.
Given rates of birth, population, immigration, pakistani rape gangs, Pakistani cousin-marriages, (and subsequent effects on IQ, genetic dis-orders etc), and national debt/borrowing, do you think it would it be deemed overly racist to advocate a policy of deporting all immigrants dependent on state money, starting with a purge of Pakistani nationals in, say, 8 Uk towns (eg Rotherham first), on the basis of it being immoral to leave future generations to pay for all the above?
Would sending all natives dependent on state money to a "workhouse" justify the above policy?
Would a political movement advocating the above, as a means to have current events more clearly recognised, stand any chance of being elected?
Really like your videos btw.
Hey BPS, no question just saying thank you for videos that are easy for my normie friends to understand.
Cute teen girl.
Why is millennial woes such an embarrassing autist
I'm a homosexual republican, and I will say this: you are my husbando and your voice soothes me like nothing I've ever felt.
Thank you for your videos.
>recuring digits
praise him
BPS - why did you go to Japan?
Pretty sure he also uses some site for assets and edits them together. I heard him mention it in an interview or something but I forget the name.
Don't know.
I'm not a part of the "Classical Liberal" - "Skeptic Community"
You tell me. I think they are a fucking joke. But that is just me.
It is more than that. It is sedition. Deep State Mate.
I have explained this to the back teeth. Not going to again.
Why is the U.S. so bad at domestic propaganda?
Why are they less in touch with their population than Russia?
Drop some redpills
Do you think the Jew are behind everything wrong with the west
Also how did you become redpilled
Hi BPS, would you please do a video about the organized destruction of the family and gynocentric marriage laws?? I think strong families are the bedrock of a population that can fight back and until we fix that nothing else can really be done.
Seriously who are you? I did not see the original AMA.
stfu and lurk more leaf, adults are talking.
>He doesn't like Woes
Brainlet detected.
Thanks for proofs, your videos are definitely the slickest out there right now.
Which other right-wing Youtuber's do you like/respect?
Pls respond fampai
If done ethically, would you support ethnonationalism for whites or any other race?
Hi BPS! Thanks for doing the vid on SA. Much appreciated.
What is your ancestry
Come to Australia lad, ill buy you a beer
>tfw I made a girl cry by forcing her to watch your vids
What is it with Sup Forums and hopping on the dick of every fat english teacher to post with a japanese ip? How retarded do you have to be to think this guy is japanese?
2/10 roleplay thread desu
I always thought when his videos open with "a original" that was a shoutout to some website that makes flashy videos for you kek
Yeah, that's pretty much what I was referring to
I like his videos, I just think he's a lazy fatass not reaching his potential
Call out the Jewish connection to all the world's plights or ELSE YOU'RE APART OF THE PROBLEM.
Hrmph...It's facts...Don't you like FACTS Mr.Hato? Guess you're not into facts...Guess you like LIES!
Did you feed her eggs too?
What are your thoughts on civic nationalism? Can different races actually put aside their differences and work together to from a nation that actually cares about itself? I believe it can be done but it seems as though the divide between white people and 'poc' has become wider and wider due to liberals and (((them))) and nothing really seems to bring them together. Do you think it can actually work and what can be done in countries like America and Canada to bring people together and make them nationalist?
I don't recall if you've ever touched upon this but what are your thoughts on Libertarianism?
Video on the JQ when?
slick reference
Why'd you go full retard on the atheist video?
I honestly thought you were better than that.
Do you have children?
Not realistic. Expulsion will only happen during times of utter national despair.
Cheer user.
Muhammad, are there not some window to break?
Originally, for work.
You've brought up Newfoundland on a few occasions when speaking of demographics. Have you been here, and what do you think of the place?
Not very many non-whites outside of St. John's, but our provincial government and the federal government have repeatedly screwed us over imo. Is NLexit as much a pipe dream as you think Alberta secession is?
t. a Newf
Tips fedora
what system, if any, do you consider a greater one than democracy?
Plz don't run, your agenda doesn't bother me.
This is a discussion we need to have.
I want this country to have a majority population that actually respects it once more.
The extreme polarization was fun for a decade or two. But it's alienated too many from each other, and from their country.
Not an argument.
>pic related
>it's you
Why did the dems give up on liberalism? Did they really run out of good ideas and collectively decided to turn to identity politics?
Hello from Israel.
Do you think the diaspora Jews have any reason to take the entire west into a state of degeneracy, if so why?
what are your thoughts on ghost/true capitalist radio?
What's good in Nippon, Felix?
Do you think the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is still a thing, that globalists are following a 100 year old plan to deliberately admix the European gene pool in Europe and North America with the purpose of breeding a mixed population destined for a life of powerlessness and servitude?
Or are any of these reasons closer to their motivation:
1) Their banking/economic schemes rely on population growth and they will stop at nothing because they're paranoid their house of cards will collapse, they have the furthest to fall. They don't care if they run a 30 thousand year old people into the ground and defile a beautiful mosaic of k-selected cultures who do not threaten the world with overpopulation, as long as they get to sit on top of the pile for another generation. They do this knowingly and are evil, bitter people to their core.
2) They know the migrants will cost more than they add to the economy, what they actually want is internal friction/civil war so they have an excuse to usher in a police state and have more power. They are obsessive tyrants
3) A certain powerful group simply wants revenge for the last century. Tthey enjoy shitting on the European legacy, and the Europeans who abet them, no matter how highly placed, are completely cucked and self-loathing.
Do you think any of them actually believe they are doing good in all this, or do you think they privately joke about how gullible Westerners have become?
If you hate Canada so much, why don't you fuck off?
Sempai, pls notice me
How did you feel about the m103 protest across Canada, and what more can be done?
I was at the Montreal one, good turn up but still felt ineffective.
Its 14.88 plus tax merchant if you want to ask a question
Your opinions on the french election ? Who do you think will win ?
I don't have a question, I just wanted to say I love your videos and I'm amazed by how well made they are.
Keep up the good work!
he is in Japan, Zhang. Look at the flag.
Because you guys are scum.
BPS, are you a mixed kid?
Only ask because it will be funny to pull that on the libs when they try to go "A FUCKING WHITE MALE" with your videos.
He runs a professional weeaboo tour guide vlog and that's where he gets all the b-roll and editing set up
These interviews were both great.
>tfw no qt traditionalist white gf
>thinking some shitty "explanation" excuses getting caught as a shill
Fucking call out the jews, or we all unsubscribe, my digits command thee
You should do a video on the efect of migrants and refugees on small community's and the housing marked. I can't sell my house anymore because there are two places close by (within 1 km) where refugees live. And the effect of white fled that I have noticed in my neighborhood.
Whats your stance on race realism and the importance of iq?
Well I agree, but why. Also I want an answer from BPS himself as well to see what he has to say about it
Oh shit
Why are you so blackpilled based pigeon merchant? Why do you seem to never voice any hope for improving anything and instead advocate turning tail and fleeing?
Checked and keked
>calling out himself
>Well I agree, but why.
Deep seated feelings of inferiority (self-hatred) mixed with a desire to have control in an uncontrollable plane.