How long did it take the media to get the black population onboard with the homosexual agenda and when did it start?
Black people used to be vehemently opposed to it.
Moonlight winning best picture. Blond would have won a grammy if it was submitted.
How long did it take the media to get the black population onboard with the homosexual agenda and when did it start?
Black people used to be vehemently opposed to it.
Moonlight winning best picture. Blond would have won a grammy if it was submitted.
The original title for the film is 'Gaslight'.
gasdark actually
Plz don't bring qt Ingrid Bergman and her film into this, she is too pure for this degeneracy.
>How long did it take the media to get the black population onboard with the homosexual agenda and when did it start?
We're still against it, the only place where black homosexuality is embraced is in US prisons, apart from that, large majority of blacks oppose this faggotry.
It's all this SJW shit
lel are you joking, fucking other men in the ass is the national pastime of the hood only second to fucking your children
>making niggers gay
What did schlomo mean by this?
Yet so many of you are fags which is why you get AIDs
>Black people used to be vehemently opposed to it.
Laffin' we still are. I'd gladly temporarily halt racial tensions to beat some sense into gays and transsexuals.
Too bad planned parenthood exists and you're all Jewish-handled demons who get off on misery.
I thought blacks hated gays, what the fuck happened
Did the jews get to them too?
>yet so many of you are fags which is why you get AIDs
>"so many of you"
>what is Africa
>what are STDs
>Black people used to be vehemently opposed to it
M8 you don't talk to a lot of black people do you they most black guys hate fags and most if not all minus the gay ones believe in the gay agenda
>Entertaining faggotry
>Probing answer
Esau please, stop adopting jewish tricks.
they're retarded, for a niggerican it's considered straight to cap a nigga's ass or get your dick sucked by Jamal
literally bonobo mentality
Africa is a place where the majority of western blacks have never been and STDs are more common amongst gays, especially AIDS. Black guys all fuck each other then pretend not to be gay and spread it to their women too. Blacks are like 5x more likely to have AIDS or something.
>black people
>watching moonlight
>Blacks are like 5x more likely to have AIDS or something.
Probably due to genetics.
>Africa is a place where the majority of western blacks have never been and STDs are more common amongst gays
Define "Western Blacks", are you talking about blacks from West Africa, or Blacks that have been "Westernized".
>Black guys all fuck each other then pretend not to be gay and spread it to their women too
Citation needed.
Also, you should obviously know that the (((Hollywood))) always targets the tiny minority groups, put a spotlight on them, then raise awareness on how we should be more accepting of said group they targeted, gay blacks are a minority within the black community and are generally disliked, no one is safe from the Entertainment Jew.
Can I get a quick statdump on these guys?
>>mother in law wants to watch this movie bc must be good to win
>>have to explain to her what the "DL" is and that many black men do this
>>Red pill her on HIV stats and blacks
>>she still unironically refers to large stones in her lawn as niggerheads
The movie was garbage tier.
blackanon here.
You're mistaken, the black population is not on board with the agenda of liberal whites to feminize the image of the black man in America. The only ppl who enjoyed and praised moonlight were liberal whites, not the black community.
aren't they obsessed with cocks?
i saw en episode on Law and Order about it years ago, black people call it being on the down low, so they've been onboard for awhile now
If you go to any hood in America and anywhere in Africa, you'll see how untrue that is. Maybe the intellectual blacks but they've always been fags and they've always been lefty.
Legit liberals aren't around black people for more than a few minutes on the street so when they see some gay black actor, they think they've got the whole nigger populace converted to tolerance. You'll still get shot for being a queer in Camden or Watts.